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1、应届毕业典礼五分钟优秀英语演讲稿范文五篇 演讲是人格魅力渲染的舞台介质,一场精彩演讲是足以影响到人一生,以下是我给大家带来上台演讲的应届毕业典礼五分钟优秀英语演讲稿范文五篇,欢迎大家参考借鉴! 英语演讲稿1 But Holmes understood as we should by now as well that a tolerant society is necessary for the purposes of seeking the truth, that this is produced through an act of collective commitment to live

2、according to its values and that this requires constant vigilance and persistent reassertion of those values, yet we often lapse. Unsurprisingly then, history provides countless illustrations of these ideas colliding with people in government who felt threatened by the current of their time and chos

3、e to be hostile to the imagination and enamored of their own power and belief. At the end of the first world war, western civilization had lost its way and the political and economic divisions were unraveling the status quo. Fears of Russia and the spread of communism and socialism along with growin

4、g unrest among labor give rise to fear and panic among those who wished to preserve the world as it was. All these forces of instability, in turn, escalated into repression, censorship and the scapegoating of marginal populations, of radicals, dissenters, nonconformance, foreigner and immigrants. Th

5、e leader of the American socialist party Eugene Debs was imprisoned for delivering a speech. Today, a century later, a new threat to our core values has emerged, around the world and in this country. The rise of authoritarianism often in the guys of democratically elected despots has become the defi

6、ning feature of modern life. The tactics, unfortunately, are age-old and time tests. There must be an in-group, conceived around religious ethnic, racial or nationalistic lines and an outgroup. Typically, foreigners, immigrants, elites, or an opposing party. 英语演讲稿2 Passions are stoked, and the assau

7、lt on truth begins. The necessary predicate for discrediting your opposition and for creating supporters. It usually starts with attacks on the press and journalists. And then it moves to universities and students and professors. Since truth is the real enemy, and whoever pursuit it must be declared

8、 the enemy. Evidence of nation after nation making this distressing turn is now all around us. We must be careful not to underestimate the negative consequences to our own values caused by this pervasive form of censorship and suppression. Given the ever-increasing integration of peoples of the worl

9、d. Through the powerful forces of economic activity, communication, and movements across borders, we depend on professors, students, and ideas flowing freely through our community of institutions. We may therefore sometimes look at these acts of intolerance abroad as matters of here foreign conseque

10、nce, but they almost also have much more direct and immediate consequences for our own values. The most recent case that vividly makes this point is the hideous torture and murder of Khashoggi. A Saudi national and unsparing critic of that regime. A violation of international law and human rights, y

11、es, it certainly appears so. But it was potentially a violation of American law, and the interests protected by those laws for Khashoggi was a communist with the Washington post and a legal resident of the United States. With two children of his four who are U.S. citizens. As such he was protected b

12、y the first amendment for the things he said and for which he was killed. This is a crime under American laws against torture and violation of civil rights, for which there is extraterritorial jurisdiction to pursue prosecution. Though it is deplorable that no action has been taken in this country t

13、o bring this killer to justice and to vindicate U.S. interests. A precedent that should concern us all. Of course, there is no shortage of attacks on truth and on truth seekers right here at home. The undermining of honest discourse has occurred so far not through official acts of censorship, but mo

14、re indirectly, if not very subtlety, the means of suppression. 英语演讲稿3 The free press is labeled the enemy of the people, the irrefutable science underlining our understanding of climate change is portrayed as a fabrication propagated for political agenda, and universities are increasingly cast as in

15、cubator of intolerance, and enemies of free expression, a sensationalist charge disproved by consistent presence on university campuses including Columbia of controversial speakers from both the left and the right. Some might argue that these verbal attacks on the press and universities as well on a

16、ll. The other daily falsehoods that accompany them are harmless, only a superficial attack without lasting consequences. For us, however, in the university, where truth is everything, we cannot accept that characterization. It cuts to our core. So what are to do? Fortunately, there is an experience to guide us in our response and nowhere is that experience more resonant than at Columbia. Precisely 100 years ag


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