牛津译林版七年级英语上册7A Unit 1 This is me period 8 Study skills导学案(无答案)

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1、牛津译林版七年级英语上册7A Unit 1 This is me period 8 Study skills导学案一、课前预习导学(1)学习目标:1. 能使用相关话题进行交际。2. 养成在各种语境中说英语的习惯 掌握词组: talk about sth./ sb. borrow sth. from sb. in English practise doing sth. the answer to start a role-play 句 型:Does he often score for our school football team ? Yes , he does . Do you have

2、a pen ? Can I borrow your pen ? Im sorry . I dont have one . Excuse me . How do you say that in English ?(2)课前预习: 预习课本 Speak up 和 study skills( P 17-18) 根据实际情况回答下列问题: 1. Do you like playing football ? 2. Who is your favourite football player ?3. Does your favourite player often score for his team ?4

3、. Does your favourite player look strong ?5. Do you have a bike ? 6. How do you say “理解” in English ? 7. If you want to a start a role-play , you say 二、课堂合作探究1. 动词win 表示“赢,赢得”,后面可接表示比赛、竞赛、奖杯、奖牌、奖金等名词作宾语。 如果说“赢了某人”要用动词beat He a gold medal in the Olympic . Our football team the match . 2. really 常用于口语

4、中, 意为“是吗?真的吗?表示惊讶,感兴趣等。3. The +比较级, the + 比较级 意为“越, 越 。” The (多) you eat , the (fat) you will be . 4. how to say sth. 由”疑问句+ 不定式,常作宾语。 他不知道做什么。 He doesnt know (去哪里) . 5.excuse me 是在打扰别人之前所说的“对不起”,后面是打扰别人的具体内容。 sorry 则用于做错事,听到不好消息后所说的歉意、难过的话如: , can I ask a question ? to hear your mother is ill . 三、课

5、内练习巩固 用所给词的正确形式填空1Can you (play ) with us ?2. Do you enjoy (swim) ?3. I dont know how (start ) a role-play .4. The question is too difficult . I (not understand ) it .四、课后拓展延伸 用英语回答问题:1. 当你遇到不会的单词时,你如何向老师和同学询问? 2. 你的朋友帮你分析难题,你却听不懂,你怎么对他说? 3. 到了学校突然发现忘带橡皮了,要向同学借,怎么说? 考试结束了,有人向你打听考试结果,你根本不知道,该怎么说? 1.

6、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。2. My mother is _(help) and polite and she often _(help) others.3. Bob is a very good _(play) and he _(play) well.4. Are you _(fun)?5. My basketball team is the _(good) in China.6. Beibeis sister _(be) born in 1997.二、选择。1. If you dont know the answer _ something. You say “Sorry, I dont know.”A of B to C in D about2. Do you like playing with _?A they B their C them D theirs3. Millie is good at_ badminton.A playing B plays C play D to play4. Li Bing and Li Ming are _.A China B Chinas C Chineses D Chinese教与学反思(教师与学生分别从不同角度)


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