高考英语一轮复习 Unit3 Tomorrow’s world 牛津译林版必修4

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1、话题:饮食 【词汇积累】 1.canteen n 食堂 2.vegetable n. 蔬菜 3.regular adj. 有规律的 4.healthy adj. 健康的 5.fitness n. 健康 6.contain v. 包含;容纳 7.effect n. 影响 8.order v. 点菜,9.taste n逐渐消失;衰落;走下坡路 11_ n. (计算机)显示器;监测器;班长 vt.职能 vi. 起作用,正常运转 13_ n. (机器的)按钮;纽扣 vt.&vi. 扣上纽扣,injure,disadvantage,accuse,fade,monitor,function,button,

2、14_ adj. 首要的,最重要的,主要的 n. (公司或机物的)首领 15_ adj. 破旧的;疲惫的 16_ vt. 收拾(行李);包装,装箱 n. 纸盒,纸袋;大背包;一捆,一群,一包 17_ vi. (水中)漂浮,漂流;(空中)漂移 18_ v控制,chief,worn,pack,float,escape,impress,master,.单词拓展写出下列单词及其派生词。 1_ n. 现实,真实 _adj. 真实的 _ adv. 真正地 2_ n. 展示,介绍;颁发;提交,出示 _n. 在场;出席 3_ n. 幸福,快乐 _adj. 幸福的,reality,real,really,pre

3、sentation,presence,happiness,happy,4_ adj. 社交的,交际的;社会的 _n. 社会 5_vt. 伤害,损害 _n. 伤害 6_adj. 电的,电动的 _n. 电 7_ n. 重要性 _ adj. 重要的,social,society,injure,injury,electric,electricity,importance,important,8_ n. 规划;制订计划 _n& v. 计划 9_ adj. 安全的;有把握的;稳固的,坚固的 vt. 获得;使安全 _n. 安全 10_ n. 惊恐;恐惧 _ vt. 使恐惧 _adj. 惊恐的 _ adj.

4、令人惊恐的,planning,plan,secure,security,terror,terrify,terrified,terrifying,1_ 使增强,使增加,使扩大 2_ 发出(气味、热等);分发;公布;耗尽 3_ 提出(观点、议案等),提议 4_ 在帮助下 5_ 至于,关于 6_ 最后但同样重要的,add to,give out,put forward,with the aid/help of,as to,last but not least,7_ 对大有裨益 8_ 被控告犯有罪 9_ 关闭;使倒闭 10_ 突然 11_ 紧紧抓住;坚持 12_ 恐惧地,be of great ben

5、efit to,be accused of,close down,all of a sudden,hold on to,in terror,disabled,conveniences,secure,operate,power free,buttons,functions,confidence,1not only.but (also).连接并列句,not only分句位于句首,引起部分倒装 Not only will he or she feel every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma,but the user will also experience t

6、he cold,smells,sights. 仿写 她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。 Not only_ ,but also she writes music.,does she play well,2Itbe过去分词that从句 Last but not least,it has been announced that a new kind of washing machine has been developed. 仿写人们普遍相信教学和科学一样是一门艺术。 _ that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.,Its generally

7、 believed,3Its (about/high)time that sb.did.到的时间了 In my opinion, it is about time we had new puters. 仿写到我们该采取措施的时候了。 Its time that _ measures.,we took,4keep sb./sth.doing “使一直” They lived underground,where they kept machines running so that the Eloi would be happy and well fed. 仿写他让那孩子在门外站了一个小时。 He

8、_ outside for an hour.,kept the child standing,RealCine is unlike an ordinary film.The technology 1._ it is virtual reality.When you see the film,it excites all your five senses.It 2._ make you feel you are a character in the film.When you see the film set 3._ the Himalayas,you not only feel every s

9、tep of climbing a mountain 4._ you can also experience the cold,smells,sights,and sound of the surrounding environment.,behind,can,in,but,In order to make you feel that you are actually in the film,special headsets are designed to enable you to see the world of 3D animation and hear the sound clearl

10、y.The directions in 5._ you want to go are indicated by the movements of the headsets.And these movements are monitored continuously 6._ you move around inside the film.Smells are given out 7._ the small opening in the headsets.8._ the headsets and the gloves are connected to a puter network in the

11、VR studio.,which,as,through,Both,1. confidentadj.自信的;有把握的;肯定的 (教材P43)This encouraged him to bee more confident around others.这件事使他受到了鼓舞,他变得在其他人面前更为自信。,(1)be/feel confident about 对自信 be confident of./that. 确信,对有把握 (2)confidence n. 信心;信任 selfconfidence 自信 have confidence in 对相信/信任 gain/lack confidence

12、 增强/缺乏信心 lack of confidence 缺乏自信 (3)confidential adj. 机密的;机要的;(言谈举止)隐秘的;心腹的, (2014高考湖北卷完形填空)Having survived that night,we were confident that everything else would be all right. 熬过了那天晚上,我们相信其他方面也会没问题的。 Your encouragement made me more _ of my future.你的鼓励使我对我的未来更加有信心。 I had confidence in my own youth

13、and energy. 我对自己的青春和精力充满了信心。,confident,【活用】完成句子 (1)我开始对这次考试感到更有信心了。 I was starting to _the exam. (2)我们确信能获得成功。 We _ our success. (3)我们相信通过我们减少污染的进一步努力,环境会得到改善的。,feel more confident about,are confident of,(2013高考辽宁卷单项填空)We _the environment will be improved by our further efforts to reduce pollution.

14、(4)你成功最大的障碍不是缺钱,而是缺乏信心。 The worst barrier to your success is not lack of money,but _,are confident that,lack of confidence,2. accusevt.指责;谴责;控告 (教材P51)He was accused of piracy by the music industry.他被指控盗版而遭到音乐行业的起诉。,(1)accuse sb.of sth.(charge sb.with sth.) 因而控告或谴责某人,(2)类似短语还有: rob sb.of sth. 抢劫某人某物 remind sb.of sth. 提


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