九年级英语全册 Unit 14 Have you packed yet Section A1 人教新目标版

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1、Unit 14 Have you packed it yet? Section A Period 1,What are you going to pack when you go on a trip,I think I am going to pack an umbrella. It is very useful because it can be used both on a sunny day and a rainy day,pack,bathing suit,umbrellas,sunglasses,slippers,jeans,camera,fortable shoes,umbrell

2、as,What the three most important things to pack are when you go on a beach vacation/a city vacation,1b Listening,_packed the camera _watered the plants _locked the windows _bought a travel guidebook _bought a street _packed the beach towels,1. Have you packed yet? 你打包了吗? pack v. pack sth. (up)into 整

3、理行装 pack clothes into a trunk 把衣服装进衣箱内 pack into塞进、挤进(某一地方或某一段时间,Explanation,Crowds packed into the cinemas on a wet day. 在雨天, 一大群人挤进电影院。 She managed to pack a lot of sightseeing into the short time she had in London. 她在伦敦,逗留的短短时间中,紧凑地安排了一连串的观光活动,2. Have you watered the plants yet? 你浇了这些花草了吗? water此

4、处为动词,浇浇水,洒洒水之意。 water the lawn / the plants / the streets 洒水于草地(花木,街道)上 water the horses 饮马,No. I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yet. 2. Ive already put it in the garage. 3. But I havent locked the garage yet. 4. Ive already done most of my jobs. 5. Not yet. Ill do it in a minute. 6. Yes, I hav

5、e,2a Listening,M,M,T,T,T,T,Have you fed the cat yet? _ What about your bike? _ Are you ready, Tina? _ Have you turned off your radio? _,2b Listening,5,6,1,2,No, I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yet,Are you ready ,Tina,A: Hi, Tina. Are you ready for the beach vacation? B: No, I havent cleaned ou

6、t the refrigerator yet. A: Have you fed the cat yet? B: Not yet. Ill feed it in a minute. A: Have you turned off your radio? B: Yes. I have. I think were almost ready,Sample conversation,1. I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yet. 我还没有把冰箱清除干净。 clean sth. out 打扫某物之内部,扫除某物的尘土等。 Its time you cleaned

7、your bedroom. 现在该是你打扫卧室的时候了。 clean sth. up 清除罪犯和不道德分子,整顿(某事物,Explanation,The mayor has decided to clean up the city. 市长已决定要整顿市政。 clean sth. down 清扫, 擦干净 clean down the walls 把墙上的尘土扫下,2. Ill do it in a minute. 我马上就做。 in a minute, soon 立刻 Ill e downstairs in a minute. 我马上下楼。 to the minute, exactly 一分不

8、差,准确地,The train arrived at 5 oclock to the minute. 那班列车在五点整到站。 the minute that, as soon as 一就 Ill give him your message the minute that he arrives. 等他一到,我就把你的信给他,3. Have you turned off your radio? 【考例】 Dont forget to _ the lights when you leave the classroom. turn onB. turn off C. turn down (2007海南)

9、 【答案和解析】B。turn off是固定短语,表示“关(水源、煤气、电灯等)”,其反义词组是turn on,4. Are you ready, Tina? 你准备好了吗, Tina? ready for sth. / to do sth. 准备就绪的 ready for work 为工作准备就绪,get ready for a journey 作好旅行准备 be ready to start 准备出发,Grammar 现在完成时的用法 现在完成时表示过去某时发生的行为对主语目前产生的影响。即用过去发生的某个行为来说明现在的某种情况。 We are good friends. (现在的情况)

10、I knew him in 1997.(过去的动作,We have known each other since 1997. (现在完成时把过去的动作和现在联系起来并着眼于现在) She has been to Beijing. (现在已不在北京,从结果上和现在联系起来) She has been in Beijing for two years. (现在仍在北京,从时间上和现在联系起来,现在完成时的三种基本用法: 1、未完成用法。表示动作或状态开始于过去,一直延续到现在,可能继续发展,也可能刚刚结束。 He has been in the army for ten years. I have

11、 studied English since 1980. He has lived here all his life. a. be, live, study 都是延续性动词,b.常用的时间状语: since, for, in the past few years, so far, all his life,2、反复性用法,表示过去到现在这段时间内反复发生的动作。 I have been to the city twice this week. I have often wondered where she gets her money all these days. 这种用法从时间上与现在发

12、生了联系,3、完成性用法,表示动作或状态到说话时已经完成,通常所产生的结果把过去的动作和状态和现在联系起来。 He has gone to Shanghai. 他已经去了上海。 (结果:他已不在这儿,Can you make sure _ the gold ring? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put 使用现在完成时表示过去发生的“放”的动作对现在的影响,究竟金戒指现在“在哪里,When I was at college I _ three fo

13、reign languages, but I _ all except a few words of each. A. spoke; had forgotten B. spoke; have forgotten C. had spoken; had forgotten D. had spoken; have forgotten “但都忘了”是现在的情况,要用现 在完成时,强调结果,Im sorry to keep you waiting. -Oh, not at all. I _ here only a few minutes. A. have been B. had been C. was

14、D. will be “(for) only a few minutes”说明几分钟前来了这里,一直到现在,_ the sports meet might be put off. -Yes, it all depends on the weather. A. Ive been told B. Ive told C. Im told D.I told “被告知”是过去的事,对现在的影响 是“我已知道,The price _, but I doubt whether it will remain so. A. went down B. will go down C. has gone down D

15、. was going down 表示已发生的动作,All the preparations for the task_, and were ready to start. A. pleted B. plete C. had been pleted D. have been pleted 过去的动作“完成了准备工作”,对现在的影响是“现在已准备出发了,My dictionary _. I have looked for it everywhere but still _ it. A. has lost; dont find B. is missing; dont find C. has los

16、t; havent found D. is missing; havent found,Where _ the recorder? I cant see it anywhere. -I _ it right here, but now its gone. A. did you put; have put B. have you put; put C. had you put; have put D. were you putting; have put,The CCTV has been broadcasting English programs ever since 1977,表示一个事件在某个事件之前一直进行, 用于表达事件的持续性。 You look hot and tired. Have you been exercising? Im sorry Im late. Have you been waiting long,Hi, Tracy, you look tired. - I am tired. I


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