科普版英语六年级下册Lesson 6教学设计-教案

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1、小学英语 六年级下册 科普版Lesson 6Is there a library near here?【知识目标】1.学会读写以下单词library, left, end, surprised, at the end, on the right, next to, look for;2.理解并掌握Is there a near here?句型;会应用此句型。【能力目标】学生通过结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:“Is there a near here?”,进行日常生活中的提问和交流,培养学生独立生活的能力,获得社会生存的基本能力。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重

2、点句式与同学们进行交流,培养学生独立自主独立生活的态度。【教学重点】Is there a near here? 句型现的正确使用。【教学难点】学生结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:Is there a near here?进行提问。理解并掌握句型结构。会问路和给他人指路。Tape recorder, MultimediaStep 1. Greetings and warm-up activitiesFree talkLead-inLi Ming traveled to America last month. He got lost on the way to the museum.

3、 How can he ask for directions in English?Step 2. Read“Lets talk” and answer the questionsT: Mingming wants to go to the library to read an English book, but he doesnt know how to go there. How should he ask for directions? (课文导入)Questions: 1. Is there a library near here?2. Are there any English st

4、orybooks in the library?3. How can Mingming get there? Step 3.Ask and answer方式:跟读,自读,分角色朗读等。Excuse me. Is there a near here? - Yes, there is. - How can I get there? - Go down this street. You can see it on the . Step 4. ReadStudent read the text by themselves and answer the questions.1. What did Jack do on Friday? 2. What wrong with Jack?3. Who helped Jack?Step 5. Revision ExerciseDo revision exerciseStep6. HomeworkCopy the words and text of Lesson 6.Recite the text well and practice the words.略。2


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