unit1 sectionA 课文讲解要点

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1、Step 1: Warm-up 1) What does the title mean?2) In times of trouble, what will you usually think?3) Talk about the love around us?4) Some sayings about loveStep2: Structure Part I (Para. 1-3): All family members took good care of Jimmy. Part II (Para. 4-7): I looked after Jimmy alone after parents de

2、ath.Part III (Para. 8-11): Jimmys 57th birthday was a success.Part (Para. 12): Conclusion:love without limitations.Step 3: Language points and Difficult Sentences Part I: Difficult Words and Phrases1. justice n. the quality of being just; fairness At last the criminals are being brought to justice.这

3、个罪犯终于要依法惩处了。2. track down find sb. or sth. after a long searchAre the doctors able to track down the cause of the infection.I finally tracked down the sort of ribbon I needed in a small shop near the station.3. pick on treat sb. badly or unfairlyWhy pick on me? There are others who are absent from c

4、lass.She told me that the boys were always picking on her.4. tell on inform against sb.I will tell on you when the teacher gets back.The prisoner hoped to gain freedom by telling on his companions in the robbery.5. 单词否定前缀相关知识:inseparable, unloada-, dis-, in-, ig-, il-, im-, ir-, un-, dis-, mis-, 并列举

5、相应的例词6 wreck n. a badly damaged ship, car or plane; sb. who is tired or unhealthy他们潜入水下寻找一艘西班牙沉船中的黄金。They are diving for gold from a Spanish wreck.如果她继续焦虑下去,她会得精神病。If these anxieties continue, she will become a nervous wreck.7. beneath prep. in or to a lower position than sth.;or directly under sth.

6、 我们在树下荫凉处休息一下好吗?Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees?区分beneath, under, below8. disguise n. v. sth. that is worn to hide who one really is; to hide or change sb.s appearanceThe thief wore a false beard and glasses as a disguise.那贼乔装打扮带上了假胡须和眼镜。这位妇女强作欢笑以掩饰内心的悲伤。 The woman tried to disguise h

7、er sadness in cheerfulness.disguiseas. be in disguise9 penetrate v. to enter sth. or pass through it; to see into or through sth. The sunshine could not penetrate where the trees were thickest. 她戴了一顶假发,但是我们很快就识穿了她的伪装。She has a wig on, but we soon penetrate her disguise.10. vacant adj. (of an express

8、ion) looking as if one is not thinking about anything empty; not filled with anythingvacant expressionwear vacant expression on ones face同义词辨析:vacant, empty, hollowno amount of 再多的也没有用 No amount of words can cover up the lies.No amount of other ills can make us completely wretched.11. grasp v. to un

9、derstand; to take hold of sb. or sth. Grasp the shadow and let go the substance. 舍本逐末 。反义词:loosen, release12. caretaker n. In American English, “caretaker” means “someone who looks after other people,especially a teacher, parent, nurse, etc. 照看人 In British English, “caretaker” means “someone whose j

10、ob is to look after a building, especially a school” (看门人),of which the American equivalent is “janitor”(看门人)。 13. reckon with consider sth. when making plansWe hadnt reckoned with the possibility that it might rain.我没料到要等这么长时间。I didnt reckon with having to wait so long.14. drain v. to cause to flow

11、 off gradually or completely 这些孩子让我筋疲力尽。These children drain my energy.Driving all day really drains me.She felt completely drained after the stressful meeting.He has played for two hours without a break and felt physically drained. 人才流失:brain drain同义词:exhaust15. restrain v. to prevent sb. from doin

12、g sth. 听到这消息我无法控制我的兴奋之情。I cannot restrain my excitement about the news.He gripped my arm, partly to restrain me and partly to reassure me.形近词:drain, constrain16. 手指的相关英文表达:thumb, forefinger(index finger), middle finger, ring finger, little finger17. end up (doing) sth. to be in the end ( in a stated

13、 place or condition) We didnt like it at first, but we ended up cheering. 如果你不努力的话,你将一事无成。If you dont work hard, youll end up nowhere18. get (sb.) through to help sb. deal with a difficult situation Her mothers support got her through her depression. 妈妈的支持让她走出了忧郁。延伸短语:get through sth. use up or cons

14、ume(the specified quantity or amount of sth.)She gets through forty cigarettes a day.(manage to) do or complete sth.Lets start; there is a lot of work to be got through.get (sth.) through (sth.) cause sth. to be officially approved or acceptedDo you think the Bill will get through?get through to sb.

15、 make contact with sb. esp. by telephoneI tried to ring you several times yesterday but I couldnt get through to you.get through with sth. finish or complete (a job, task, etc.)As soon as I get through with my work, I will join you.More phases with “get”: get across, get along, get over, get on, get off, get up 19. reconcile 调和,和解,妥协, 一致How can he reconcile it to his conscience?We must reconcile our statements with our conduct.He had to reconcile himself to his fate.Part II: Difficult Sente



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