(人教PEP)6年级英语上册unit2《Ways to go to school》单元检测 (4) 有答案(卷)

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1、新人教PEP六年级上Unit 2 Ways to go to school单元测试总分:100分 时间:40分钟 得分_一、 根据提示写出单词。(10分)1_ _ (慢下来)at a yellow light.2. Mike _to the bookstore_ _ .(步行去)3. I go to Beijing_ _.(乘火车)4. We go to Xian _(乘飞机)on holidays.5. _ and _ (停下来等待)at a red light.二、选出不同类的单词。(10分)1. ( )A. far B.often C. usually D.never2. ( )A. w

2、here B.who C. by D.how3. ( )A. subway B.plane C.walk D.train4. ( )A. our B.my C. I D.her5. ( )A.USA B.school C. cinema D.restaurant三、单项选择。(20分)1. ( )Wheres the park?_A. Is that far from here?B. Its near the schol.C. Let me help you.2. ( )Excuse me. Can you help me? _A.By bus. B.Good. C.Yes.3. ( ) Le

3、ts go to Childrens Center! _A.Thats all right. B.Thank you. C.Hooray!4. ( )In U.S. you must wear a_when you ride a bike.A.helmet B.hat C.scarf5. ( )If you go on the road,you must know the_.A.traffic rules B. traffic C.lights6. ( )I can go at a_light.A. red B. yellow C.green7. ( )Dont _on the road.A.

4、run B.to run C.running8. ( )Which one is not right? _A. Drive fast by sled. B.Wear a life jacket on a ferry. C.Stop at a redlight.来源:Zxxk9. ( )In England and Australia,drive on the_.A.left side B.right side C.both sids10. ( )There are_zebra crossings(人行横道)on the street.A. sometimes B. always C.never

5、四、读句子,排序。(12分)( ) Its two kilometers away.( ) How can I get to the cinema?( ) Excuse me!( ) Youre wele.( ) On your left,you can see it.( ) You can take No. 1 bus and get off at the second stop.( ) How far is it?( ) Thank you.五、连词成句。(15分)1. you ,to, how, school, do, e_?2. subway,by,park,go,lets, to,t

6、he_.3. must,very, you,on,be,the,careful,road_.4. goes ,work, the, she ,to, car ,on_.5. are,going,Harbin,they,to,month,a,for,in,stay_.六、根据实际情况回答问题。(8分)1. How do you go to the zoo?_.2. How do you go to Australia?_.3. Is your school far from your home?_.来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K4. Excuse me,how can I get to the

7、park?_.七、阅读理解。(15分)Mr Black is a carful driver.One day he is driving home.When he goes to a crossing,he finds a “slow”sign,so he slows down.He looks both ways to see no cars ing,so he is ready to drive away.来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K Just then,he hears a police whisle(吹哨),so he stop by the side of the road.A p

8、oliceman walks to him and says:You should stop at the crossing.Mr Black says:Its slow,not stop. The policeman looks at the sigh,and says:Well,I am very sorry.Iam in the wrong street.判断句子正误,正确(T)错误(F)。1. ( ) Mr Black often drives very fast.2. ( )Mr Black stops his car at the crossing.3. ( )There is a

9、 “stop”sigh in every crossing.4. ( )Mr Black stops bcause he hears a police whisle.来源:Z#xx#k5. ( )The policeman is carful.八、作文。(10分)你平时都去过哪些地方呢,离你的家近还是远?怎么去的呢?跟大家分享一下吧。(不少于五句话)来源:学科网参考答案一、1.Slow down 2.goes on foot 3.by train 4.by plane5.Stop wait二、1.A. 2.C.3.C. 4.C. 5.A.三、1.B.where是对地点进行提问,回答要用地点方位

10、词。2.C此句是对别人请求帮助的回答语,应该肯定的Yes.3.C对别人的提议,“去活动中心”这种快乐好的地方,要肯定且表现出高兴、欢呼。4.A根据句意,美国出门骑车要带“头盔”。5.A句意是要知道了解“交通规则”。6.C这是“绿灯行”的交通规则。7.A这是个祈使句,dont后面是动词原形表示“不要”8.A.not right 是不正确的,根据句意,快速行驶错误,选A.9.A.英国和澳大利亚交通规则不同于我国,他们是靠左行驶left.10.B.人行横道在每条马路上都有,应该是“always”.四、五、1.How do you e to school?2.Lets

11、go to the park by subway.3.You must be very carful on the road.4.She goes to work on the car.5.They are going to stay in Harbin for a holiday.六、1.By bike./By bus./On foot.2.By plane.3.Yes,it is./No, it isnt.4.Go straight then turn right at the school./You can take No.1 bus.七、1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5.F八、I live in a village.Its far from the zoo.I like animals very much,so I often go to the zoo by bus.I like the nature park ,too.Its near my home.I often go there on foot.8实用文档 精心整理


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