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1、2019年新人教版高二英语上册期末试卷 英 语 命题、审核: 杨志学 第一卷第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从ABCD四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1. categoryA. persuade B. radiation C. crash D. cigarette2. recover A. consumer B. ton C. proper D. loneliness3. spread A. scream B. threat C. bean D. break4. physician A. circula

2、te B. importance C. discourage D. specialist5. theory A. thousand B. although C. weather D. mouths 第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。6. -Hey, have you got a minute? -_ -I want to tell you something really important. A. whats up B. Whats on C. In a minute D. That depends.7. -How

3、 did you find the movie shown on TV last night? -Just so-so. It_ pace. A. lacked in B. was lacking in C. lacked of D. lacks8. -How can you prove that he has something to do with the old mans death? -I have two_. A. judges B. friends C. witnesses D. facts9. How wonderful to go away for a month, _ all

4、 worries and responsibilities! A. free from B. in touch with C. on the basis of D. instead of10. - Hes no use at all. - _, I have found him of a great deal of use. A. First of all B. Generally speaking C. Believe or not D. On the contrary11. Only when she left her parents and went to college in a fa

5、raway city_ how much she loved them. A. she realized B. she had realized C. had she realized D. did she realized12. Its time for class. Dont knock_ outside the classroom. A. about B. down C. into D. in13. Hosting the 29th Olympic Games is a good opportunity for China to show to the world_ we have ac

6、hieved in recent years. A. which B. that C. where D. what14. - How could I thank you enough? - Dont mention it. Any other man_ that. A. must do B. could C. would have done D. should have done15. - _ do about it? - He believes that we should know where the food comes from. A. Does he say what we shou

7、ld B. What does he say we should C. Does he believe what should we D. What does he believe to16. Tom looked at Jenny, tears_ his eyes, and shouted out the words_ in his heart for years. A. filling; having hidden B. filled; hidden C. filling; hidden D. filled; hiding17. “Well done!” the teacher patte

8、d the shoulder of the student, _ with a smile on his face. A. satisfied B. being satisfied C. having satisfied D. satisfying18. - Why didnt Tom give you one of his paintings? - I didnt want one, but he would have given me one if I_. A. did B. had C. would D. could19. - Which picture on show do you l

9、ike best? - The one on the left has_ my attention because it is huge and beautiful. A. paid B. impressed C. given D. drawn20. His tastes are_ mine. A. harmony with B. in harmony with C. harmony to D. in harmony to 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) As I drove my blue Buick into the garage, I saw that a y

10、ellow Oldsmobile was (21) too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the (22) space. That left (23) enough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home (24), and just as I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its spacetoo close to my car, (25). At l

11、ast I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had (26) and I shouted at her, “Cant you see youre not (27) me enough space? Park farther over.” Banging(猛推) open door into(28), the driver shouted back: “Make me!” (29) this she stepped out of the garage. Still each time she got home first, she par

12、ked too close to my (30).Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found (31) . The next day the woman (32) a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃): Dear yellow Oldsmobile,Im sorry my mistress(女主人)shouted at yours the other day. Shes been sorry about it. I know Because she doesnt sing anymore while (3

13、3). It wasnt like her to scream (34). Fact is, shed just got bad news and was taking it out on you two. I (35) you and your mistress will (36) her. Yours neighbor, Blue Buick When I went to the (37) the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a mote on my windshield: Dear Blue Buick, My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so (38) because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. Im glad we can be(39) now. Yo



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