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1、1英语“语法和词汇知识”考点预测2010-06-03 lgd668001.冠词 I wonder what it feels like to be one of _ really rich. The Browns already have Rolls Royce and now they are buying _ third. A. the; the B.不填; a C. the; a D.不填; the练习:I ordered pizza and saladThe pizza was nice but salad was disgusting.Athe, the B a, the Ca, a

2、 Dthe, a2.交 际 用 语 Im going to Appleby tomorrow _! Im going up there tooAWhat a coincidence BGood luck CCongratulations DGood idea练习: - I really enjoy these Sichuan foods! I just cant wait to have a try.- _ . Im more than glad that you like them.A. Enjoy yourself B. Help yourself C. Behave yourself D

3、. Try them yourself -_. - Thank you. I certainly will.A. I wish you great happiness. B. May I help you?C. Will you help me with my work? D. Please remember me to your family. -Cliff, I lost your ball at school. I suppose I should pay for it.-Oh._. It was just an old ball anyway.A. Take it easy B. By

4、 no means C. You got it D. Forget it-Would you mind if I asked you where youre from? - .AOf course. Im from London. BSure. I was born in London.CNot really. You can do it. DNot in the least. Im from London.-Guess what? Yesterday I ran into Jessie, one of my old friends. We havent seen for years.- !

5、A. Sounds great B. Good for you C. So nice D. Once again -If I have any trouble designing Swiss Pavilion of EXPO2010, could you help me?- . A. Its a pleasure B. It doesnt matter C. Not at all D. By all means3. 代 词Robert made a call to his parents yesterday afternoonTo his disappointment, of them ans

6、wered it. Aeither Bboth Cnone Dneither练习:T he money spent on food was just one fourth of _ spent on education.A. that B. what C. which D. the one.M om promised to buy me a nice gift for my birthday,_ beyond my imagination.A. which B. that C. something D. the one .We should make full use of whatever

7、happens to usThere is always_ to learn from every experience. Anothing Banything Csomething Deverything .-Does _ of the two foreigners work in Chengdu?w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m-Yes._ of them have been working here as English teachers for three years now.A. any; Both B. either; All C. either; Both D. both,

8、 Both.-What kind of food would you like to eat?-_but Japanese.-How about Korean,then?A. Anything B. Something C. Everything D. Nothing4. 情态动词 Sir,the young man is still waiting at the gate,_ he have an another try?Awill Bshould Cshall Dmust答案:C shall与第一、三人称连用时表示向对方征求意见或请示。 练习:-Can I smoke in this ha

9、ll?-No, you cant. If you_ , please go to the smoking room.A. should B. might C. can D. must2This course should be quite interesting .You may as well(不妨)do more speaking.But her appearance has changed so much that you may well(很可能)not recognize her.Each _have his own opinion, and therefore youd bette

10、r not try to persuade others.A. can B. shall C. must D. would Why didnt you give a hand to the boy? I _, but he struggled to his feet before I tried to.A. would like to have B. would like to C. would rather to have D. would better答案:A.本题考查would like to的有关知识。would like to have done表示“过去打算做而未做” You ha

11、ve a big mouth, Tom. You _ have told everybody the secret.A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. mightnt5. 动词 With mobile phones, its easier to communicate with people because you can them almost any time . Atouch Bget Creach Dhear练习:.To assure the success of the party, everyone is required to _ no effort

12、s in the preparations.A. spare B. make C. share D.spend.Why is he always forcing his daughters to practise playing the piano if she is not _ for a pianist!A. meant B. intended C. trained D. asked mean sb. for sth.(尤用于被动)打算/ 注定要某人成为.而 be intended for 表示为计划/设计.If you use another method to solve this p

13、roblem, youll probably _ it.A. make B. get C. finish D. take6动词时态语态 HelloCan I speak to Robert, please? Hold on, pleaseHe _ in the garageAworks Bworked Cis working Dhas worked练习: Professor Li _ in London. No wonder he knows a lot about England.A. is said to be studying B. is said to have studiedC. .

14、 had said to study D. has said to have studied答案 B .be said to have done 表示据说的事情发生在主句谓语动作之前. 注意它和 be said to do 以及be said to be doing 的区别 。 Tom, you _ television channels. Its a bad habit. Sorry, Mom, I wont do that again.A. have always changed B. always change C. always changed D. are always changi

15、ng答案:D be always doing sth.表示说话人的某种情绪 “赞扬和不耐烦 ”。 “你看,你总是换电视频道,这是个坏习惯/毛病” 。By 2012 B eijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway _, with _ all the people will be content.A. is completed; that B. will have been completed; whichC. has been completed; the people D. will have completed; it答案:B 本题关键是介词短语 by 2012,即到后年怎样,要用将来完成时态,且用 被 动 语 态 。


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