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1、 实用展会英语-广交会必备B: Business Person 业务人员 C:Client 顾客B:早上好,先生。C:早上好。B:欢迎光临我们的展场。请随便浏览,这是我们公司产品的样品。请坐,先生。C:请问,你们公司的主打产品是什么?B:是日用陶瓷,比如卫生间和厨房产品。C:可以看看样品吗?B:当然可以。这是最新产品的介绍手册。C:贵公司的产品优势在哪儿?B: 我们公司以生产日用陶瓷产品著称,在行内属领先地位。C:表现在哪儿?B:公司有一流的管理阶层和技术人员,产品更新快,质量有保证且价格适中合理。C:如何与你们联系?B:这是我们公司的名片,这是我的业务名片。有需要请随时与我们联系。C:谢谢。

2、B:同时我们送你一本最新系列产品的目录,以供您参考。C:好的,谢谢。B:不客气。B: Good morning, sir.C: Good morning.B: Welcome to our display. Please take your time. These are the samples of our companys products. Sit down , please.C: May I ask ,what are your main products for your company?B: Utensils and ceramics. For example, those use

3、d in the toilet and kitchen.C: May I have a look at the samples?B: Certainly. This is the brochure of our newest products.C: what is your advantage of the products in your company?B: Our company is renowned for the products of ceramics which is taking the lead nationally.C: How?B: Our company has th

4、e first-rate management levels and technicians. We renew the products fast and the quality is guaranteed with reasonable price.C: How can I contact you?B: This is the name card of our company and my business card. Please contact us whenever needed. C: Thank you.B: Meanwhile, we offer you with a cata

5、logue of the newest products for reference.C: Fine, thank you.B: Youre welcome.B: Business Representative 业务代表 C:Client 顾客B : 欢迎光临,女士。C : 你好!B : 现在是我们新产品的促销期,如果您有兴趣,请看看。C : 是的,我对贵公司的高科技产品有兴趣。B : 请允许我给您示范一下如何操作这台机器。C : 这产品与过去的相比有 什么特点?B : 我们改良了一些性能,现在更能体现使用方便、操作简易的特点。C : 我可以操作一下吗?B : 当然。 请留下您的联系方式好吗?

6、以便我们即使将有关最新信息提供给您。C : 非常感谢。B : 同时,也欢迎您浏览我们公司的网站。这是我们的工作名片,您可以随时和我们的工作人员联系。C : 好的。B : 谢谢您的光临,并祝你有愉快的一天。B: Warm welcome, Madam.C: Hello.B: At present its the promotion period of our latest products. If you are interested in them, please take a look.C: Yes, I am interested in the hi-tech products of yo

7、ur company. B: Please allow me to demonstrate with you this machine. C: What are the characteristics of them compared with the previous ones.B: We have improved some of the functions with the access to the convenience in management and operation .C: May I operate it for a while?B: Sure. Could you pl

8、ease leave your contact number so that we can provide you with the latestinformation in time?C: I really appreciate that.B: At the same time , you are welcome to browse the website of our company. Heres our working name-card. You may contact our staff anytime. C: Fine.B: Thank you for your visit and

9、 have a nice day.1 欢迎光临!Warm welcome!2 您好,认识您很高兴,这是我的名片。 How do you do ? Nice to meet you ? This is my business card.3 请允许我介绍一下,这位是我们市场部经理先生。Please allow me to introduce Mr. Chen,the Marketing Manager of our company.4 不客气,请提出宝贵意见。Youre welcome. Please give us your valuable comments.5 祝您生意兴隆。We wish

10、you every success in your business.6 祝您身体健康,好运常在。Best wishes for your health and good luck.7 预祝我们首次合作成功。Wish us success for the first cooperation.8 感您对我们产品的支持。Thank you for your support with our products.9 我们希望有进一步合作的机会。 We hope to have the opportunity for future / further cooperation.10 久仰,久仰! Ive

11、been looking forward to meeting you.11 我此行来是为了展示我们的最新产品,它会有助于您扩大生意。 This time Im here to show you our newest product. It will help build up your business.12 我今天来是和你们商谈进口贵公司的一些产品到美国市场上销售的可能性。 Ive come to discuss with you the possibility of importing some of your products into the U.S.A.13 很高兴在这里认识了你,

12、先生。 Nice to have met you here, Mr. Yang. Language Points 语 言 点u Vocabulary 词汇Advantage of (方面的)优势Appreciate v. 感激;欣赏At present 现在B: Business Representative 业务代表C: Client 顾客B:先生您好!欢迎光临我们的展场。C::你好!B:我是我们公司的业务代表,这位是我们的经理。M:欢迎您,先生。认识您很高兴。这是我的名片。C:谢谢。认识你我也很高兴。M:我们的业务代表将给您介绍我们公司的产品。B:先生,这边请。这些是我们公司的部分样品。C

13、:贵公司以生产什么为主?B:这些都是我们公司的主要产品。我们以专业生产家用电器为主。请随便看看。C:好的。贵公司主要生产哪些家用电器?B:电视机、洗衣机、冰箱、微波炉等,还有一些小电器。C:你们产品还是挺齐全的。B:对。我们的产品驰名中外,主要出口到欧洲、非洲和美洲。C:你们是以什么赢得市场的?B:我们能根据消费者的消费倾向,及时生产出应时产品,且价格适中。C:我对贵公司的洗衣机感兴趣。B:我们生产的洗衣机有大、中、小型号,最新的产品有防皱和干洗效果。您不妨看看。C:很好。还有别的型号的吗?B:有,由于场地有限,我们不能展出所有型号的产品。但是请您看一下我们公司的网站。这边请。B: How d

14、o you do? Welcome to our display, sir.C: How do you do?B: I am the business representative of our company. This is our manager.M: Welcome, sir. Very pleased to meet you. This is my business card.C: Thank you, nice to meet you, too.M: Our representative will introduce the products to you.B: This way, sir. There are some samples of our products.C: What are your main products?B: These are the mai



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