江苏省昆山市锦溪中学七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Fashion Grammar教案

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1、Unit 8 Fashion 教学课题Unit 8课 型new本课题教时数: 7第3课时备课日期:教 学 目 标:1. To recognize use the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now.2. To ask and answer questions using the present continuous tense.教学重点、难点: 1. To remember the “-ing ” forms of the verbs.2. To use he present continuo

2、us tense in the specific context.教学方法与手段:Taskbased method教 学 过 程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Presentation1. Hold an apple, a football and say I eat an apple every day. I am eating an apple now. I often play football. I am playing football now.Write be + ing on the Bb. Explain that we use the present continuo

3、us tense to talk about things that are happening now.2. Ask some ss do some actions and ask What are you doing?Write some sentences on the Bb.Compare the difference between the sentences. Pay attention to the “am eating” “am playing”1) Answer the question using be + ing form.2) Work in pairs to prac

4、tise.3) Some ss do some actions in the front of the classroom. Others work in pairs, one ask and one answer.Help the Ss understand how to use the present continoue tense.Step 2 AnalyzingAsk ss to analyze the sentence structures and remind ss to pay attention to the -ing forms and pay attention to th

5、e be + ing structure.Learn how to use the present continoue tense and the form of doing.Help the students learn how to use the present continous tense.Step 3 LearningHelp the ss learn the ing forms. Show some words on the screen: walk-walking, watch-watching, take-taking, have-having, put-puttingput

6、-putting1.Draw the conclusion to the “ ing ” forms of the verbs.Discuss in pairs, then write down the discussion on the sheet. 2.Check the answers with the whole class.Help the Ss learn how to change the form of V-ing1. Students finish the sentences individually and check the answers.3. Work out the rule on P81.Help the Ss understand how to use the present continous tense.HomeworkFinish the exercises of the workbook.授后小记:本课我通过对现在进行时的含义、结构、关键词的介绍,让同学们对这个小学已经学过的知识点巩固了一遍,效果较好。授课日期:4实 用 文 档



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