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1、Unit 2The United Kingdom课时作业.阅读(2020云南省曲靖市第一中学高考复习质量监测(三)British scientists seeking to protect the environment have designed a biodegradable mobile phone cover that breaks down in soil when discarded and sprouts (发芽) a flower from a seed put inside the case. Researchers at the University of Warwick

2、in central England said the novel device, made from a specially designed polymer (聚合材料), is a blessing for the environmentalists.Millions of mobile phones are thrown away every year as the industry produces large quantities of new models without caring about the quality. “It is really original in th

3、e phone industry and consumers are happy because they feel they are doing something for the local environment,” said Kerry Kirwan from the university of Warwick. Designers have made the hesitant users feel sure that the seed, put into a transparent window, only sprouts when the phone cover is discar

4、ded. “We put sunflower seeds into the covers of the samples, but we are working with gardening researchers to identify which other flowers would perform best. Maybe we could put poppies (虞美人) or roses next time,” said Kirwan.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一款新颖的有利于环保的手机壳。1Why is the new mobile phone unique?AIt i

5、s popular with young people.BIt is environmentally friendly.CThe user can make it flower whenever he or she likes.DIts colour is beautiful.答案:B细节理解题。根据第一段第二句和第二段第二句可知,这款手机的新颖、独特之处在于它有利于环保。故选 B。2What does the underlined word “discarded” mean?AThrown away.BUpdated.CCleaned.DReplaced.答案:A词义猜测题。从第一段第一句可

6、推出这款手机壳只有先遗弃在土壤中,然后才会在土壤中分解,发芽。并且,从第二段第一句中的“thrown away”也可得知discard是“扔掉,遗弃”的意思。故选A。3What can be a suitable title for the text?AGood News for EnvironmentalistsBPromising Mobile PhoneCChanging Wastes into ValuablesDFlowering Mobile Phone答案:D标题判断题。根据第一段第一句可知,本篇文章的主旨是介绍这款手机的新颖之处,它的外壳遗弃在土壤中能分解,能使种子开花从而有利

7、于环保。D选项符合题意,且增强文章的趣味性。4In which section of a magazine may this text appear?AEntertainment.BScience and technology.CEducation.DHealth.答案:B推理判断题。从文章的写作风格及内容(介绍了一款新科技的手机)可知选B。【词汇积累】biodegradable adj. 可生物降解的novel adj. 新颖的identify v. 确认millions of 无数的【长难句分析】Millions of mobile phones are thrown away every

8、 year as the industry produces large quantities of new models without caring about the quality.每年都有数百万的手机被丢弃,因为手机行业在不考虑质量的情况下生产了大量的新款手机。分析:此句是主从复合句。as引导原因状语从句。.完形填空I can still remember the first time that I decided to help a child from the Philippines. The _1_ that helping her gives me, however, is

9、beyond _2_. It connects me to her, to life, _3_ to love. I was only a teenager myself and had a little extra _4_ each month. I didnt feel like _5_ anything, though. We had _6_ everything we had in a house fire a few years before. _7_ that had taught me a lot. I had learned that I didnt need a lot of

10、 “stuff” to be _8_. I had also read a lot about the _9_ of children in poor countries around the world. It seemed like a far better thing then to give what I could to help them. With my moms love and _10_, I soon found a few organizations like Children International that were _11_ others around the

11、world. It felt so good being able to reach out and help another _12_. It felt so good being able to make even one life better. I could feel the compassion and _13_ growing within me and beginning to change me. Empathy (同情) does change us. It helps us to _14_, to be kind, and to make this world a _15

12、_ place. 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者资助外国小孩儿的故事,告诉我们这样一个道理:同情心让我们去爱别人,让我们变得更加善良,也会让这个世界变得更加美好。1A.wealthBanxietyCchallengeDjoy答案:D“我”自愿帮助她,而帮助她给“我”带来了快乐(joy)。故选D。2A.imaginationBcomplaintCpriceDreach答案:C帮助她给“我”带来的快乐是无价的。beyond price “无价的;宝贵的”。故选C。3A.butBandCsoDor答案:B“to her, to life”和“to love”为并列关系。它将“我”和她、生

13、活以及爱联系在一起。故选B。4A.moneyBtimeCenergyDlabor答案:A根据语境可知,作者年少时,每月会有一点额外的零花钱(money)。故选A。5A.doingBbuyingCfacingDmissing答案:B虽然有点零花钱,但是“我”不想买(buying)任何东西。故选B。6A.storedBfoundClostDsearched答案:C几年前家里着火,我们失去了(lost)一切。故选C。7A.Putting asideBTaking onCPaying forDGoing through答案:Dput aside “把放在一边;储存备用”;take on “呈现”;pa

14、y for “为付钱”;go through “经历”。句意:经历了那件事让我学会了很多。故选D。8A.happyBrelaxedCenergeticDpositive答案:A“我”不需要拥有很多东西就能快乐(happy)。故选A。9A.educationBsufferingCtaleDanger答案:B由“children in poor countries around the world”可知,作者也了解到了生活在贫穷国家的孩子所遭遇的不幸。suffering “苦难;痛苦”。故选B。10A.courageBbeliefCsupportDfaith答案:C句意:在母亲的爱与支持(supp

15、ort)下,我找到了一些如国际儿童等这样的组织。故选C。11A.treatingBpraisingChonoringDserving答案:D根据前文作者通过捐赠来帮助他们可知,作者找到的这些组织是为全世界的人们服务(serving)的。故选D。12A.in needBin peaceCin fearDin silence答案:Ain need “处于危难中;在穷困中”,是固定短语。句意:能够伸出援手帮助处在穷困中的人,让自己感觉很好。故选A。13A.reliefBempathyCeaseDguilty答案:B“我”可以感受到自己的怜悯之心和同情心(empathy)正在慢慢改变着自己。and表示并列关系,前后词意应一致,下段第一句也是提示。故选B。14A.donateBthinkCloveDstudy答案:C同情心帮助我们去爱(love)别人。故选C。15A.biggerBsaferCsmallerDbetter答案:D句意:同情心帮助我们去爱别人,让我



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