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1、照明设计在养老院室内空间中的运用本文导读:这是一篇关于照明设计在养老院室内空间中的运用的文章,我国的家庭养老模式日益弱化的同时,对于老年人的生活照料、健康维护和精神疏解等层面的需求却不断在上升,中国养老越来越依赖于老年服务业。养老机构的居住环境迅速成为焦点研究对象。 摘 要人口老龄化是世纪三大世界性社会问题之一,我国向人口老龄化迈进的步伐不断加快,老龄人口基数越来越大。我国的家庭养老模式日益弱化的同时,对于老年人的生活照料、健康维护和精神疏解等层面的需求却不断在上升,中国养老越来越依赖于老年服务业。养老机构的居住环境迅速成为焦点研究对象。养老院,是伴随城市老龄化,出现的社会服务性机构,其建设体


3、对养老院光环境设计要点及适老化的照明指数范围进行探宄,探讨我国养老院室内光环境的升级改良方向,以达到充分把握使用群体特征,优化空间建设环境凸显以人为本;的目的。以实际项目陕煤合资养老院作为检测对象,来实例验证研究的正确性,并达到设计光环境的最优化,同时希望能为此后国内甚至是国外其他养老院的室内照明设计梳理出一定的参考数据和理论体系。关键词:老年人;养老院;照明设计;光环境优化。AbstractPopulation aging is one of theree major world social problems he 21st century. China is moving rapidly

4、 towards population aging. The population base of the elderly is getting larger and larger. The tide of world aging is bringing China into the ranks ofelderly countries. Ate same time of the weakening of the family pension mode in China, the demand for the living care, health maintenance and Spintua

5、l comfort of the elderly is on c rise, and more stringentrequirements e put forward for the living space environment of the elderly. China s pension increasingly depends on the elderly service indusr .Nursing homes c social service institutionsat appe with the aging of the ci. The degree of perfecti

6、on of their construction system directly affects the comfort of residential groups, not only depends on c perfection of residential functions, .but also embodies the penetration ofe design concept of ;humanistic ce ;. The study foundat, combined wi the actual needs of nursing home users, appropriate

7、 adjustment of nursing home construction elements can improve the overall satisfaction of the elderly population and reduce the occurrenceequency of anxie,depression and other negative emotions in their lives. Based on,people- e more and more awe of the connection between light and heal,and graduall

8、y pay more attention to the need for day and night lighting for the aged. That kind of lighting design is more conducive to the physical and mental health of the elderly? What kind of light environment is more conducive to improving the comfort ofliving groups? Indoor light environment is the most b

9、asic factor in contemporary housing construction. It has the characteristics of foundation, relevance and applicability. Based on this, combined wi the physiological, psychological and behavioral characteristics of the elderly, this paper takes the lighting design of foreign institutions for the age

10、d as the comparative research object,and combines wie advanced lighting test methods, focusing one key points of the desi gn of the light environment of.nursing homes and the range of lighting indexes suitable for aging,and discusses the upgrading and improvement direction of the indoor light enviro

11、nment of nursing homes in China, so as to fully grasp the characteristics of the user groups and optimize e space construction environment to highlight the ;people-oriented ; purpose. Taking theactual project -Shaanxi Coal MCS Joint Venture Nursing Home as an example to vericorrectness of the resear

12、ch, and hoping to sort out a certain reference system for interior lighting design of other nursing homes in China.Keywords:the elderly; Nursing homes; Lighting design; Optimization of light environment。第 1 章 绪论。1.1 研究背景及选题依据。从人口学的角度而言,老龄化问题是基于人口转变过程中一个影响深远的人口学后果。物质生活提升、医疗技术逐步完善的现今社会,老年人寿命不断增长,高龄化速度

13、也不断加快,对社会的发展提出了新的要求和挑战,尊老爱老是我国的传统,不可撼动,为广大老年人提供相应的健康护理以及精神照料方面的供给是我们的义务。以 65 岁为研究基点,我们可以从下边的老年人口增长趋势图(图 1-1,a)中看到,我国老年人增长速度之快,令人瞠目。世界银行预测,到 2050 年,我国 65 岁以上人口占总人口比例将达到 26 %,80 岁及以上的老年人口占比将达到 8 %。【2】我国老年人口占世界老年人口总和的比例,甚至超过了我国总人口占世界总人口的比例(图 1-1,b),这是一个值得全民思索的世界性问题,不容忽视和小觑。多数中国人是较为传统的,他们认为,舒适度对于身心的影响巨大

14、,中国的养生之道,也是世界闻名。我国是一个注重家庭价值的国家,有着传统的家庭居住赡养模式。但是老年人口已经逐渐成为社会的隐形压力,据不完全统计,中国一半以上的独生子女面临着压力巨大的421;赡养模式【3】,老龄化的加快伴随着少子化的走向(图 1-2),让很多 80后 90 后的独生子倍感前所未有的压力,压力增大的同时,超负荷的工作伴身,空巢;老人随之增多。这就需要专业性的机构辅助赡养以缓解压力,提供足够的空间以子女,养老院的出现,便是这样的一个功能,它能够代替子女更模式化地照料老人,可以预见,这将是中国养老的新方向,机构养老将成为家庭养老模式的重要支撑,建设更完善的养老居住环境尤为迫切。养老院



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