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1、1英语八年级上册 Unit1-Unit 2 阶段检测 一:单项选择题:( ) 1. _ good newspaper we found!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a( ) 2. We have some engineers to help, but we need _A. more three; B. three another C. more some D. three more( ) 3. What_ your school life _ ? It _ watching TV.A. does; like; likes B. do; like ; lik

2、es C. is; like; is like D. is; likes; is likes( ) 4. The farmer has_ than that one.A few sheeps B few sheep C fewer sheep D fewer sheeps ( ) 5. Chinese students have _ weeks _ in the summertime than American students.A. more, away B. fewer, of C. less, off D. more, off( ) 6 . His money is _ mine .A.

3、 twice more than B. more than twiceC. more twice than D. two times fewer than( ) 7. Taking a car is always _ than _ a bus.A. faster, take B. fast , to takeC. faster , taking D. more faster , taking( ) 8. The _you eat, the _ you will be.A. much, fat B. more, slimmer C. more, fater D. more, fatter( )

4、9. How long does she spend _ English at the English corner now.A. practice speaking B. practicing spoken C. practicing speaking D. are practicing to speak( ) 10. The little boy _ his seat to an old man on the bus.A. offered B. brought C. lent D. took( ) 11. I dont know which is _ book, this one or t

5、hat one?A. more interesting B. the more interestingC. interesting D. the most interesting( ) 12. Bob skates _ than I, but he doesnt skate _ my brother.A. good, as good as B. better; as well asC. well, as well as B. better, as good as( ) 13. _ the number of the teachers in our school? -_200.A. How ma

6、ny are; There are B. How much is; There is C. Whats; There is D. Whats; Its( ) 14. You are always late for school. Why not get up a little_?A. more earlier B. early C. earlier D. most earliest( ) 15. _ people know about it. It is a secret.A. Only a little B. Very few C. Very a few D. Very little四:根据

7、中文或英标写单词:1.There are thousands of _(语言) in the world.2. We must always remember the _(英雄) names in Wenchuan Earthquake.3. Of all the students, Nancy lives _(远)from the school.4. Jim, would you help me buy an _(橡皮) from the shop?5. My four-year-old son drew three _(正方形) on the piece of paper just now

8、.6. Do you want to go to any _ (外国的) countries in the future?7. This is a _(真的) car, not a toy car.28. He was quite _(幽默的) ,and I liked that about him.9. Students in Changshu No. 1 Middle School should wear school _(制服)on special days.10. After doing sports, I feel much_(口渴).五:动词填空:1. Time seems _(

9、go ) more slowly when we are having a boring class. 2. I am sorry to keep you _(stay) here for so long.3. Our team _(win) the two matches at first, but at last we failed. 4. _(give) your seat on the bus to someone in need is polite.5. She finished _(make) a card before 8 p.m.6. We wont take after-sc

10、hool activities if we _(not be) free next Thursday.7. She is learning _(drive) a car on a busy street.8. When something _(worry) me, I went to my teacher for help in the past.9. Who is the best at _(draw) horses among all the Chinese artists?10. Our monitor Tina is willing _(help) us with our homewo

11、rk any time.六:句型转换:1. My ideal time at school is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (改为同义句 )My ideal school _ at 9 a.m. and _ at 3 p.m.2. Jim is 10 years old. Lucy is 11 years old.(改为同义句)Jim is _ _ _ _Lucy.3. I spent 5 yuan on the notebook, he spent 7 yuan on it, and she spent 9 yuan on it. I _ _ _ money on the

12、notebook of the three.4. The weather in Changshu is very hot in summer, but the weather in Guiyang is very cool.The weather in Changshu is _ _ _ in Guiyang in summer.5. Betty is the thinnest girl in her class.Betty is _ than _ _ girls in her class.6. Mr Wu met his students once a week in the past._

13、_ _ a week _ Mr Wu _ his students in the past?八:翻译句子:1. 三班的学生比四班少。_2. John 总是撒谎,别相信他说的话。_3. 每周你有多少时间用于打羽毛球?最多两小时。_4. 临近聚会结束时,他们作了一场时装表演。_5. 我们常常在课堂上和他们讨论这些数学题。_3英语八年级上册 Unit1-Unit2 阶段检测答案(满分 100)一:单项选择题:15 CDCCD 610 ACDCA 1115 BBDCB 四:根据中文或英标写单词:1. languages 2. heroes 3. farthest 4. eraser 5. squares 6. foreign 7. real



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