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1、 动词不定式专项练习题1. The teacher told them _ make so much noise.1A. don tB. notC. will notD. not to2. Our master often told us _ things for granted.A. not to haveB. not to takeC. didn t take D. not to make3. Tell him _ the window.A. to shut notB. not to shutC. to not shutD. not shut4. The boy wanted to rid

2、e his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _.A. not toB. not to doC. not do itD. do not to5. Mrs Smith warned her daughter _ after drinking.A. never to driveB. to never driveC. never drivingD. never drive6. The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation.A. to eat notB. eating notC.

3、 not to eatD. not eating7. The workers want us _ together with them.A. workB. workingC. to workD. worked8. They would not allow him _ across the enemy line.A. to risk goingB. risking to goC. for risk to goD. risk going9. I saw him _ out of the room.A. goB. had goneC. has goneD. goes10. They knew her

4、 very well. They had seen her _ up from childhood.A. growB. grewC. was growingD. to grow11. I ve heard him _ about you often.A. spokeB. speaksC. speak12. Though he had often made his little sister _, today he was made _by his little sister.A. cry ;to cryB. crying ; cryingC. cry ; cryD. to cry ; cry

5、13. He was made _.A. goB. goneC. goingD. to go214. John was made _ the truck for a week as a punishment.A. to washB. washingC. washD. to be washing15. Paul doesn t have to be made _. He always works hard.A. learnB. to learnC. learnedD. learning16. There re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale tha

6、t I can t make up my mind _ to buy.A. whatB. whichC. howD. where17. There isn t any difference between the two. I really don_. t knowA. where to chooseB. which to chooseC. to choose whatD. to choose which18.“Have you decided when _? “Yes,” tomorrow morning.”A. to leaveB. to be leavingC. will you lea

7、veD. are you leaving19. Last summer I took a course on _.A. how to make dresses B. how dresses be made C. how to be made dressesD. how dresses to be made20. He doesn t know _ to stay or not.A. whetherB. ifC. eitherD. if he will21. She pretended _ me when I passed by.A. not to seeB. not seeingC. to n

8、ot seeD. having not seen22. - The light in the office is still on.- Oh, I forgot _.A. turning it offB. turn it offC. to turn it offD. having turned it off23. We agreed _ here but so far she hasn t turned up yet.A. having metB. meetingC. to meetD. to have met24. Little Jim should love _ to the theatr

9、e this evening.A. to be takenB. to takeC. being takenD. taking25. I would love _ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A. to goB. to have goneC. goingD. having gone 26. Frank is the kind of person who people like to _.A. make friend withB. make friends ofC. make fr

10、iendsD. make friends with327. Go on _ the other exercise after you have finished this one.A. to doB. doingC. withD. to be doing28. She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a big rock by the side of the path.A. to have restedB. restingC. to restD. rest29. Tom kept quiet about the accident _ l

11、ose his job.A. so not as toB. so as not toC. so as to notD. not so as to30. I need a day or two _.A. to think it overB. to think overC. of thinking31. He was too excited _.A. speakB. to speakC. not to speakD. speaking32. Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A. to inventB. inv

12、entingC. to have inventedD. having invented33. He said he would rather not _ it right now.A. doingB. to doC. doD. to be doing34. Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle.A. ride ; rideB. riding ; rideC. ride; to rideD. to ride ; riding35. It s freezing outside. You _ put on your

13、 overcoat.A. had better toB. had betterC. would betterD. would better to36. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to _.A. sitB. sit onC. be sitD. be sat on37. I m hungry. Get me something _.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. for eating38. - I usually go there by train.- Why not _ by boat for a change? A. to try goingB. trying to go39. She did nothing _ at the photo.A. except lookB. but to lookC. to try and goC. except to lookD. try goingD. but lo



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