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1、初三英语 Revision Unit1-Unit3一. 本周教学内容:Revision(Unit 1Unit 3)1. 重点单词。n. poetry poem descriptionhappiness hill warmth topic direction Haiku form poet patternsyllable interruption middle friendship fur thoughtlimerick blank motiontwin clone egginsect closet mammoth laboratory secret flutepardon mistake gr

2、eeting custom society culture manner peppermint troubletraditionv. decide express wishcreate stretch discusscombine identify clone divide design damage pardon giggle forgivepraise adj. clear tiny bravepale golden relatednoisy particular set sleepy single awake juicy helpful identical original adult

3、unusualsecret dead confusingconfused formal polite rude adv. just softly simply clearly exactly pron. neither conj. nor 2. 重点短语。learn / know by heart 记住; 背诵 (be) related to和有关;涉及a set number of 固定数量的;一定数量的in the middle of 在中间 both and 既又;不但而且 fill in the blanks 填空 decide to do 决定做human being 人类 exce

4、pt for 除之外not onlybut also不但而且 at the same time 同时What if?如果将会怎么样? for example 例如neithernor既不也不 say hello to sb.向某人问好make a mistake 犯错误 eat up 吃光as soon as 一就 again and again 再三地;反复地given name 名 family name 姓 praise for因为(某事)表扬(某人) face to face 面对面have trouble with 在某方面有麻烦/困难 at the end of 在的结尾in go

5、od Chinese tradition 按照中国的好传统3. 交际用语。 Make suggestion. (提出建议)Lets write a poet! What / How about having the meeting tomorrow? Why dont you pretend to be Jennys friend? Why not try writing a funny poem? Ability and Inability. He can ride a bike. Brian is good at football.They cant combine their DNA.

6、Apologies (道歉) Pardon? Excuse me! I beg your pardon. Im sorry. No problem.Dont worry about it! Never mind. Similarities and Differences. (相同与不同) Your finger has the same DNA as your hair.Li Ming looks like his father. China is very different from Australia.Good manners in North America are different

7、 from good manners in China. 4. 语法。动词不定式 并列连词的用法过去将来时 二. 重点、难点回顾。1. I havent decided what to write about. 我还没决定写什么内容。 (L1)what to write about 是一个由疑问词 what + to do 构成的宾语从句。 在宾语从句中,当主句的谓语动词为 know , ask , decide, be sure 等时,且主句的主语和从句的主语保持一致的话,可把宾语从句省略为疑问词加不定式。 He asked where he could put the books. = H

8、e asked where to put the books. 他问把书放在哪。 I dont know what I should do next. = I dont know what to do next. 我不知道下一步该做什么了。2. I know it by heart, I dont need to read it. 我已经背过了,不用读。 (L1) need 用法小结: (1)情态动词, 无人称和数的变化,也无时态的变化。 You neednt go now. 你现在不用走。 (2) vt. 需要 The flower needs sunshine. 花儿需要阳光。 必要,必须

9、 The flower needs watering. 花儿需要浇水。 值得,该有 The thief needs a good beating. 这个小偷应被好好揍一顿。 (3) n. 需要,困境 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 (谚语) 常见用法:need (anx.v.) + do You neednt do it yourself. 你不用自己做。 need (vt.) + to do I need to go shopping. 我需要去购物。 need (vt.) + doing The chair needs repairi

10、ng. The chair needs to be repaired. 这张椅子需要被修理。3. mistake n. 犯错,误会。复数形式: mistakes Dont be afraid of making mistakes.不要怕犯错。 He hit me by mistake. 他误打了我。 vt. 错认,误会。(mistook mistaken) I mistook the house.我认错了房子。 I mistook you for an American.我误认为你是一个美国人。4. What if you could combine other animals or plan

11、ts to make something new?如果你能组合其他的动物或植物成新的东西怎么办? (L9)What if? “如果该怎么办呢?如果又有什么关系?” What if you should fail? 假如你失败了该怎么办呢? What if they succeed? 假如他们成功了又有什么关系? 5. After a person or animal has died, we cannot clone them.当一个人或动物死了之后我们不能克隆他们。 (L11) die v. 意思为“死、死亡” ,瞬间动词,不能与一段时间连用。 My grandpa died two yea

12、rs ago. 我爷爷两年前去世了。 拓展:death 是名词,意思为“死亡、去世” 。The memorial hall was built one year after his death. 他死后一年,纪念馆建成了。 dying 是 die 的现在分词,用作形容词,意思是“垂死的、即将死去的” 。The poor dog had no food, it was dying. 可怜的狗没有食物,快要饿死了。 dead adj. 意思为“死了的、无生命的” ,表示状态,可以与一段时间连用。The tree has been dead for ten years. 这棵树死了有十年了。 6.

13、too many 太多,后面跟可数名词的复数形式。 There are too many people in the park on Sundays.星期天公园里人太多。 辨析:too much 与 much tootoo much 太多,后面跟不可数名词Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. 看电视过多对你的眼睛有害。 I have too much homework to do. 我有很多作业要做。 much too 很,非常,常用来修饰形容词或副词。 The coat is much too large for me.这件大衣我穿着实在太大了

14、。 7. In my laboratory, I would make a new one! 在我的实验室里,我要制造一个新的出来。 (L13) one 代词,指代前面出现的人或物中的一个,复数形式为 ones。 I havent a book, can you lend me one? 我没有书,你能借给我一本吗? 辨析:one, that 与 it one 表示泛指,指所提到的东西中的一个,不一定是原物。 I cant find my hat. I think I must buy a new one.我找不到我的帽子了。我想我该去买一顶新的。 that 表示特指, 与所指名词为同类,但不

15、是同一个。The hat you bought is bigger than that I bought. 你买的那顶帽子比我买的大。 it 也表示特指,与所指名词为同一个。I cant find my hat. I dont know where I put it. 我找不到我的帽子了。我不知道我把它放在哪儿了。 8. whether 的用法。 用在宾语从句中一般可与 if 互换 注意: 只用 whether 而不用 if 的几种情况: 与 or not 连用时只用 whether 而不用 if。 I dont know whether or not he can do it well. 我不知道他能不能做好这件事。 动词不定式前,只用 whether 而不用 if。 I dont know whether to stay or to leave. 我


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