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1、儿科护士英文简历模板ransparent”站站.com(+86) 13x-xxxx-xxxxOBJECTIVEA summer position at a pediatric hospital that will build on my previous experiences as a nurse extern, camp counselor, and child care worker.EDUCATIONUniversity of PennsylvaniaSchool of NursingPhiladelphia, PAB.S.N. expected in May 202xGeneral

2、Clinical I: Fall 202x Medical/Surgical:Fall 202x Obstetrics:Spring 202xGeneral Clinical II:Spring 202xGeriatrics:Fall 202xPediatrics: Spring 202xWORK EXPERIENCESHRINERS HOSPITAL FOR CHILDRENPhiladelphia, PA May 202x - presentNurse Extern: •Take vital signs, perform catheterizations and bowel pr

3、ograms, record intakes and outputs. •Assist in transfers and in dressing and feeding patients. •Maintain patient hygiene, apply rehabilitation devices, and effectively communicate with patients, parents, and colleagues. PALEY EARLY LEARNING CENTERPhiladelphia, PA June - August 202xCamp Cou

4、nselor: •Supervised 15-20 middle school children. •Planned and implemented activities, maintained health/injury forms, provided meals and snacks to children, handled injuries and sicknesses. •Supervised swimming activities, chaperoned children on trips, and maintained contact with par

5、ents and directors.THE MCS GROUP, INC.Philadelphia, PA March 202x - present Accounts Payable Assistant:•Type, process, and mail checks. Maintain document files, assist with billing, and enter information into computer database.LEADERSHIP AND ACTIVITIESSecretary/TreasurerStudent Nurses at Penn (

6、SNAP)December 202x - present•Develop and implement budget. Advise the board about finances. Organize minutes and do paperwork for the organization.Community Service ChairStudent Nurses at Penn (SNAP)December 202x - December 202x•Planned American Red Cross Blood Drives and service projects.

7、 •Attended the National Student Nurses Association Annual Convention in Nashville, TN in April ’09 and the Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania Convention in the Poconos in November ’09.Newman Council Board MemberJanuary 202x - December 202x•Planned activities with the Ne

8、wman Catholic community, including Operation Santa Claus and other service projects. Alternative Spring Break March 202x•Worked at the Denver Rescue Mission in Colorado, serving meals and sorting donations. 简历填写自我评估点写啊? 毕业生就业制度改为社会选择就业制度后,求职者首先遇到的就是如何写好求职信。通过写求职信与用人单位取得联系,也是”双选”就业的一种有效方式。学会写好求职

9、信和填好履历表,是踏上成功的第一步。因为将求职信写得清楚、准确又有条理,会给用人单位留下一个良好的第一印象。也是吸引聘人单位的重要条件之一。写求职信没有成规,也没有统一格式,一般来说,求职信的基本内容应包括以下几点: (一)用人消息是从什么地方得到的,说明自己希望申请哪种工作。因为用人单位往往同时为多个岗位招聘人才,如不写清申请哪种工作,聘人单位将无法回复。 (二)告诉聘人单位,你对该项工作如何感兴趣,你有哪方面的专业知识和特长、才能,受过哪方面的培训和锻炼,对这项工作有何研究,有哪方面的成就等等。 (三)简单介绍一下自己的资历,写出自己就读的学校名称、主修和选修的科目。如果你觉得有必要,可以

10、列出某些科目的考试成绩。 (四)求职信中还可以写进与求职有关的其他有利条件,如参加过哪些课外活动,做过哪些调查,有哪方面的工作经验等等。 (五)求职信的最后,应该提醒聘人单位留意你附呈的简历,请求给予回音等等。除了求职信的内容外,写求职信时还应该注意以下5个问题: (1)写求职信时,字迹不要潦草,应清楚、工整,给人一种办事认真负责的印象。 (2)求职信应该具有针对性,每申请一份工作,应该认真写好一份求职信,以表示自己对申请这份工作很真诚。不要千篇一律的写几十份求职信到处投寄,其结果必然是处处落空。 (3)谦虚是我国人民的美德,但在求职信里过分谦虚,就不能正确反映出你的实绩和才能。应该在求职信里强调自己的长处,但是,在强调长处时,又要避免出现过于自负、自信。 (4)在求职信中需要用我觉得、我看、我想、我认为等语气来说明自己的观点时,要慎重,否则会给聘人单位留下你自高自大、思想不成熟的感觉。 (5)字迹整洁,文句通顺,语气精练,切忌冗长,实事求是,突出重点。



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