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1、Unit 4 Amazing Science,Topic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller.,Section A,长安学校:娄明慧,Can you tell the legend of Change?,中国探月是我国自主对月球的探索和观察,又叫做嫦娥工程。,Yang Liwei is the first astronaut to travel into space in China.,He is our national hero.,Has China achieved its dream?,Shenzhou V is the first m

2、anned spaceship in China.,It was launched in 2003.,We has also sent up some lunar probes into space.,That proves that China has achieved its dream in its space industry.,Are you proud of our country?,1a Look listen and say,Listening skills:,1.Make your mood stable,give your full attention on it. (稳定

3、情绪,精力集中),2.Read the sentences carefully,prediction is necessary. (审清题意,预测内容),Task1:Listen to 1a and choose the right answers.,( )1.Who is the first Chinese to travel into space? Nie Haisheng B.Yang Liwei C.Fei Junlong ( )2.How long did Shenzhou V travel around the earth? A.21 hours B.22 hours C.23 h

4、ours ( )3.China is the _nation to send a person into space. A.first B.second C.third ( )4.Change I is Chinas first _. A.lunar probe B.satellite C.spaceship ( )5.Kangkang hopes he can travel to_one day . A.the sun B.the moon C.the Mars,B,A,C,A,B,Task2: Listen to the tape and follow it, Underline the

5、important language points.,Task3: Read 1a in pairs.,China launched Shenzhou spaceship and sent two persons into space on October 12,2005. Shenzhou spaceship is sent up and sent three persons into space on September 25, 2008. That proved that Chinese could walk in space. On November 1, 2011, Shenzhou

6、 succeeded in connecting to Tiangong. But there was no man in it. Our country sent up Shenzhou with three person into space on June 10, 2012. On June 11, 2013, Shenzhou was launched. Three astronauts stayed into space for 15 days.,相关链接,Yuri Gagarin(尤里 加加林) was from the Soviet Union.,He was the first

7、 man in the world to travel into space.,Listening skills:,3.Catch the important information,take notes quickly. (捕捉信息,快速笔记),4.Listen to the key words, write the answers immediately. (抓住重点,果断答题),5.Think about your answers,optimize the information. (分析推理,优化信息),Yuri Gagarin from Soviet Union was the _

8、man in the world to travel into space. He was born on March 9th, 1934. When he was young he showed great _ in space and planets and began to _ about space travel. In 1955, he went to flight training school. On the morning of April 12th, 1961, Gagarin _ space and then landed on the earth safely at 10

9、:55 a.m. The whole flight lasted _ minutes. Gagarin made the first _ manned flight into space. He was a hero. His flight proved that human beings could fly into space and explore other planets.,Listen to the passage. Then fill in the blanks.,2a,(录音p78-2a),first,interest,dream,entered,108,successful,

10、Listening skills: 1.Make your mood stable,give your full attention on it.(稳定情绪,精力集中) 2.Read the sentences carefully,prediction is necessary.(审清题意,预测内容) 3.Catch the important information,take notes quickly.(捕捉信息,快速笔记) 4.Listen to the key words, write the answers immediately.(抓住重点,果断答题) 5.Think about

11、your answers,optimize the information.(分析推理,优化信息),Sum up总结归纳,1.Fill in the blanks,Exercises: I.Match the words with the right meanings. ( )1.hero A.story handed down (传承) from the past. ( )2.launch B.all men and women. ( )3.spaceship C.person who is admired(钦佩) by many people. ( )4.prove D.person wh

12、o travels in a spacecraft(飞船). ( )5.achieve E.get or reach something by effort. ( )6.legend F.put something into motion(轨道). ( )7.astronaut G.vehicle for travelling in space. ( )8.mankind H.show that something is true or certain.,C,F,G,H,E,A,D,B,II.同义句替换 1.He spent three hours in finishing the task.

13、 It _him three hours _ _ the task. 2.Has China launched any spaceships in the 21th centry? Has China _ _ any spaceships in the 21th centry? 3.Maria hopes to achieve her dream in ten years. Maria hopes her dream will _ _in ten years. 4.Many chidren show great interest in Change I. Many chidren are very _ _ Change I. 5.Kangkang hopes he can visit Disneyland one day. Kangkang hopes _ _ Disneyland one day.,took,to finish,sent up,come true,interested in,to visit,Homework,1.Read 1a. 2.Search more information about Chinese space industry . 3.Preview Section.,


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