九年级英语下册 Unit 4 Life on Mars Period 4 牛津版

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1、Unit 4,Grammar,Words and,Expressions,aware circle agreement distance possibility,adj. 知道,意识到 vt. 围绕;将圈起来 n. 一致,同意 n. 距离;远处 n. 可能性,1. To learn to use adverbial clauses or simple sentences 2. To learn to use object clauses or simple sentences 3. To learn to use defining relative clauses or simple sent

2、ences,Using adverbial clauses or simple sentences,Look at the following sentences,Neil Armstrong received his student pilots licence when he was 16. Neil Armstrong received his student pilots licence at the age of 16,Have a look,2. People might float in space because the gravity is low. People might

3、 float in space because of the low gravity. 3. Humans cannot survive if there is no food, water or oxygen. Humans cannot survive without food, water or oxygen,Neil Armstrong received his student pilots licence when he was 16. Neil Armstrong received his student pilots licence _,2. People might float

4、 in space because the gravity is low. People might float in space _ the low gravity. 3. Humans cannot survive if there is no food, water or oxygen. Humans cannot survive _ food, water or oxygen,at the age of 16,because of,without,go,Ready,Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets,2. Yuri Gag

5、arin became the first man to go into outer space at the age of 27. (when,Nei Armstrong took his first flight at the age of six,P56,1. Neil Armstrong took his first flight when he was only six.(at the age of,Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into outer space when he was 27,4. If there is no fre

6、sh food, meals will not be as tasty as they are today. (without,3. People might move to another planet in the future because the population on the Earth is increasing rapidly. (because of,People might move to another planet in the future because of the rapidly increasing population on the Earth,With

7、out fresh food, meals will not be as tasty as they are today,5. It would be funny to play football on Mars because of the low gravity. (because,It would be funny to play football on Mars because the gravity is low,6. Without special boots, you cannot walk on Mars. (ifnot,If there is no special boots

8、, you cannot walk on Mars,状语从句和简单句之间的转换,1. because 引导的原因状语从句用短语because of可转换成简单句,He was late for school because it rained heavily,He was late for school because of the heavy rain,我们可以用介词短语把状语从句转换为简单句,2. if not/no引导的条件状语从句可借助without短语转化为简单句,Humans cannot survive if there is no food, water or oxygen.

9、Humans cannot survive without food, water or oxygen,3. 时间状语从句可借助介词短语转化为简单句,I could swim when I was eight years old. I could swim at the age of eight,He went home after he finished his work. He went home after finishing his work,4. so that引导的目的状语从句可用“in order to”或“so as to”转换为简单句,He decided to buy a

10、camera online so that she could receive it soon,She decided to buy a camera online in order to/ so as to receive it soon,5. sothat引导的结果状语从句的可用“enough to do” 结构变成简单句,This hall is so large that it can hold 2000 people,This hall is large enough to hold 2000 people,Using object clauses or simple sentenc

11、es,Look at the following sentences,The smell of the pills reminds them that food on the Earth is tasty. the smell of the pills reminds them of the tasty food on the Earth,Have a look,2. Are they sure that space travel will be very fast? Are they sure about the fast speed of space travel,The smell of

12、 the pills reminds them that food on the Earth is tasty. the smell of the pills reminds them _,2. Are they sure that space travel will be very fast? Are they sure _ _,of the tasty food on the Earth,about the fast speed,of space travel,go,Ready,Rewrite the sentences into simple sentences,1. Are you c

13、ertain that Tom is satisfied with the plan,2. I dont know which one I can buy,I dont know which one to buy,Are you certain about Toms satisfaction with the plan,3. I heard she was singing in English,I heard her singing in English,Rewrite the sentences into simple sentences,4. The photos remind me th

14、at I travelled to the UK five years ago,5. Do you understand what I said,Do you understand my words,The photos remind me of my trip to the UK five years ago,宾语从句和简单句之间的转换,我们可以用介词把状语从句转换为简单句,1. The photos remind me that I travelled to the UK five years ago,The photos remind me of my trip to the UK fi

15、ve years ago,2. Are you certain that Tom is satisfied with the plan,Are you certain about Toms satisfaction with the plan,常用的一些动词和介词的搭配有: Remind somebody of. 使某人想起. Be sure/certain about 对确信,P57,1. Are you aware _ _ (distance)? 2. Do scientists agree _ _(possibility)? 3. Have they thought _ _(problem)? 4. Are you aware _(transport)? 5. I wonder _ _(number)? 6. I think people should know _ _(differences,of the distance between Mars,and the sun,on the possibility of humans,l


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