黄冈英语九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla(第2课时)教案

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1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla(第2课时)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:学习掌握下列词汇: policeman, noise, wolf, happening, uneasy2. 能力与发展目标1)阅读短文,能按要求获取相关的信息。2)通过阅读训练来提高学生们的阅读能力。3) 学习运用情态动词表推测。3. 情感态度价值观目标:面对身边暂时不可解释的现象,根据已有证据进行合理推测。不信谣,不传谣。 二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。2. 教学难点:1

2、) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。三、教学过程I. Revision 1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class. 2. Check the phrases. II. Presentation Present the new words in the dialogues.A: Do you hear strange noises outside our window?B: Yes, something unusual is happening in our town.A:

3、My father called the policeman, but he couldnt find anything strange.B: Maybe it was a wolf, everyone in our town is feeling uneasy.III. Reading Work on 3a: 1. Tell Ss to read the article and decide which might be the best title.A. A Small and Quiet TownB. Strange Happenings in my townC. Animals in

4、our neighborhood 2. 方法指导:先读懂所给的三个句子的意思,明确标题大意。然后快速阅读短文开头和结尾,争取在较短的时间内,确定课文大意。3. 学生们,按老师指导的方法进行阅读,确定课文大意。 4. 最后,教师让部分说出自己的答案,并校对答案。IV. Careful Reading 1. Work on 3b: 1. 学生们再次阅读短文内容,并完成3b中的内容。2. 学生们先读3b中的单词短语,理解其大意,然后仔细回读短文,找到相同意思的单词。3. 让学生们相互讨论,并校对答案。 2. Work on 3c 1. Read the article carefully and w

5、rite what people think about the strange noises.2. Ss work in pairs. Let students discuss the answers. 3. Check the answers with the students. V. Language points1. It used to be very quiet. used to do sth 曾经,过去常常(现在不做了)be used to do sth. (=be used for doing sth.) 被用来做be used to doing sth 习惯于做2. Howe

6、ver, these days, something unusual is happening in our town.构成:不定代词+形容词 (定语后置)e.g. 一些重要的事情something importantun- 表示否定 usual 通常的 unusual 不平常的 happy快乐的 unhappy不快乐的3. Victor, a teacher at my school, is really nervous. a teacher at my school 在句中作同位语。它指的是 Victor 。e.g. My sister, Helen, will have a picnic

7、 with me.我的姐姐海伦将和我一起野餐。4.but I couldnt see a dog or anything else, either. too “也” 肯定句。句末。also “也”肯定句。句中,be后面,行为动词前。either “也”否定句。句末。e.g. She is a singer, too. 她也是个歌手。 He can also sing the English song. 他也可以唱英文歌。 If you dont go to the park, he wont go there ,either. 如果你不去公园,他也不去。5. One woman in the

8、area saw something running away. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 ( 强调动作正在发生)see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事 (强调发生的整个过程)e.g. I see mom cooking in the kitchen. 我看见妈妈正在厨房做饭。 Lucy said she saw me do the housework. 露西说她看见我做家务了。6. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood. have fun doi

9、ng sth. 做某事玩得愉快。=have a good time doing sth.=enjoy doing sth.e.g. I have fun flying kites. 我享受放风筝的乐趣。1.The notebook_ be Mings.It was on her desk.2.The homework be Carols.She wasnt at school today.3.The soccer ball _ be Johns or tonys.They play soccer,dont they?4.The French book _be Li Yings.Shes the

10、 only one whos studying French.5.I cant find my backpack.It_ be still at school.6.The photo_be Lus.Those are his parents.7.The red bicycle_be Hus.She has a blue bicycle.8.This ticket_be my aunts or uncles.Theyre both going to the concert. VI. Homework 1. Make sentences with these words.used to, have

11、 no idea, too. to. ,see sb do sth,see sb doing sth2. Review the article.板书设计 Unit 8 It must belong to CarlaWhose is this ?It cant(不可能) be sbs /belong to sbIt could/might (可能) be sbs/ belong to sbIt must (一定) be sbs/belong to sbs课后反思本节课教学过程自然、紧凑,学生学习氛围活跃,成功之处在于巧妙运用游戏激起学习兴趣,充分发挥了主体作用,教学重难点也在教师的引导和实践中被攻破,使学生在轻松愉快的环境中学到知识和初步运用语言的。6实 用 文 档


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