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1、山东省济南市槐荫区2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1In the bag are _ /ten/ notebooks.ApenBtwoCsetDten2Are these sports jackets on _ /sel/?AsaleBshoeCsellDsure3My cup is red, and _ /hz/ is purple.AhasBhisChereDhers4The hat is only one _/dl/.AeraserBdollarCdinnerDburger5Mr. Smith has a big _ /fmli/.

2、AfinishBtwentyCfamilyDreally6 Excuse me, Ms. King. Whats this in English? It is _ orange.AaBanCtheD/7_, Jack.Good afternoon, Dale.AGood morningBHave a good dayCGood afternoonDThank you8Hi, Anna. Is this _ eraser?No, it isnt.AyourByoursCmineDhers9What _ do you like?Math.AfruitBsportCsubjectDvegetable

3、10 _ is Cindys birthday? Its on January 5th.AWhoBWhenCHowDWhat11Do you know the girl _ the red skirt?Yes. She is my friend Jenny.AinBonCatDto12Is your uncle a teacher?Yes. _ is a science teacher.AItBHeCHisDShe13Tom, do you have a _?Yes. Here you are.AriceBmilkCbreadDruler14My birthday party is at _

4、p.m. next Sunday. Can you come?Sure.AthirdBfirstCthreeDfifth15Whats your favorite month?_.AGeographyBFridayCStrawberriesDFebruary16Your hat is very nice._.AThank youBIm fineCYes, I amDNo, it isnt17I dont like blue, _ my sister does. Its her favorite color.AsoBbutCandDbecause18Mom, I want some books

5、about sports. Can you _ some for me?OK.AbuyBaskChelpDneed19We are _ every day. We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.AfatBoldCeasyDbusy20Hows your first day of school?_.ASureBIts goodCYoure rightDHere you are21Where are my pencils? I cant find_.AthemBtheyCourDit22Peter, lets

6、 go to play soccer.That _ great. Lets go.AlooksBthinksCsoundsDwatches23 When _ your sister play ping-pong? On Saturday.AisBareCdoDdoes24Grace _ carrots every day. She thinks they are good for her.AletBeatCletsDeats25Ill have a school trip next Tuesday._!AGoodbyeBYes, pleaseCHave a good timeDIm sorry

7、二、完型填空 Hi, Im Helen. Im an English 26 . Im healthy because I have a good eating habit. Now let me tell you about it.Have a good breakfastBreakfast is the 27 meal(餐)in a day. What do I have for 28 ? I always have milk, bread and eggs. I think they are 29 food.Dont eat too much in one mealEating too m

8、uch is not good for 30 . I think three kinds of food in one meal are OK. For dinner, I 31 rice, tomatoes and chicken. Only the right food is good for us.Eat some snacks(小吃)When you are hungry(饿)between meals, you can eat some snacks. 32 fruit is good snacks.26AboyBbookCmanDgirl27AfirstBsecondCthirdD

9、fourth28AmilkBdinnerClunchDbreakfast29AwhiteBblackChealthyDhappy30AmeBusCherDthem31AaskBletClikeDhelp32ASoBAndCButDBecause Xinglong Store is a new store near my home. It is very big. It has 33 floors(层).Floor One is Food Floor. They sell bread, 34 , vegetables, fruit, chicken and eggs. The food look

10、s 35 and is at good prices. Its great! I dont need to go far(远)to buy vegetables, says 36 grandma. Floor Two is Clothes Floor. They have clothes 37 men, women, boys and girls. They have clothes of all colors. Do they 38 shoes on this floor? Yes, they do. Floor Three is School Things Floor. Students

11、can buy school things like schoolbags, 39 rulers and balls. They can play there, too. I 40 this floor. I have a good place to play after school.Some things in Xinglong Store are on sale now. Lets go and have a look.33AtwoBthreeCfourDfive34AtablesBtrousersCbasketballsDhamburgers35AbigBniceCfatDlong36

12、AmyBhisCherDtheir37AinBonCatDfor38AbuyBtakeCsellDmeet39AdogsBcarrotsCpencilsDsweaters40AloveBcomeCcallDplay三、补全对话单选Man: Good morning! _Girl: Yes, please. I need a sweater.Man: _Girl: Blue.Man: How about this one?Girl: _ How much is it?Man: _Girl: OK. And I need a black hat, too.Man: This one is only

13、 5 dollars.Girl: OK. _Man: Here you are.Girl: Thank you.41AHow are you?BAre you Helen?CWhats this?DCan I help you?42AWe dont sell sweaters.BWhat color do you like?CThey dont like yellow.DWhere is your sweater?43AIt looks good.BIm fine, thanks.CIts a computer.DIts on your head.44AOn Saturday.BFifteen dollars.CIn December.DTheyre small.45ALets


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