科普版英语六年级下册Lesson 8教学设计-教案

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1、小学英语 六年级下册 科普版Lesson 8Who are you going to play?【知识目标】1.学会听说读写以下单词:between, hour。能听说认读team, later, cloud, clear, shine, raincoat。2.能听懂、会用词组造句:talk about, laugh at, go out.会使用将来时的句型表达计划。【能力目标】能听懂、理解本课的句型并进行交际会话练习,能用句型:“Where do/e from?” What do.? 进行日常生活中的提问和交流,培养学生良好的口语表达以及英语思维的能力。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂

2、得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,培养学生热爱生活,关爱他人及健康的审美情趣。【教学重点】Who/Where are you going to ? 等询问日程计划句型的正确使用。【教学难点】学生结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用英语进行日程计划的提问,并会回答I will.Tape recorder, MultimediaStep 1. Greetings and warm-up activitiesFree talkHoliday is coming. I think you must have your own plans and arrangements. Say your pl

3、an with your classmates.Step 2. Read“Lets talk” and answer the questionsT: Buzz and Dongdong are good friends. Its Sunday tomorrow. They are talking about their plan on a bench. (课文导入)Questions: 1. What is Buzzs plan?2. What is Dongdongs plan?3. What time is the football match between Japan and Chin

4、a going to start?4. Who is Dongdong going to play?3. Learn new words and phrases.between, hour, team, later, cloud, clear, shine, raincoatStep 3. Lets learnPlay the game Game学生几个人一个小组,接力问问题回答,如果谁回答不上来就会被淘汰,最后选出优胜者。例如:A: What will you do tomorrow?B: I will go swimming. What will you do this evening?

5、C: I will go dancing. What will you do?Step 4. ReadThe weather in the UK.1. Ask and answer the questions:1. Why people often talk about the weather in the UK?2. What are you need to take when you go to the UK?3. Are you should laugh at the persons who go out with an umbrella on a sunny morning?2. Fill in the blanks about the text.Step5. Revision ExercisesDo revision exercises about the grammar.Step6.HomeworkCopy the words and text of Lesson 8.Recite the text well and practice the words.略。2


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