江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 3 A day out》Period 2 Reading(1)学案

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《江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 3 A day out》Period 2 Reading(1)学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 3 A day out》Period 2 Reading(1)学案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、18A Unit 3 A day outPeriod 2 Reading(1)【学习目标】语言知识:1. 掌握并理解关于 Reading 部分的单词。2. 了解 Reading 部分的大意。3. 让学生了解一些名胜.课前延伸1.听磁带,预习 Reading 部分的生词。(会拼写、知词义)2.朗读课文,了解大意。3.解决疑难问题。(个人思考,小组讨论,待课上求助)4.查阅与 Reading 内容相关的资料,以备课上合作交流。自主学习记录卡1.自学本课内容后,你有哪些疑难之处?2.你有哪些问题要提交小组讨论?课内探究I. Fill in the table.2In the parkOn the c

2、oachFelingWeatherHow far (distance)How (transportation)When (date)ho (participants)A trip to World Park in BeijingKeys: Linda and the class 1, Grade 8 students; October 24th; by coach; two ours by coach; fine; boring, sick; excitedII. Do questions and answers.1. Did Linda and Kitty meet Mr. Wu and o

3、ther students at the bus stop?2. Where did Linda see a lot of traffic, on the highway or on the city roads?3. Did Linda see the Golden Gate Bridge from the coach at the gate of the park?4. The best part was the song and dance parade, wasnt it?Keys: 1.No. 2.On the city roads 3.No. 4.yesIII. Write a T

4、 if it is true, write an F if it is false.1. It took half an hour to get to the World Park from school. 2. We went to the World Park by coach from Sunshine Town. 3. We could see the pyramids from the coach 4. There are many places of interest there 5. The pyramids looked just like the real ones in t

5、he USA. 6. There is a tall stone building called the Eiffel Tower. 7. Daniel made a special home page for the tripKeys: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.FIV. Do questions and answers. 1. When did Linda have the trip?2 .How did they go on the trip?3. Did Linda feel well all the time during the trip?34. What

6、 was in the park?5. What was the best part of that day?6. Could Lindas mother see the photos? Keys: 1. Yesterday (October 24th) 2.By coach. 3.No.4. The models of the places of interest from the whole world.5. The song and dance parade. 6. YesV. Some phrases.1.到达_ 2.加入他们的旅行团_3.过得愉快_ 4.不再_5.环游世界_ 6.交通

7、拥挤_ 7.在高速公路上_ 8.邀请某人做某事_Keys: 1. arrive in/at 2. join their school trip 3. enjoy oneself 4. not any more 5. travel around the world 6. a lot of traffic 7. on the highway 8. invite sb. To do sth VI. Lets retell the text.1. Im time here. I went to. 2. Kittys teacher invite to trip to3. It wasbut at th

8、e beginning. 4. Yesterday morning Mr. Wu and metand at 5. Then we. 6. The trip fromtookby7. It was 8. There wason but when9. Kitty and I felt for 10. Finally, we11.The sky wasand everything. We becamewhen wefrom!12. Its metal and 13.When, we allquickly.14.Kitty and I not any more. 15. We just wanted

9、 and 16. The Soon, we were 17.wholewas us.18. They are over from 19. Thelooked just likein20.Thelooked just liketoo. 21. When I , I couldnt22.There were! 23.It was day but the best part was424.The music was and Kitty wanted 25.You can on the Internet. 26. Daniel taughtto 27. He puton it for everyone

10、 to28.Go and seeyourself. VII. Some exercises1. Shanghai is one of the biggest c_ in China.2. The Eiffel Tower is made of m_.3. There are some kites flying in the s_.4. We saw many places of i_ from all over the world.5. Id like to i_ my friends to my party.6.At the _(开始), I didnt like this subject.7.Help _(你们自己) to some fish, children.8.There is a lot of _(车辆) on the road.9.My sister always feels _(恶心,不舒服) when she takes a bus.10.We often travel by_(长途汽车)Keys:1. cities 2. metal 3. sky 4.interest 5.invite 6. beginning 7. yourselves 8. traffic 9.sick 10.coach课后提升


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