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1、考研英语核心词汇速成胜经 Unit 8一、 真题文章The government is to banpayments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases such as the trial of Rosemary West.In a significant tightening of legalcontrols over the press. Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a draft bill tha

2、t will propose making payments to witnesses illegal and will strictly control the amount of publicity that can be given to a case before a trial begins.In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee. Lord Irvine said he agreed with a committee report this year

3、 which said that self regulation did not offer sufficient control.Publication of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a storm of media protest when he said the interpretation of privacycontrols contained in European legislation would be left to judges rather than to Parliament.The Lord

4、Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which makes the European Convention on Human Rights legally binding in Britain, laid down that everybody was entitled to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families.Press freedoms will be in safe ha

5、nds with our British judges, he said.Witness payments became an issue after West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995. Up to 19 witnesses were said to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers. Concerns were raised that witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their sto

6、ries in court to ensure guilty verdicts.二、 译文政府将要查禁报界付款给那些牵涉到大案要案(诸如罗斯玛丽.韦斯特案件)的证人以图收买他们的行为。为了更有效地对新闻界实施合法监控,大法官埃尔文勋爵将草拟法案。该法案将提出,付款给证人是非法的;在审判开始前,对案件的暴光程度也要严格控制。在写给下议院新闻媒体选择委员会主席杰拉尔德.考夫曼的信中,埃尔文勋爵说,他赞同委员会今年的报告,该报告称,自我约束并未发挥足够的监控作用。埃尔文勋爵说,对欧洲立法中所包涵的关于个人隐私监控权的解释,将留给法官,而不是议会。这招致新闻媒体的一片抗议。此后两天,信被公之于世。大法

7、官说, 人权法案的引入使得欧洲人权公约在英国有了法律效力,它规定了人人都享有个人隐私权,公众人物也可以走上法庭去保护自己及其家人的权利。他说:“由我们英国的法官来负责,新闻自由将安然无恙。 ”1995年,罗斯玛丽.韦斯特被判十项无期徒刑,此后,付款给证人的做法成为人们关注的问题。据说有多达十九个证人由于向报界讲述其经历而获得了报酬。这就引起了人们的关注,证人为了确保被告被判有罪,他们可能会被怂恿在法庭上夸大他们经历的事情。三、 考研核心词汇ban / bB:n / n.禁令 vt. 禁止,取缔(书刊等)例 Smoking is banned in school.在学校禁止吸烟。同义 bar,

8、block ,exclude, forbid, obstruct ,outlaw, prohibit反义 approval / E5pru:vEl / n.赞成,承认,正式批准permission/ pE(:)5miFEn / n. 许可,允许witness / 5witnis / n.律证人,目击者,证据,证明,证词 vt.目击,为.作证,证明,表明 vi.作证,成为证据例 His tears witnessed the shame he felt. 他的眼泪说明他感到羞愧。同义 behold, discern, glimpse ,observe ,perceive, see , sight

9、prominent / 5prCminEnt / adj.卓越的,显著的,突出的例 A single tree in a field is prominent .田地里一棵孤零零的树是很显眼的。同义 celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famous, great ,important反义 anonymous / E5nCnimEs / adj. 匿名的派生 prominently / prCmInEntlI / adv. 显著地prominence/ 5prRmInEns / n. 突出,显著,突出物significant/ si5nifikEnt / ad

10、j. 有意义的,重大的,重要的例 a significant speech 意味深长的讲话同义 important反义 insignificant/ 7insi5nifikEnt /adj.无关紧要的,可忽略的,无意义的派生 significance / si5nifikEns / n. 意义,重要性tighten/ 5taitEn / v.变紧,绷紧,拉紧例 Will you tighten this screw; its very loose.你把这个螺丝拧紧好吗,它太松了。反义 loosen/ 5lu:sn /v.解开,放松,松开派生 tightening / 5taitniN /上紧,

11、固定,紧密legal/ 5li:El / adj. 法律的,法定的,合法例 a legal holiday 法定假日同义 admissible, authorized, just ,lawful反义 illegal / i5li:El /adj.违法的,不合规定的派生 legality/ l i(:)5Aliti /n.合法,墨守陈规,法律上的义务chancellor / 5tFB:nsElE / n.长官,大臣例 the Lord Chancellor 大法官draft/ drB:ft /n.草稿,草案,草图 vt. 起草,为.打样,设计 v. 草拟例 draft a bill 起草法案同义

12、 air, bill ,call-up ,check ,drawing ,enlistment ,enrollment ,induction ,note派生 drafting / 5drB:ftiN /起草固定搭配 on draft 散装的,直接汲取的从一个大容器中汲取的,如酒桶;committee / kE5miti / n. 委员会例 Our club has a committee on entertainments.我们俱乐部有一个管理娱乐事宜的委员会。同义 council ,delegation, group派生 committeeman / kEmItImEn / n. 委员pro

13、test / prE5test / n.主张,断言,抗议 v.主张,断言抗议,拒付例 The people made a protest about the rise in prices.人们对价格上涨提出抗议。同义 challenge ,disapprove ,dispute, dissent, object, squawk反义 agree/ E5ri: / vi. 同意,赞成.的意见,与.一致,承认,适合 vt.同意派生 protestatory/ prEJtestEtErI /adj.表示抗议 (或异议)的privacy / 5praivEsi /n. 独处而不受干扰,秘密例 We mu

14、st respect others privacy.我们应该尊重别人的隐私。同义 cloister, hideaway, intimacy, isolation, retreat, sanctum, seclusion, secrecy派生 private / 5praivit / adj. 私人的,私有的,私营的,秘密的 n.士兵convention / kEn5venFEn /n. 大会,协定,习俗,惯例例 social conventions 社会习俗派生 conventional/ kEn5venFEnl / adj.惯例的,常规的,习俗的,传统的verdict / 5vE:dikt

15、/n. 律(陪审团的)裁决,判决,判断,定论,结论例 The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty. 判决是犯人有罪。同义 decision, decree, determination, finding, judgment, pronouncement派生 verdictive / v:dIktIv / n.裁定用词,审判用语四、 强化练习1. SHENZHEN will_ the raising of poultry inside the special economic zone and buy anti-flu drugs worth 20 million yuan (US$2.5 million) in case of a bird flu outbreak.A.ban B. incorporate C. knit D. knot2.China will_ rapid development of its space industry, with the launch of programs for a space station, moon probe and new-type rockets in the next 30 years.A. leak B.witness C. le


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