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1、 吉 林 农 业 大 学学 士 学 位 论 文 题目名称: 基于JSP的青年创业管理系统的设计与分析 学生: 戴腾飞 院 系:信息技术学院专业年级:信息与计算科学2011级 指导教师: 温长吉 职 称: 副教授 2015年 5 月 20 日word格式. 目 录摘要及关键词IAbstractI1 引言11.1 系统的开发背景11.2 系统开发的意义11.3 系统实现的目标11.4章节简介22 开发工具和开发技术简介22.1开发技术简介22.1.1 Myeclipse22.2 开发工具简介32.2.1 JAVA技术32.2.2 JSP语言42.2.3 EasyUI42.2.4 AJAX42.2.

2、5 Struts252.2.6 Ibatis53 系统的需求分析53.1 可行性分析53.2 需求分析54 系统需求详细说明54.1导师管理54.1.1导师基础数据6 4.1.2志愿服务时间查询7 4.1.3擅长领域审核9 4.1.4擅长领域配置104.1.6组别配置11 4.2 青年管理134.2.1 青年基础数据13 4.2.2 还款管理14 4.3 活动管理17 4.3.1 起草活动18 4.3.2待办活动204.3.3已办活动214.4公告管理224.5系统数据库设计214.5.1数据库概念结构设计224.5.2数据库逻辑结构设计235系统实现255.1实现IBATIAS255.2实现

3、系统Web层265.3实现系统视图层276 论文总结与实现技术分析28参考文献29附录31 页码有问题,你再重新标注一下文中字体要求仿宋,数字字母times new roma 行间距固定值20磅标点符号什么的你再好好看看吧,有的要求中英文什么的图片最好居中每章另起一页吧,然后目录页码重新标一下图片和注释不得分开在两页 基于JSP的青年创业管理系统的设计与分析姓 名:戴腾飞 专 业:信息与计算科学指导教师:温长吉摘 要:中国青年创业协会(简称YBC)是公益基金会旗下用来帮助年轻人创业的一个教育公益项目,这个项目旨在帮助没有能力创业或者已经创业却不能继续发展的创业青年提供专业有效的帮助。YBC是共


5、UI+struts2+ibatis搭建整个系统的框架模型,其中easyUI负责界面展示,struts2负责实现逻辑业务功能,ibatis用作处理数据库并用Java语言开发的一个综合管理系统。在确定工具与开发技术后,本文参考了市面上已经有的YBC系统并且通过网络了解了使用这一系统的业务需求和建议。系统主要功能模块包括:导师管理,青年管理,活动管理,公告管理。紧接着,开始构造界面,然后详细的设计系统。最终,进行软件测试,系统一切正常,功能完善。研究十分具有现实意义,同时本研究在理论上也扩展了青年创业领域理论的广度和深度。关键词:创业;青年创业协会;easyUI;导师管理Design and ana

6、lysis of JSP youth entrepreneurship Management SystemName: Daiteng Fei Major: Information and Computing ScienceInstructor: Wen ChangjiAbstract: Chinese Young Entrepreneurs Association (YBC) is the Community Foundations designed to help young entrepreneurs a public education project, which aims to he

7、lp entrepreneurs can not afford it or have entrepreneurial development of young entrepreneurs can not continue to provide professional and effective help. YBC is the CYL Central Committee, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the All-China Youth Federation, initiated jointly youth entrepre

8、neurship education programs. The project is based in the UK with reference to international youth entrepreneurship programs to support youth entrepreneurship model, mobilizing all social forces, especially the business sector to provide advice and funding, networking, technical support for young ent

9、repreneurs, to help young people successfully completed entrepreneurship. Because in recent years more and more young people choose to start, but according to authoritative media statistics, successful entrepreneurs account for a small proportion of young people; in the final analysis is that young

10、people no entrepreneurial experience, it takes a cavity passion, but without the right to pull its weight. In this paper, based on youth entrepreneurship management system, for example, we introduced the system from a requirements analysis, database table design to process functions to achieve. Firs

11、t to be introduced is the meaning of the background and purpose of the system and produce, combined with the requirements of the system and after the current variety of development techniques and tools to compare, the system is used easyUI + struts2 + ibatis building frame model of the whole system,

12、 which easyUI responsible for interface display, struts2 responsible for implementing logical business functions, ibatis used for processing database and use a Java language development of the integrated management system. In determining the tools and development techniques, the paper has some refer

13、ence to the market and YBC system through the network to understand the business needs and recommend the use of the system. Main function modules include: instructors management, youth management, event management, bulletin management. Then, start constructing the interface, then the detailed design

14、 of the system. Ultimately, software testing, system everything is normal, fully functional. Research is very relevant, while in theory this study extends the breadth and depth of the theory of youth entrepreneurship.Keywords: entrepreneurship;Youth Career Development Association; easyUI;management1 前 言1.1系统的开发背景和意义世界的人口一直在持续的增长,尤其中国这样的一个人口大国,就业是人们最头疼的问题,越来越多的年轻人找不到工作,为此中国青年创业国际计划(简称YBC)为了帮助更多的人创业和就业,打造了YBC 的创业体系,改善创业和就业的形式,帮助不能创业和发展企业的人提供关键的帮扶。在中国由于青年面临压力的就业巨大,国家出台了许多政策来支持青年,大学生创业,可是大学生缺乏社会经验,如果就这样贸然创业,必定很难取得成功。2004年6月搜狐网做了一份2014年大学毕业生择业意向调查,结果显示,选择自主创业只有8


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