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1、英语整体思维学被动语态导学案(教师版)一、发现语法规则-意+形+用1. 被动语态的意:表示主语是动作的承受者,而主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。只有主谓宾结构才有被动语态,被动语态没有宾语,是个主谓结构。2. 被动语态的形:时体 现在 过去 将来 过去将来一般 is/am/are done was/were done will/shall be done would/should be done进行 is/am/are being donewas/were being done will/shall be being donewould/should be being done完成 have/

2、has been done had been donewill/shall have been donewould/should have been done完成进行have/has been being done had been being donewill/shall have been being donewould/should have been being done3. 被动语态的用法序号 表被动语态的例句 用法总结11) George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding?佐治和露西上周结婚了,你

3、去参加他们的婚礼了吗?No, I hadnt been invited. Did they have a big wedding?没有,我没受到邀请。他们的婚礼很盛大吗?2) The window is dirty.窗户很脏了。I know. It hasnt been cleaned for weeks.我知道,已经几个星期没擦了。不知道谁是动作的执行者,或没有必要指明谁是动作的执行者。2 3) All the employees except the manager are encouraged to work online at home.除了经理,所有员工都被鼓励在家上网工作。当需要强

4、调或突出动作的承受者或事件本身3 4) Girls wanted. 招女工。5) Millions of pounds worth of damage has been caused by a storm which swept across the north of England last night. 昨晚横扫英格兰北部的一场大雨造成了价值几百万英镑的损失。被动语态用于标题、广告、新闻中4 6) The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people are persuaded to eat mo

5、re fruit and vegetables. 如果能够说服人们多吃水果和蔬菜,死于心脏病的人数就会大量减少。当动作的执行者不是人时5 7) That old man was often laughed at. 那位老人常被人嘲笑。8) The plan will be given up. 那计划就要被放弃了。9) Bad habits have been done away with. 坏习惯已经改掉了。(注意:在被动结构中,切不可丢掉后面的介词或副词)短语动词的被动语态不能漏掉介词或副词情态动词的被动语态的结构:情态动词+be+过去分词10) He must be prevented f

6、rom going. 必须阻止他去。11) The plan ought to be put into practice as soon as possible. 这项计划必须尽早执行。 6 12) She got married last week. 她上周结婚了。13) The patient got treated once a week. 那位病人一周得到一次治疗。14) He fell off the car and got killed. 他从车上摔下来,摔死了。get +过去分词表被动,但此结构比较口语化7 15) The steel feels cold. 钢摸起来很凉。16)

7、 His plan proved (to be) practical. 他的计划被证明很实用。17) It has gone bad.它已经变坏了。系动词 look,sound,feel, smell, taste, appear, seem, go, prove, turn, stay, become, fall,get, grow,keep+形容词/名词构成系表结构用主动表被动8 18) Work began at 7 oclock this morning. 早上 7 点钟开始工作。19) The shop closes at 6 p.m. every day. 这个商店每天下午 6 点

8、关门。表示开始、结束、运动的动词如 begin, finish, start, open, close, stop, end,shut,run, move 等动词用主动表被动。9 20) This coat dries easily. 这种外衣容易干。21) Nylon cleans easily. 尼龙容易洗干净。22) Food can keep fresh in a fridge. 食物在冰箱里能保鲜。23) Your speech reads well. 你的演说讲得很好。24) This material has worn thin. 这个材料已经磨薄了。25) The match

9、wont catch. 火柴擦不着。26) The plan worked out wonderfully. 这项计划制定得很好。27) The engine wont start.引擎发动不起来。 表主语的某种属性特征的动词如 read, write, act, iron, cut, draw, drive, sell, wash, claean, wear, open, cook, lock, shut, dry, eat, drink,通常动词用主动表被动, 这类动词一般不单独使用,常有一个修饰语(副词或形容词)10 28) The books are printing. 这些书正在印刷

10、中。29) The meat is cooking. 肉在煮。少数动词用于进行时,其主动形式表被动含义,如 print, cook, fry, hang, build, make.11 30) The rumor is beyond belief (= cant be believed).这个谣言不可相信。31) His honest character is above all praise. (= His honest character cannot be praised enough.)他诚实的品格值得赞扬。32) Today some treasures are on show (=

11、 are being shown) in the museum.今天博物馆里展出了一些宝物。表方位的介词 in,on, under 等与含动作意义的名词合用,含有被动意义,其意义相当于该名词相应动作的被动形式,名词前一般不加冠词。常见的有: under control, under treatment, under repair,under discussion, under construction, beyond belief, beyongd ones reach, for sale, for rent, in print, in sight, on sale, on show, out

12、 of control, out sight, out fashion.12 33) This key just fits the lock.这把钥匙刚好配合这把锁。34) Your story agrees with what has already been heard.你的故事与我们听到的相吻合。不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语用主动表被动含义:fit, have,wish ,cost,agree with,arrive at/in, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk in

13、to, belong to 等。13 35) It is said that he has gone abroad for further study.据说他已经去国外深造了。36) It is hoped that the price will go down.希望价格可以降下来。37) It is supposed that he will be elected president.据推测他将当选总统。 带被动结构的 it 固定句型4. 被动语态的考点高考题例 考点 意义1. The way the guests in the hotel influenced their evaluati

14、on of the service. (2009 北京,27)A. treated B. were treated C. would treat D. would be treated一般过去时的被动语态:根据下文的过去式判断上文用过去时意为“被招待”2. Hi, Torry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?- Sorry. .(2009 江苏,25)A. Its repaired B. It has been repaired C. Its being repairedD. It has been repaired 现在

15、进行时的被动语态:要求考生通过上下文判断动作发生的未完成性意为“正在被修理”无法使用。表动作的未完成性3. His sister left home in 1998, and since.(2009 宁夏 .海南.全国 I,26)A. had not been heard of B. has not been heard ofC. had not heard of D. has not heard of现在完成时的被动语态:要求考生根据上下文判断动作是从1998 年以来一直到现在。意为:从那时起再也没有听到他的消息4. Why does the lake smell terrible?- Be

16、cause large quantities of water .(2009 福建,22)A. have polluted B. is being pollutedC. has been polluted D. have been polluted现在完成时态的被动语态:要求考生根据结果的呈现推断用现在完成时强调污染产生的结果是湖闻起来很臭,因此用现在完成时。5. During the period of recent terrorist activities, people not to touch any unattended bag.(2009 上海,36)A. had always been warned B. were always being warnedC. are always warning D. alway


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