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1、钟南山英语作文范文 关于钟南山英语作文 在我们平凡的日常里,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是为大家收集的关于钟南山英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 2020年1月,湖北武汉遭遇了“新型冠状病毒”的狠毒袭击。在众多正在为击灭病毒而奋勇救人的白衣天使中,我特别留意到了一位八十四岁高龄的、头发花白的老者,他就是我最敬佩的人钟南山院士。 In January 2020, novel coronavirus was attacked in Wuhan, Hubei. Among the many angels in wh

2、ite who are fighting against the virus and saving lives, I have noticed a 84 year old man with gray hair. He is academician Zhong Nanshan whom I admire most. “新型冠状病毒”有着极强的传染性,染上这种病毒轻则疾病缠身,重则有生命危险。您临危受命,被国家任命为这场“战疫”的统帅。在前往武汉时,您接受记者采访时恳切地告诫全国百姓:“没什么事,别去武汉。”说完就义无反顾地登上高铁。您在高铁上靠椅稍作休息的照片让全国人民动容、泪目。到了武汉后,您

3、多次通过媒体呼吁大家要注意安全,要隔离,自己却不顾个人的安危投入到这场没有硝烟的战斗中去。 The novel coronavirus is highly infectious. It is infected with the virus and is dangerous when it is heavy. You have been appointed mander in chief of the war epidemic by the state. When you went to Wuhan, when you were interviewed by reporters, you ear

4、nestly warned the people of the whole country: nothing, dont go to Wuhan. Then he boarded the high-speed rail without hesitation. The photos of you taking a rest on the high-speed rail seat make people all over the country moved and tearful. After arriving in Wuhan, you have repeatedly appealed thro

5、ugh the media to everyone to pay attention to safety and isolation, but you have put yourself into the battle without gunsmoke regardless of your personal safety. 如今,被确诊的感染人数和 _一天比一天增多,这对参与这场战斗的白衣天使们是一个极大的考验和威胁。但您没有退缩,而是拿出了自己的本领和胆魄担当起保家卫国的重任。您用行动表现出“捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归”的英雄气概。您身上的白袍就是您的战衣,您的智慧就是您的宝剑。您夜以继日地工作

6、,带领白衣天使们攻坚克难,为人类的健康而鞠躬尽瘁。在近日的.采访,您眼中泛着英雄的泪光说:“武汉是一座英雄的城市,是能够过关的。”您悬壶济世的情怀又一次让国人泪奔。 Today, the number of confirmed infections and deaths is increasing day by day, which is a great test and threat to the angels in white participating in the battle. But you didnt flinch, but you took out your own skill

7、s and courage to take on the responsibility of protecting your country. With your actions, you show the heroic spirit of die in national calamity, and see death as return. Your white robe is your battle garment, and your wisdom is your sword. You work day and night to lead the angels in white to ove

8、re difficulties and devote yourself to human health. In a recent interview, you said with tears of heroes in your eyes, Wuhan is a city of heroes, which can pass the customs. Once again, your feelings of serving the world in a tearful manner. 钟南山院士,我敬佩您!您不辱使命,带领着浩浩荡荡的医护队伍,一起向祸害人类的“新型冠状病毒”亮出早已磨得锋利的宝剑

9、,为武汉、为祖国、为人类无怨无悔地挥洒着自己的满腔热血。 Academician Zhong Nanshan, I admire you! You have sueeded in carrying out an assignment, go forward with great strength and vigour, and novel coronavirus, which has caused the destruction of human beings, and have already sown a sharp sword. It is a great blood for Wuhan

10、, for the motherland and for humanity. 钟南山院士,我敬佩您!不仅是您,还有像您一样参与“战疫”而逆行奔向最危险战场的千千万万个白衣天使。您们都是最美的中国人,感恩有您们! Academician Zhong Nanshan, I admire you! Not only you, but also tens of thousands of angels in white who participated in the war epidemic like you and ran retrogradely to the most dangerous batt

11、lefield. You are the most beautiful Chinese, thank you! In the spring of xx,the SARS epidemic broke out in China and across the globe. Zhong Nanshan not only led but also took an active part in the battle against SARS. At that time no one really knew much about SARS and most people had no natural de

12、fenses against the disease.Dangerous as it was,Zhong Nanshan worked hard day and night treating the patients.Through their hard work for several months, Zhong Nanshan and his workmates achieved remarkable result. Soon the SARS epidemic was stopped in its track. Zhong Nanshan was awarded one of the t

13、op ten people moving China in xx. He has been working in the medical field for over 60 years. He is a good doctor in the countrymen eyes and respected by all the people in China. I admire Wen Tianxiang, who is still determined to die in the face of the temptation of senior officials of the Yuan Dyna

14、sty, Yang Jingyu, who is still fighting against Japan despite running out of food and ammunition, and Xia Minghan, who is still willing to die in the face of fierce reactionaries They are all great heroes of the Chinese nation, and they are all worthy of our admiration. But the hero in my heart, as

15、well as academician Zhong Nanshan who is fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention. Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old man, is also an academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, a famous respiratory expert, and a leading figure in the prevention and control of respiratory infectious disea

16、ses in China. 17 years ago, with the outbreak of SARS, people fell into panic in the face of unknown viruses. Academician Zhong Nanshan was calm and fearless. He saved lives with the kindness of doctors, treated critical patients regardless of his own life risks, and fought for lives with the God of death, the old man, and became a fighter. If there were no academician Zhong Nansha


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