牛津上海版高中一年级第一学期Unit 5 Think before you eat Very vegetarian教案

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1、Oxford English Book 1 Module 3 Food for thoughtUnit 5 Think before you eat Very vegetarian【教学设计说明】本单元主体与饮食有关,文章介绍了食物与健康的关系。此话题与学生生活息息相关,因此他们已有相关背景知识,但每个人对饮食都有自己的偏爱,从这点入手,比较容易切入主题。1. 文本特征1) 本文以对话形式出现,配有插图一幅。正文前用斜体字介绍了对话发生的背景,字体与正文不同。因为是对话,所以短句和省略句较多,感叹语气使用较多,这样的语言较能传达说话者的情感态度。2) 从文本结构看,文章是电视节目的录音文字稿,

2、不像小说故事那样有明确的发展线索,而是以两个人支持各自观点,反驳对方观点而层层展开的。3) 从文本内容看,饮食的话题是学生熟悉的。文中对话双方Sam和Sally就素食主义展开讨论。Sam受电视节目影响决定成为素食主义者,摆出了自己的理由,并劝说Sally不要吃肉类食品。Sally对Sam的说法置之不理,并提出蔬菜同样存在风险。文本没有对他们的观点做出正确与否的判断,学生可在阅读理解的基础上做出自己的判断。2学情分析1) 学生对饮食的话题比较熟悉,比较容易切入主题,但对食物的英语表达相对陌生,对于食品的安全知识和英语表达知道更少。通过文章的学习可以有效提高在这方面的语用能力。2) 现在中学生英语

3、阅读习惯以默读为主,很少大声朗读课文。本文对话题的特点正好弥补朗读训练的不足。让学生通过大声朗读来体会和理解Sam和Sally各自的理由和他们的情感态度。3阅读策略1) 通过阅读对话,引导学生理清讨论双方各自观点和理由。2) 通过分角色朗读来理解和体会说话者的情感态度。提醒学生注意Sam严肃认真的语气和Sally不屑一顾的语气。3) 对于文中出现的个别较难理解的长句通过图文等多种形式帮助学生理解其含义。如:We should use land to grow food for people instead of cattle. Then thered be no more hungry peo

4、ple in the world.4阅读教学的重点和难点1) 引导学生通过关注文本各方面的特征来了解文本的体裁,背景和主题。2) 引导学生通过阅读对话来理解Sam和Sally对素食主义的观点和理由。3) 通过朗读体会说话者的情感和态度。4) 帮助学生学习食物相关单词(mixed grill, pork chop, vegetarian等)。5) 体现文本语用价值,帮助学生通过文本学习能更好的进行关于食物相关话题的讨论。Think before you eat Very Vegetarian徐佳卿,Shanghai Fuxing Senior High School Nov. 27th, 201

5、3Teaching content Oxford English, S1A, Module3, Unit ThreeReading Very Vegetarian (1st period)Teaching objectivesAt the end of the period, students will be able to1. Be aware of the basic elements of the TV program scene: time, place, people, topic;2. Find out the two characters viewpoints on being

6、a vegetarian and their reasons;3. Express opinions on being/not being a vegetarian by using what has been discussed in class and their own knowledge;4. Learn to think carefully about their food choice.Teaching aids: PPT slides, overhead projectorTeaching procedures StageTeachers ActivitiesStudents A

7、ctivitiesPurposesPre-reading1. Ask students opinions on some snack food.2. Give Teachers own choice for food.1. Give opinions on the snack food.2. Know about some new words about food.1. Lead Ss to think about their food choice.2. Introduce some new words and prepare Ss for reading.While-reading1. L

8、ead Ss to read through title, the introduction part and picture to find out basic elements of a TV scene.2. Ask Ss to read line 1-10 to find information about “what, who, why”.3. Ask Ss to read the following part and list clearly the two characters reasons for being or not being a vegetarian.1. Read

9、 through title, the introduction part and picture to find out basic elements of a TV scene.2. Read line 1-10 to find information about “what, who, why”.3. Read the following part and list clearly the two characters reasons for being or not being a vegetarian.1. Help the Ss be aware of the basic elem

10、ents of a TV scene.2. Encourage Ss to know the basic information about the talk.3. Help Ss understand the two characters viewpoints on being a vegetarian and their reasons by careful reading.Post-reading1. Inspire Ss to read aloud part of the conversation with appropriate emotions.1. 2. Encourage Ss

11、 to express opinions with key words given and their own knowledge.1. Read aloud part of the conversation with appropriate emotions.2. Express opinions with key words given and their own knowledge.1. Help Ss to feel the characters attitudes in talking.2. Lead Ss to review the contents discussed and e

12、ncourage Ss to say more about vegetarian.Assignment1. Develop your opinions on vegetarian into a clearly-stated paragraph with the topic “To be/ Not to be a vegetarian”. About 50-80 words.2. Underline the new expressions and structures you like in the passage for the discussion later.【教学反思】教学过程中比较好的



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