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1、优质文档_高三英语综合思维训练对比练习100题(最新版)-Word文档,下载后可任意编辑和处理-高三英语综合思维训练对比练习100题高三英语综合思维训练对比练习100题1. (1)Tom got the first place, _made his parents happy.(2)Tom got first place, and _made his parents happy.A. as B. which C. that D. this2.(1)_ is well known to all, theearth is round.(2)_ is well known to all that t

2、heearth is round.A. That B. with C. It D. As3.(1)Its good _ you to take awalk after supper every day.(2)It was really stupid _ him torefuse the invitation.A. of B. to C. for D. at4.(1)He is unfit for the job,_?(2)He isnt fit for the job, _?A. isnt he B. is he C. doesnt he D.does he5.(1)Is this museu

3、m _ youvisited the other day?(2)Is this the museum _ youvisited the other day?A. that B. where C. in which D. theone6.(1)He said that Mary had done it,_?A. hadnt she B. hadnt Mary C. didnthe D. did he(2)Its my sons birthday next week,and I have to do my best for that, _?A. isnt it B. is it C. havent

4、 I D.dont I7.(1)I watched TV last night._. _.A. So I did B. So did I C. So I was D.So was I(2)Mr. Chen is a teacher and worksvery hard, _ his wife.A. So does B. So is C. So it is withD. It is same with8.(1)It is 10 years sine we _school.A. left B. have left C. had left D.leave(2)This is the first ti

5、me I _here.A. was B. am going C. have been D.came9.(1)Lets start at once, _?(2)Let us go, _?A. will you B. shall we C. do you D.do we10.(1)There are many trees on _side of the street.(2)There are many students watchingthe volleyball match on _ side of the playground.A. all B. both C. every D. each11

6、.(1)Mr. Johnson must have come backyesterday, _?(2)He must have waited here for a longtime, _?A. hasnt he B. havent he C. mustnthe D. didnt he12.(1)_ knows the truth willtell you about it, I think.A. Who B. That C. No matter who D.Whoever(2)Dont trust him, _ he says.A. what B. no matter what C. what

7、everD. B and C13.(1)“_ can the work be done?”In five hours.(2)_ have you studied English?For six years.A. How long B. How soon C. How oftenD. How far14.(1)Zhang Ming is taller than _in his class.A. any students B. anyone C. any otherstudent D. others(2)He studies English harder than_ in his class.A.

8、 any students B. any boys C. anyoneD. any girls15.(1)Shall we have her _ there?(2)Shall we get her _ there?A. to go B. go C. went D. gone16.(1)The experiment has failed. Isuggest you _ again.A. trying B. will try C. would try D.try(2)Her expression suggested that she_ angry.A. be B. was C. were D. b

9、eing17.(1)They usually have a Partymeeting on Saturday afternoon, _?A. dont they B. havent they C. dothey D. have they(2)He hasnt any brothers, _?A. has he B. does he C. hasnt he D. Aand B18.(1)Waiting for her _ me threehours.(2)Well _ three days infinishing the work.A. took B. cost C. pay D. spend1

10、9.(1)He wanted nothing but _there.A. stayed B. staying C. to stay D.stay(2)He would do anything for you but_ you money.A. lend B. to lend C. lent D. lending20.(1)The workers made machines_ the farmers.(2)The officer made his men _the farmers.A. help B. to help C. helped D.helping21.(1)I managed to m

11、ake myself_.A. hear B. heard C. to be heard D.hearing(2)The earth must be made _ morepeople.A. supported B. supporting C. tosupport D. support22.(1)_ care for nobody buthimself will never get along well with the others.A. That B. These C. Those who D. Who(2)_ fails to finish the taskgiven should be

12、criticized.A. Any one who B. Anyone whoC. Anyone which D. Any one23.(1)East of the village _ alake five years ago.(2)He _ his hand on myshoulder.A. lie B. lay C. laid D. lain24.(1)Someone is asking for you, Maybe he will have _ you.A. the word with B. a word withC. some words to D. words to(2)She us

13、ed to have _ with herhusband.A. a word B. the word C. words D. somewords25.(1)Our teacher entered theclassroom, _.(2)Our teacher entered the classroom,with _.A. a book in hand B. book in handC. a book in his hand D. book in hishands26.(1)_ many times, but he still couldntunderstand it.(2)_ many times, he has alreadyknown how to do it.A. Having been told B. Having toldC. He had been told D. Though he hadbeen told27.(1) To prevent the air _,something will have to be done.


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