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1、评估以促进教学和学习、指导和帮助被评估者自我认识、自我教育和自我发展为目标。评估不是基于一次测试、一项任务,也不是根据学习成绩而定,而是根据学生的行为表现,教师的观察日记,学生的自我评价以及学生的学习,语言能力、态度、参与、合作以及认知水平有关的各种测试进行。评估侧重的不是学生现有的水平,而是学生的进步;不仅关注现在的结果,还关注促成现在结果的过程。评估实施的不是同学之间的比较,而是学生的自我比较。评估不必包含测试,测试本身也不是评估,测试只是评估的依据之一。评估所依据的更多的是定性分析,而不是定量分析。高中英语课堂阅读形成性评价初探东莞第四高级中学 邱瑞吟一、课堂阅读教学引入形成性评价的理由


3、价。经过一年多的实践,学生的阅读理解能力有了明显的提高,请看下面的表格:高一(7)(8)阅读理解得分情况表上学期中段考 上学期期末考 09.2.30 自测 09.3.19 自测 09.4.19 自测 下学期中段考得分 得分率 得分 得分率得分 得分率 得分 得分率得分 得分率得分 得分率16.88 42.2% 17.4 43.5% 21.5 53.75% 21.24 53.1% 20.6 51.5% 26.6 66.5%优秀人数优秀率 优秀人数优秀率优秀人数优秀率 优秀人数优秀率优秀人数优秀率优秀人数优秀率0 0 2 1.69% 1 0.8% 7 5.93% 9 7.62% 23 19.49%

4、中段考是全级统一出题,期末考是全市统考,自测采自英语周报(高一人教课标版广东专版),虽然英语周报的难易度难以控制,从上面的表格我们可以看到虽然学生的阅读理解成绩变化较大,对全体学生或是对于学生个人来说都不太稳定,但是从整体上看是不断进步的,足以证明:在课堂教学过程中引入形成性评价是提高课堂阅读教学效率的有效途径。二、具体实施操作(一)、理论指导形成性评价活动和方式应尽量与学生的学习经历和教师的教学方式以及真实的生活相接近;应创设有意义的评价活动,使学生能够把所学的知识运用到实际生活中。(普通高中英语课程标准(实验)解读2004:200)外语教师课堂教学和课堂上评价活动设计的四原则(Four b

5、asic principles foreign language teachers follow in the development of classroom test are):1) test what was taught;(教什么,考什么)2) test it in a manner that reflects the way in which it was taught;(怎么教,怎么考) 3) focus on what they can do rather than what they cannot do.(关注学生能做什么,而不是不能做什么)4) capture creativ

6、e use of language by learners.(留意学生对语言的创造性运用)( 引用自 Teachers Handbook, by Shrum& Glisan, 2000: 292)(二)、具体案例说明 Book8 Unit1 A land of diversity California Reading 教学目的:通过形成性评价参与阅读教学提高学生的阅读技能教学过程:1、课前预习。通过各种途径了解美国,特别是 California。例如大小、人口、地理、位置、历史、气候、等等。标出课本 P1 Warming up 地图中的重要城市、山脉、湖泊、海洋以及相邻的国家。2、课堂教学过程

7、Step I : lead in and warming up Ask Ss to tell something briefly about the USA and California. Show some pictures and maps about the USA.Step II : Pre-readingTalk sth. about the three pictures on P1, then let the students to do some exercise to test their pre-vision, then fill in the evaluation form

8、.(用 20 道题来让学生自我评价预习情况)I used _ minutes. Ive got _ points. I didnt get points at _. Ive made a goodmedianpoor preparation.(1). Which flag is American flag?(2). Which city is the capital of the USA?A. New York B. Washington D.C C. Los Angeles (3). Which state is the largest one in the US?A. New York B

9、. Texas C. Los Angeles(4). How many stars are there on the American flag?A. 52 B. 50 C. 13(5). Which city is known as the “Big Apple”?A. New York B. Chicago C. Los Angeles(6). In which year was the constitution written?A. 1779 B. 1789 C. 1799(7). Which is the longest river in the US?A. Nile B. Yangt

10、ze River C. Mississippi(8). What language do most state names come from?A. Spanish B. English C. Native Americans(9). Who is the person on the one-dollar note?A. Jefferson B. Washington C. Franklin(10). When is American Independence Day?A. June 4th B. July 4th C. August 14th (11).George Bush is the

11、_ president in the USA.A. 41st & 42nd B. 43rd &44th C. 44th & 45th (12). California is the _ largest state in the USA.A. third B. second C. fourth D. fifth(13). California, a state in the western USA, borders _A. the Pacific Ocean B. the Indian Ocean C. the Atlantic Ocean D. the Arctic Ocean (14). _

12、 is Californias largest and the nations second largest city.A. Sacramento B. Los Angeles C. San Diego D. San Francisco (15). Californias official nickname is the _A. Sunflower State B. Golden State C. Land of Opportunity D. Evergreen State (16). _ has the largest population in the USA.ACalifornia B.

13、 Alaska C. Washington D. Texas(17). California entered the Union on September 9,1850, as the _ state.A. thirtieth B. thirty-eighth C. thirty-second D. thirty-first(18). To the west of USA, there is _.A. Pacific Ocean B. Atlantic Ocean C. Gulf of Mexico D. Indian Ocean (19). Country to the south of U

14、SA is _.A. Canada B. Mexico C. Spain D. Peru(20). Paradise of Pacific is the nickname of _.A. Hawaii B. Ohio C. Alaska D. MaineStep III: Reading(采用自上而下的方式让学生理解文章)(1)Read the first paragraph and the heading in the rest of the text quickly and use a sentence to describe the main idea of the passage.(2

15、)Read carefully & fill in the blanks of Ex2 & Ex3 on P3 and P4. Step VI: Summary.Complete the story about California.California is the most _ _ in _ _. It has _ people from _ _ the world. 15000 years ago, the first settlers _ the Bering Strait from _ to _. In the 16th century, Spanish soldiers _ _ s

16、outh America. In the 18th century, California _ _ by Spain. After the _ _, California became _ _ _. In 1848, gold _ _ in California. People _ _ from _ _ _ _. By 1850, California was already a _ _. In the 1860s, _ _ began to arrive in California to _ the railway. From the late 19th century to recent decades,


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