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1、思达特英语 -色彩的含义 1. Aqua 浅绿色The color of metapsychics心灵研究, representing all “mind magicks 注1,” such as meditation冥想 and psychic心灵的 attunement协调. Associated with Friday and the planet Venus. Aqua is an excellent hue色彩 for peacefulness and profound深远的 reflection.心灵研究之色,代表所有的“精神魔法”,比如冥想、精神协调等。它使人联想到星期五和金星,

2、也是象征平静和沉思的极佳色彩。2. Blue 蓝色Representing the element of water, it is the color of emotional work; love, peace, healing and protection. Considered the color of wisdom, thoughtfulness, and celestial天空的 regions, blue shares Friday and the planet Venus with green (as in aqua, or blue-green). Blue is identi

3、fied认为一致 with the signs of Virgo and Capricorn, the 5th (throat) chakra注2 and the natural sciences. A feeling of youthfulness fills this color. Blue is an excellent hue for peacefulness and profound reflection. Use it for healing, harmony协调, creativity, communication and resonance共鸣.水元素之色,代表情绪变化,如热爱

4、、平静、康复、保护。人们认为蓝色象征智慧、思绪和天空,因此它和绿色(浅绿或蓝绿)都是星期五和金星的代表色。蓝色也是处女座和摩羯座、喉轮及自然科学的色彩。它呈现出一种青春活力,是表现平静和沉思的极佳色彩,用于康复、和谐、创新、交流和共鸣。3. Green 绿色Representing the element of earth, it is the color of vegetation, as in gardening and herbalism草药学 (wortcunning). Fertility丰饶, prosperity繁荣, hope, joy, delight, growth and

5、 change are all aspects of green. Forest green is connected with fertility, the body, courage and classical music or wilderness sounds. Ivy green represents the emotional aspects, coping with grief, cliffside悬崖边 ponderings沉思, and hushed music or silence. Pale green, as in the color of new grass, aid

6、s the healing process.土元素之色,是所有植物的色彩比如在园艺和草药学方面。绿色呈现出丰饶、繁荣、希望、欢乐、喜悦、生长和改变等不同方面。森林绿代表丰饶、身体、勇气、古典乐和荒野自然音。常春藤绿表现为情感的方面,与伤感、悬崖边的沉思、宁静的音乐或沉寂相衬。淡绿也就是刚萌发的小草的颜色能辅助治疗。4. Yellow 黄色It represents the element of air; is the color of divination预言. Yellow is associated with mental work; meditation, will, intellect

7、, divination and communication. Another version of gold, yellow is the color of friendship, goodness and faith. Yellow (or sometimes a very light yellow-green) is associated with Wednesday, the planet Mercury, the sign of Taurus and the 3rd (solar plexus) chakra. Golden yellow is the color of charm,

8、 trust, summer, bright sounds such as childrens laughter, and upbeat欢乐的 music. Pastel淡色 yellow tends more towards spring, psychic endeavors努力 and creativity. Yellow is a terrific color to improve balance, self-esteem自尊, charisma感召力, divination and creativity. Use it also for strength of will, vitali

9、ty活力, purpose and effectiveness.气元素之色;预言的色彩;与脑力劳动,如冥想、意愿、智力、预言及交流相关。黄色即金色,是友谊、善意和信念的色彩。黄色(有时候指极淡的黄绿色)与星期三、水星、金牛座和脐轮相联系。金黄色是魅力、信仰、夏天、欢声笑语(如孩童的笑声和欢快的音乐)的颜色。淡黄色则多指春天、进取心和创造力。黄色极大地提升了平衡感、自尊心、感召力、预言可信度和创造力。它也适用于表现意愿、活力、企图和效果的强度。5. Orange 橙色The color is associated with the performance arts and conjury魔法 (

10、stage magics). Orange represents pride and courage; heroism英勇 and attraction; kinship密切关系 and prosperity (as in a good harvest). Orange is attuned to warmth, friendship, abundance, spirit, will, principles, theory and alertness.橙色与表演艺术及魔术(即魔术表演)有关。它表现出自豪和勇气、英勇和魅力、亲密和繁茂(如丰收) 。橙色也对应温暖、友谊、富足、灵魂、意志、原则、理

11、论和警戒。6. Red 红色Representing the element of fire, it is the color of alchemy, and the magickal arts and sciences of transformation. Red is associated with physical work, as in healing of people and animals. Also physical passion. Red is the power color. It is associated with command, the planet Mars,

12、Tuesday, the astrological占星的 sign of Gemini and the 1st (root) chakra. Red is the color of inspiration灵感, vitality, pride, anger, bravery, strong emotions, purification净化, arid贫瘠的 places, aggressive music (especially drumming like a heartbeat), and lightning storms. Red is the best color to ward off

13、避开 danger. Use it for stability, grounding, prosperity and physical health.火元素之色,是炼金术、魔术和变形学的色彩。在对人和动物的医治中,红色与体力劳动相关。它也指肉体激情,是力量的色彩,与命令、火星、星期二、占星学上的双子座和海底轮有关联。红色是灵感、活力、自豪、愤怒、勇敢、强烈情感、净化、贫瘠之地、激烈音乐(尤指心跳般的鼓声)以及雷雨的颜色。它也是危险的最好警戒色,适用于呈现稳定状态、基础阶段、繁茂景象和身体状态。7. Pink 粉红色The color for all our relationships with

14、 other peopleand especially those involving family, love, intimacy亲密, and romance. Like copper, pink is also a color of Venus. Copper is related to the agrarian土地的 aspects of Venusplants, fertility and growth are the common associations. Pink is more related to the emotional and spiritual aspects of

15、 Venus; specifically the emotional love of ones self and others.象征所有人际关系的色彩,特别是在家庭、恋爱、密友和浪漫爱情等方面的人际关系。和铜色一样,粉红色也是金星的色彩。铜色表现金星与土地相关的一面常与植物、丰产和生长相关。粉红色则多指金星在情感和精神层面的作用,尤指对自己和他人的爱。8. Brown 褐色The color of beast mastery, the most common color of fur and feathers, and represents all things soft and fuzzy有

16、绒毛的 . Brown wizards often work in pet stores, animal hospitals, shelters or zoos; or become park rangers巡逻骑兵 or wildlife rescuers. And always they are surrounded by critters生物whether pets, farm animals, wild creatures or other “animal companions.”驭兽术的色彩,是禽兽毛皮最常见的颜色,代表所有毛茸茸的柔软东西。穿褐色袍的巫师通常在宠物店、动物医院、庇护所或动物园工作;或者成为公园巡视员和野生动物救助者。他们周围往往动物成群无论是宠物、家畜、野生动物抑或其他“动物伙伴”。9. Violet 紫色The color o



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