高考英语一轮复习 Unit3 Looking good feeling good 牛津译林版必修1

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1、Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good,. 立体记单词 快速识记 1. _ (n. ) 体形;数字;人物 2. _ (adj. ) 惭愧的,羞愧的 3. _ (vt. ) 包含;容纳 4. _ (vt. 为难的 16. _ (vt. )更喜欢_ (n. )偏好 17. _ (n. )效果, 作用;影响_ (adj. )有效的 18. _ (n. )成就_ (v. )取得 19. _ (n. )安慰;舒适_ (adj. )舒适的_ (adv. )舒适地 20. _ (vt. damage意为“破坏, 损坏”, 意思是说程度不是很严重, 往往修理之后仍然可以使用。har

2、m“伤害, 损害”, 用于词组do harm to sb. /sth. ; injury意为“伤害”, 主要指躯体和情感上的伤害。,5. prefer vt. 更喜欢 【思维激活试一试】一句多译 我愿意骑自行车而不愿乘公交车。 I prefer _ a bicycle to _ a bus. =I prefer _ _ a bicycle _ _ _ a bus.,riding,taking,to,ride,rather,than,take,【知识构建记一记】 (1)prefer (sb. )to do sth. 宁愿(某人)做某事 prefer doing. . . to doing. .

3、. prefer to do. . . rather than do. . . 宁愿做而不做 would rather do. . . than do. . . prefer that. . . 宁愿 (2)preference n. 偏爱,喜爱,Id prefer to reserve my judgement until I find all the evidence. 在找到所有的证据之前,我宁愿保留我的意见。 Mother prefers us to be home early. 妈妈希望我们早点儿回家。 (2013重庆高考)The teenagers think their pare

4、nts dont understand them so they prefer to talk to their friends rather than tell their parents their problems. 青少年认为他们的父母不理解他们,所以他们宁愿跟朋友交谈,而不愿意把自己的问题告诉父母。,【误区点拨悟一悟】 prefer后接宾语从句时,从句常用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,should可省略。 I would prefer that you (should) not mention my name. 我希望你不要提起我的名字。,6. suffer vt. its s

5、o _. 3. I regret taking those weight-loss pills _ a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail. 4. Eat properly and do more exercise, because health _ more than anything else in our lifetime.,concentrated,embarrassing,containing,counts,5. We wont make any decision until we have found some more fa

6、cts and _ 6. In the earthquake he was seriously injured, _ great pain and disfort. 7. My choice, which is based on my interest, will not be _ by their opinion. 8. Considerable _ of money have been invested in the business enterprise.,figures,suffering,affected,amounts,. 单项填空 1. William found it incr

7、easingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to _ . A. disappearB. fallC. failD. damage 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意: 威廉发现读书越来越难, 因为他的视力正逐渐变弱。disappear“消失”; fall“落下, (数量、数目)下降”; fail“(指健康)衰退, 变弱, 消失”; damage“损害, 伤害”。,2. Surely it doesnt matter where the student associations get their money from; w

8、hat _ is what they do with it. A. countsB. appliesC. stressesD. functions 【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。count此处意思是“重要, 有价值, 有重要意义”。apply“应用, 申请”; stress“强调”; function“工作, 运行, 起作用”。,3. More than one doctor has warned the patient that without proper treatment the disease will lead to lung _ . A. defeat B. fall C. f

9、ailure D. attack 【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意: 不止一个医生警告过那个病人, 没有恰当的治疗这种病会导致肺衰竭。failure失败, 故障, 失灵, lung failure肺衰竭; defeat击败; fall下降; attack攻击, 抨击, 疾病发作。,4. Although the people in the south _ serious floods, they are sure to overe all difficulties with the help of the government. A. give away B. toy with C. suff

10、er from D. deal with 【解析】选C。句意: 尽管南方的人们遭遇了严重的水灾, 但在政府的帮助下他们一定会克服所有的困难。suffer from“遭受”; give away“泄露”; toy with“玩弄, 戏弄”; deal with“处理”。,5. I prefer surfing the Internet at home _ the match at the stadium. A. to watching B. to watch C. rather than watch D. rather than watching 【解析】选A。句意: 与在体育馆看比赛相比, 我

11、更喜欢在家上网。prefer doing . . . to doing . . . “与相比, 更喜欢”; prefer to do . . . rather than do . . . “宁愿而不愿”。,6. It is uncertain _ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. A. that B. what C. how D. whether 【解析】选B。句意: 虽然大约有2 000个病人服用过这种药, 但是它到底会带来什么副作用还不

12、可知。what side effect在此处作bring about的宾语。,. 常考短语 1. work out 锻炼,计算出, 制订,解决,结果 【思维激活试一试】写出黑体部分的含义 Can you work out how much money it will cost? ( ) We didnt plan our art exhibition, but it worked out well. ( ) I used to go to the gym twice a week, but now I dont work out any more. ( ) Wed better discuss

13、 everything in detail before we work out the plan. ( ),计算出,结果,锻炼,制订,【知识构建记一记】 work at 致力于,努力做(强调改进或提高) work on 从事(努力改善或完成),2. fall out (头发等)脱落;吵架 【思维激活试一试】写出黑体部分的含义 His hair fell out due to the weight-loss pills he had taken. ( ) The two sides began to fall out with each other over the terms of the

14、contract. ( ),脱落,吵架,【知识构建记一记】 fall behind 落后 fall down (计划等)失败;倒下 fall for 受的骗,对信以为真 fall off 从上摔下来 The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it. 推销员说这辆汽车状况良好, 而我那么傻竟然信以为真。,3. in no time立刻,马上 【思维激活试一试】 Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears _ _ _. 只要你招

15、招手,出租车立刻就过来。,in,no,time,【知识构建记一记】 at no time 决不,从不(放于句首,常用倒装句式) ahead of time 提前 all the time 一直 at the /that time 在那时 at one time 曾经,一度 at a time 一次,每一次 At no time does the grassland look so beautiful as in early autumn. 草原看上去从没有像初秋时那么美。,【要点拾遗】 in the long term从长远角度看 【思维激活试一试】 We should consider things _ _ _ _. 我们应从长远的角度考虑事情。,in,the,long,term,【知识构建记一记】 in the long run 从长远角度看 in the short term/run 从短期角度看 in te


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