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1、优质文档_高三英语下学期基础单词拼写练习(最新版)-Word文档,下载后可任意编辑和处理-高考英语单词拼写专项训练(1)1. Rice is grown in China, Japan andother A_ countries. 2. We aim at q­­­­_ ratherthan quantity.3. The National Games were well o_.4. Does Radio Beijing b_ the news every hour on the hour?5. Several new railways are underc_

2、in China. 6. The students were listening to the teacher a_. 7. We finally p_ the peasant tosend his daughter to school.8. Children are c_ about everythingaround them.9. Shes bought some c_ to make herself a dress.10. The g_ will build more houses for the people. 高考英语单词拼写专项训练(2)11. I am pleased that

3、hegladly a_ our invitation. 12. A soldiers duty is to o_ orders.13. Some people work better under p_. 14. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more c_.15. The patient kept c_ all night.16. Weve got to be p_ and buy only what we need.17. The artist held an e_ of his works last month.18

4、. We gave our classroom a t_ cleaning before the National Day. 19. Parents should help their children to form good h_.20. All the boys were standingup s_.高考英语单词拼写专项训练(3)21.Ill go and see you next_(星期六). 22.Bill has a large collection of_(外国)stamps. 23. Do you think_(游泳)is allowed in the canal? 24. T

5、he book is_(翻译)from Russian. 25.All countries, big or small, should be_(平等).26.Theyre busy_(准备)to go on holiday.27.Dont be frightened by the television camera. Just speak_(自然地)28.What will the_(天气)be like tomorrow? 29.Their office is on the_(第九)floor.30.A fence at the back of the garden_(分开)us from

6、the neighbours.高考英语单词拼写专项训练(4)31.Dontwyour money on silly things 32.Thewind turned my uinside out. _33.IrMike the moment I saw him _34.Do you know the a monthly rainfall in this area? 35.Sleep is n to health _36This bus can carry 60 p._37.Fifty years ago, Chairman Mao a the founding of the Peoples R

7、epublic of China. 38.What is the best-known chain of fast-food r_ in the world? 39.They lived in London until quite r 40.She looks f_ to me, but I dont remember her names.高考英语单词拼写专项训练(5)41.Thatflying school graduates a hundred p_ every year. 42.Tom is _(在楼上). Go and find him yourself . 43.This plant

8、 is found in the _(南部)parts of the country 44.I must a_for not having been able to write to you sooner.45.Two hundred s_ bicycles were returned to their owners last month.46.When I got home after the holiday there were a lot of m_ in my phone. 47.G_ speaking , parents care more about their childrens

9、 health than about their own. 48.I cant tell one from the other because they are only s_different. 49.There has been a 50% growth in the m_ for personal computers. 50.Thank you for o_ to help , but I can manage it myself.高考英语单词拼写专项训练(6)51.We have to get the job done s_. We dont want others to know a

10、bout it.52. My train was 20 minutes late inthe morning and there was a_(相似的)delayin the evening. 53.Miss Li speaks English withexcellent p_. 54. This company is one of the PostOffices biggest c_ 55. The drowning swimmer required thelifeguards i_attention.56. Our victory was c_ withmusic and dancing.

11、 57. Ive never seen a Shakespearesplay p_ so wonderfully. 58. Nowadays most people use paper_(手帕) 59.The boy spoke in a very low voice _(承认)he had broken the glass.60. The_(大多数)ofpeople in my neighborhood are Italian. 高考英语单词拼写专项训练(7)61.The game wasa great success in the United States and it soon s_t

12、o Australia and then tother English-speaking countries. 62.The collegesand universities were only for men. and women were not p _toattend. 63.Trainservices are now back to n _after last weeks strike in New York.64.Theresno need to get angry, I m _suggested that you should do that again.65.Puton your c _, its very cold outside.66.CanI have a glass of t _juice. Please?67.Thefish smells terrible I dont think its quite f _. 68.Tomis preparing for an exam. Dont d _him 69.Alices _, if ever, reads a book.70.Wewere c_ to kno



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