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1、This is the VOA Special English Tec hnology Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语科技报道。The Paralympic Games in London have been called the greatest Paralympic Games ever. International Paralympic Committee President Sir Phillip Cra ven made the statement to a crowd at the games closing ceremony earlier this month. He s

2、aid the athletic event had found its pathway to the future.伦敦残奥会被称为“有史以来最伟大的一届残奥会。 ”国际残奥委员会主席菲利普克雷文(Phillip Craven)爵士本月初在残奥会闭 幕式上对公众这样表示。他说,这一赛事找到了自己未来的方向。Paralympic athletes were not the only ones making news this year. The attention was also on improvements in technology that helped those men and

3、women compete.残奥会运动员并非今年唯一的主角。注意力还集中在包括帮助这些运动员比赛的技术进步。Engineers David Sheffield and Doug Watt volunteer for a charity group called Remap. It designs technology to help disabled people.工程师大卫谢菲尔德( David Sheffield)和道格瓦特(Doug Watt)自愿参加了一个名为 Remap 的慈善组织。该组织开发技术来帮助残疾人。The two engineers are designing a whe

4、elc hair for Shot Put thrower Shaun Sewell. He lost the use of his legs thirteen years ago in a motorcycle accide nt. David Sheffield predicts the new wheelchair design will be used as a model for future athletes.这两名工程师正在为轮椅铅球运动员肖恩休厄尔(Shaun Sewell)设计轮椅。休厄尔 13 年前在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的腿。谢菲尔德预 计这一新的轮椅设计将被用作未来奥

5、运选手的模版。 来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学科网DAVID SHEFFIE LD: We were asked to make a chair which was totally adjustable in every way so that we could then use it not only just for Shaun but for other athletes. And then we could find the exact correct positions for the way they sit, the way they hold the pole, the way

6、 they lean back and so on.谢菲尔德: “有人让我们制造一种可以全方位调节的椅子,这样它不仅可以让休厄尔,还可以让其它运动员使用。那么我们就可以找到他们怎么坐,怎么握杆,怎么往后靠等等的精确状态。 ”The engineers took all of Shaun Sewells measurements so that the chair was perfectly designed for his body. They also spent time watching him throw, to see how his body moves and where ext

7、ra support was needed.工程师测量了休厄尔的所有尺寸,这样椅子就能根据他的身体完美设计出来。他们还花时间观看他投球,来看他的身体如何移动,哪里需要额外支撑。Shaun Sewell almost went to the Paralympic Games in Beijing in two thousand eight. But, he was unable to compete because of a life-threatening infection. He hopes to attend the twenty-sixteen games in Rio de Jani

8、ero. And he says the new wheelchair could help him get there.休厄尔差一点就去 2008 年北京残奥会了。但他因为一次危及生命的感染无法参加比赛。他希望参加2016 年里约热内卢残奥会。他说,这款新轮椅可以帮助他去那里参加比赛。SHAUN SEWELL: I believe its going to make a huge difference. Im throwing really well with the frame that I have now, which is not right for me. So to have s

9、omething right is only going to help improve my distance.休厄尔: “我相信它会带来巨大的差异。使用现在这个不适合我的装备我都扔得非常好。所以有了适合我的装备,更会帮助提高我的投掷距离。 ”Peter Parry is chairman of the trustees at Remap. He says its volunteers built devices for three of the athletes at the Paralympic Games in London. He says there are many rules

10、about what technology is permitted.彼得 帕里(Peter Parry)是 Remap 组织的董事会主席。他说该组织自愿为伦敦残奥会的 3 名运动员制造了装备。他表示在允 许的技术方面有很多规则。PETER PARRY: We can help them support themselves. We can provide them with the pole to h elp them balance their body. But what we cant do is have things like springs or h ydraulics also

11、, which would give them an unfair advantage. Because then it becomes a battle of who can make the best device rather than who is the best athlete.帕里:“ 我们可以帮助他们自力更生。我 们可以为他们提供杆子帮助他们平衡身体。但我们不能用那些会给他们不公平优势的弹簧或液压装置。因为那样就会变成谁可以制造最好装备,而不是谁是最好运动员的竞争。 ”Jason Regier is a wheelchair rugby player. He helped th

12、e American team win a bronze medal in London. He says his teams members have the same goals as any other athlete.贾森雷吉尔(Jason Regier)是一名轮椅橄榄球运动员。他在伦敦帮助美国队赢得了一枚铜牌。他说他团队的成员和其他运动员有着相同的目标。JASON REGIER: I would say most of the Paralympic athletes just want to be treated as athletes. And its not about just going oh, this is my poor situation, its about what you can do, not what you cant do.雷吉尔:“我想说大多数残奥会运动员只想被当作运动员。这和身体状况无关。在于你能做什么,而不在于你不能做什么。 ”



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