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1、Part Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding letter on the Answ

2、er Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:American Indians played a central role in the war known as the American Revolution. To them, however, the dispute between the colonists and England was peripheral. For American Indians the conflict w

3、as a war for American Indian independence, and whichever side they chose, they lost it. Mary Brant was a powerful influence among the Iroquois. She was a Mohawk, the leader of the society of all Iroquois matrons, and the widow of Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Her brother, Jo

4、seph Brant, is the bestknown American Indian warrior of the Revolution, yet she may have exerted even more influence in the confederacy than he did. She used her influence to keep the western tribes of Iroquois loyal to the English king, George . When the colonists won the war, she and her tribe had

5、 to abandon their lands and retreat to Canada. On the other side, Nancy Ward held positions of authority in the Cherokee nation. She had fought as a warrior in the war against the Creeks and as a reward for her heroism was made “Beloved Woman” of the tribe. This office made her chief of the womens c

6、ouncil and a member of the council of chiefs. She was friendly with the white settlers and supported the Patriots during the Revolution. Yet the Cherokees too lost their land.21.What is the main point the author makes in the passage?A.Siding with the English in the Revolution helped American Indians

7、 regain their land.B.At the time of the Revolution the Superintendent of Indian Affairs had little power.C.Regardless of whom they supported in the Revolution, American Indians lost their land.D.The outcome of the Revolution was largely determined by American Indianwomen.22.The word “it” in line 5 r

8、efers to _.A.side B.revolutionC.dispute D.independence23.How did Ward gain her position of authority?A.By bravery in battle.B.By marriage to a chief.C.By joining the confederacy.D.By being born into a powerful family.24.To which tribe did Nancy Ward belong?A.Mohawk. B.Iroquois. C.Cherokee. D.Creek.2

9、5.According to the passage, what did Mary Brant and Nancy Ward had in common?A.Each was called “Beloved Woman” by her tribe.B.Each influenced her tribes role in the American Revolution.C.Each lost a brother in the American Revolution.D.Each went to England after the American Revolution. Questions 26

10、 to 30 are based on the following passage.Born in 1830 in rural Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson spent her entire life in the household of her parents. Between 1858 and 1862, it was later discovered, she wrote like a person possessed, often producing a poem a day. It was also during this peri

11、od that her life was transformed into the myth of Amherst. Withdrawing more and more, keeping to her room, sometimes even refusing to see visitors who called, she began to dress only in whitea habit that added to her reputation as an eccentric.In their determination to read Dickinsons life in terms

12、of a traditional romantic plot, biographers have missed the unique pattern of her lifeher struggle to create a female life not yet imagined by the culture in which she lived. Dickinson was not the innocent, lovelorn and emotionally fragile girl sentimentalized by the Dickinson myth and popularized b

13、y William Luces 1976 play, the Belle of Amherst. Her decision to shut the door on Amherst society in the 1850s transformed her house into a kind of magical realm in which she was free to engage her poetic genius. Her seclusion was not the result of a failed love affair, but rather a part of a more g

14、eneral pattern of renunciation through which she, in her quest for selfsovereignty, carried on an argument with the puritan fathers, attacking with wit and irony their cheerless Calvinist doctrine, their stern patriarchal God, and their rigid notions of “true womanhood”.26.Whats the authors main pur

15、pose in the passage?A.To interpret Emily Dickinsons eccentric behavior.B.To promote the popular myth of Emily Dickinson.C.To discuss Emily Dickinsons failed love affair.D.To describe the religious climate in Emily Dickinsons time.27.Which of the following is not mentioned as being one of Emily Dicki

16、nsons eccentricities?A.Refusing to eat. B.Wearing only white.C.Avoiding visitors. D.Staying in her room.28.According to the passage, biographers of Emily Dickinson have traditionally _.A.criticized most of her poemsB.ignored her innocence and emotional fragilityC.seen her life in romantic termsD.blaming her parents for restricting her activities29.The author implies that many people attrib


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