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1、1六年级下册英语期中试卷(冀教版)学校 : 姓名: 班级: 分数: 1补全单词,并写出意思。(5 分)( )1.on n A.oi B.io C.or ( )2.th w A.oe B.on C. ro( )3.m th A.io B.er C.on ( )4.ev ing A.in B.en C.on ( )5.f e A.oe B.ac C.eo 二 、英汉互译(10 分)1.once a week 2.wash clothes 3.run down 4.brush your teeth 5.watch TV 6.a day 7.how many 8.how often 9.thirty

2、minutes 10.listen to your teacher 11.do your homework 12.take showers 13. wake up 14.clean the house 15. in the sky 16. read books 17. play ping-pong 18. turn around 19.白菜 20. 星期 三、按要求做题 (5 分)1.long(反义词) 2 .weak(反义词) 3.put on(反义词组) 4. before(反义词) 5.different(反义词) 6. high(反义词) 7.light(反义词) 8.dirty (反

3、义词) 9.win(反义词) 10.never (反义词) 四、按要求写出下列单词:(12 分)1.think(过去式) 2. win(过去式) 3.catch(过去式) 4.teach(过去式) 5.go(过去式) 6.hurt(过去式) 7.buy(过去式) 8.hour(同音词) 9.week(同音词) 10.won(同音词) 11.run(现在分词) 12. once(基数词) 13.ride(现在分词) 14. dish (复数) 15. funny(名词) 16.play(名词) 17.any(同义词) 18.football(近义词) 19.easy(副词) 20.lost(原形

4、) 21.hit(现在分词) 22.teeth(单数) 23.strawberry(复数) 24.why(对应词) 五、选择题(20 分)( )1. How many minutes do you dry the . A.dishes B. dishs C. dish ( )2. How many minutes do you do homework. A. your B. you C. I ( )3.Im going to watch more sports TV. A. in B. on C at ( )4.I like peas more cabbage. A. then B. than

5、 C. as ( ) 5. You need vegetables for a healthy body. A. to eat B. eat C. ate ( What do you do breakfast? I brush my teeth. A before B above C after ( )7. Did you have fun the game. A. watch B. watching C. watched ( )I taught Li Ming and catch the ball. A. throw B.to throw C. throw ( )9.Ican throw _

6、. A. easy B. easily C. easyly2( ) The game is _the school gym _7:00. A. at, at B. in, in C. at, in ( )11. After breakfast, Jenny brushes_teeth.A. her B. his C. my ( )12. We often have_lunch at 12:00. A. a B. / C. an ( )13. Do you have _ erasers? A. some B. any C. a ( )14. I have supper_ my family. A

7、. with B. or C.and( )Jenny wakes up _7:00 _the morning. A. at, in B. in, in C. in, at ( )16、I dont have a T-shirt ,_ A.too B.either C.to ( )Do you like these runners _those runners ? A.and B.or C.with ( )18、You hit the ping-pong ball _Jenny . A.with B to C.for ( )19、We yelled_ Bobs team yesterday .

8、A.on B.for C.to ( )20、Danny ate breakfast once _Tuesday . A. in B、on C、at 六、连词成句(8 分)1.hour sixty make an minutes 2.school hard at work 3.school is walking exercise to 4.buy where you did snakes 5. light ball this is 6. good you its for 7. works sports she at hard 8. think i need you to get more exe

9、rcise 七、用所给单词的适当形式选择填空:(10 分)1.A team _(have, has)many players.2.Yao Ming is a basketball _(play, player).3.Do you want _(be, to be)strong and healthy?4. The Chinese team _(win, won)the game last week.5.How many _(day,days)in a year?6.My father is _(old, older) than my mother.7. There _(be, is ) som

10、e milk, some water and apples in the kitchen.8.Jenny goes to school five _(time, times)a week. 9.Do you have any _(melon, melons)? 10. What _(do, does) your father do?八、依据句意,变换括号里的单词(10 分)1.Jenny goes to school five times a _(weeks), from Monday to Friday.2.Good food makes your body _(healthy).3.A h

11、ealthy body has healthy _(muscle)_(bone) and _(skin).4. Sixty _(minute) make an _(hours).5. How _(many) exercise do you need a day?7. How _(much) minutes do you need to walk to school?8. How_ (often)do you play basketball? Twice a week.十、为下列问句选择正确的答语。 (10 分)( ) 1. How many minutes do you walk? A. I need about twenty minutes.( ) 2. How much exercise do you need? B. About five minutes.3( ) 3. What do you do after breakfast


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