冀教版英语八年级下Lesson 33的教案

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1、冀教版英语八年级下 Lesson 33 的教案 漫水滩中学 卢玉春Lesson 33 How Can You Go?Teaching aims and demands.1.Learn new vocabularies and useful expressions 2.Understand the dialogue and grasp some knowledge pointsEg.go to sp on.foot =walk to sptake a train = go by trainthe usage of across.through.over.the usage of seldom.f

2、avorite = likebest3.How to use these knowledge to make some sentences.Eg.I can go almost anywhere on foot.=I can walk almost anywhere.Teaching important and difficult points.1. Use key words and recite them.2. Grasp some knowledge points and them.3. Let students try their best to recite the dialogue

3、.Teaching methods.Lead-in. guess new words.explanation.use new knowledge to make sentences.ask and answer. do some exercises.Teaching aids.Mult_ mediaTeaching procedures.Step one. Leadin Using picturesStep two. Presentation (1) Learn new words transportation 船长license 交通工具type 不常见,罕见sail 类型,打字seldom

4、 执照rapid 快速的captain 乘船航行(2)Read the dialogue and answer the questions:What type of transportation does Danny like best? What about Jenny and Brian?(3)Knowledge points1.favorite = likebestMy favorite subject is English .I like English best.Whats your favorite type of transportation?What type of trans

5、portation do you like best?2. Go to sp on foot = walk to sp .I can go almost anywhere on foot .I can walk almost anywhere.I can walk to school .I can go to school on foot.3. I couldnt take a train to London to visit my parents. take a train = go by trainI couldnt go to London to visit my parents by

6、train.3. London is across the ocean.我们步行穿过马路。We walked across the road.穿过森林,穿过窗户。through the forest, through the window.刚刚一架飞机从这栋大楼飞过。Just now, a plane flew over the building.4. I seldom take a ship.I seldom take a ship do I? (反义疑问句)She seldom goes home (改为反意疑问句)She seldom goes home _ _?Step three P

7、ractice1.He went to China by plane last week(改为同意句) He _ a plane to China last week.2.我们可以乘飞机去任何地方.We _ go_ _ _ plane.3.这是解决此题较快的方法.Its a _ _ way to work out the problem.4. Do you usually go to work by taxi? (写出同义句)Do you usually _ _ _ to work? 5. He went there by bike .(就划线部分提问)_ _ he _ there?6. It

8、 will take a year to build the bridge._ _ _ it take to build the bridge?Step four Summary 1.favorite = likebest2. Go to sp on foot = walk to sp .3. London is across the ocean.4. I seldom take a ship.Step five Activity Suppose you are going to the bookstore this Sunday, what type of transportation will you use? How long will it take? Is there a faster way? Write a simple composition.Step six HomeworkTry to learn the text by heart.


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