江苏省宿迁市宿豫区关庙初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems reading 1教案

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江苏省宿迁市宿豫区关庙初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems reading 1教案_第1页
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《江苏省宿迁市宿豫区关庙初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems reading 1教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省宿迁市宿豫区关庙初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems reading 1教案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、unit3 reading1教学目标 To identify the bad points of owning a robot重点难点分析To identify true or false statements about life with a robot.教学流程安排集体智慧(以知识体系为主)个性设计(二次备课)教学后记Step1 RevisionRevise the new words and expressions by having a dictation.Remember the new words and expressions that we learnt yesterday

2、by having a dictation.Step 2: Background informationStep3: Reading1. Review the things that a robot can do in “welcome to the unit”.2.Ask students whether they believe people will use robots to do their chores for them in the future.3,Ask students to listen to the passage4. List the good points.5. A

3、sk students to read each paragraph and put forward questions if they have.Step 4: language points1.the first one to do sth2.in order to:引导目的状语,后接动词原形,可以放在句首,或句末,否定形式in order not to do sth.:3.as a result: “因为,由于,由于。结果”, 用来做结果状语4.no longer: “不再,再也不,今后不再“,指时间,多由于修饰某种具体状态,相当于not any longer, 其中any longer 一般放在句5.for an extra hour: extra “额外的,附加的”Step 5 . HomeworkEncourage them to speak aloud.分段设置问题让阅读更具实效语言点下节课要复习,并加强练习引导学生对知识点理解,多记布置学生课后对文章进行背诵,熟读。练习安排Finish the exersises板书设计Words phrases sentences备课组长审核签名: 年级主任复核签名: 3实 用 文 档


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