精通版六年级英语下册 unit 5 教学课件

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1、Unit 5 General revision 2 精通版六年级下册,Task 1,Listen, read and talk.,Go shopping,Read the article and answer the following questions: 1. Who does Kate go shopping with? 2. What does she want to buy? 3. What does Nick buy? 4. How much does Kate spend?,1. Who does Kate go shopping with? 2. What does she w

2、ant to buy? 3. What does Nick buy? 4. How much does Kate spend?,Kate goes shopping with her brother and parents.,She wants to buy a pair of shoes.,He buys a blue toy car.,Ninety-eight yuan.,It is a Sunday morning. Kate and her brother Nick go shopping with their parents. Kate wants to buy a pair of

3、shoes. Her brother wants to buy a toy car. Now theyre in the shopping centre.,Saleswoman: Good morning! Can I help you? Dad: Yes. We want a toy car. Saleswoman: Which one would you like? Dad: Id like that blue one.,Saleswoman: OK. Here you are. Dad: How much is it? Saleswoman: Its sixty-nine yuan. D

4、ad: Well take it. Thank you.,Saleswoman: What can I do for you? Kate: I want a pair of shoes, please. Saleswoman: How about this green pair? Kate: Sorry, I like that purple pair. Saleswoman: OK, here you are. Kate: Can I try them on? Saleswoman: Certainly!,Kate: Oh, theyre good. Mum: How much are th

5、ey? Saleswoman: Theyre ninety-eight yuan. Mum: OK, well take them. Thank you! Bye-bye! Saleswoman: Bye!,1. Id like that blue one.我想要蓝色的。 此时的one是代词,代指toy car。 one只能指代可数名词,其意相当于“a/an+可数名词”。 例:这本书真有趣。我想买一本。 The book is so interesting. Id like to buy one. 拓展:用于泛指人们或任何人,包括说话人和听话人, 其用法与表泛指的you相似。 例:One sh

6、ould work hard. 人应该努力工作。,Language points,易错易混点:it和one 1. it 特指上下文提到的同一个事物。 2. one用来代替前面提到的同类中的一事物或人,不是 同一个。,例:杯子在桌子上,请把它递给我。 The cup is on the table, please pass it to me.,2. How about this green pair? 这双绿色的怎么样? 这是一个简略句。 How about:怎么样?通常用在询问或回答第一个问题后,再问第二个问题或反对对方时,以避免重复问题的提出。 how about = What about

7、拓展:How/What about 句型还可以用来提出建议或征求对方的意见。about + 名词/代词/动名词。,3. Can I try them on?我可以试穿它们吗? try on+ 名词:试穿某物 当“名词”变成“代词”时,代词要放在try on的中间,也就是“try + 代词 + on”。 例:这件连衣裙真漂亮,我想试穿。 The dress is beautiful, I want to try it on.,Task 2,Can you talk about shopping with your partner?,I often go shopping with my pare

8、nts. ,Hello! Im Gao Wei. Look! I have a balloon. What colour is it? Its green.,My name is Kate! I have a doll. What colour is it ? Its pink.,Task 3,Read, match and colour.,Hi, Im Yang Ming. I have a ball. What colour is it? Its red.,My names Li Yan. I have a toy taxi. What colour is it? Its yellow.,

9、Gao Wei,Kate,Yang Ming,Li Yan,Language points,4. What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? 这是对物体颜色的询问。It 指代的是物品。 答语:Its + 颜色。 colour有两种词性: (1)动词,给涂色。 句型:Colour + 某物. / Colour + 某物 + 颜色. (2)名词,颜色。(此处为此词性),Task 4,Listen, write and talk.,Whose (toy) is it? Its Peters. What colour is it? Its Oh, its ,car,red,nice,bus

10、,yellow,new,bike,blue,old,train,green,long,ship,white,big,boat,black,small,(1) Whose is it? 是对物品的所属关系提问。 Its Peters. 回答问题时要用名词的所有格。 (2) What colour is it? 对物品的颜色提问。 Its 要用表示颜色的词来回答。 (3) What are they like?对物品/人物的特征进行提问。 Oh, its 用表示物品/人物的特征的词回答。,Language points,5. Whose (toy) is it? 它是谁的(玩具)? whose 作

11、为 who 的所有格形式,对物品属于谁进行提问。 例: The shirt is Li Mings. (对划线部分提问) Whose shirt is it?,Task 5,Listen, read and write.,On a picnic,Mimi: What would you like, Mickey? Mickey: Id like a _, a_, a _, a _, a_, an_, an _, an_, and an _!,hamburger,hot dog,cake,pear,banana,apple,orange,egg,ice-cream,Mimi: Have some

12、 _, _, _ and _, please. Mickey: Thank you. Can I have some _, _, _or some water, please? Mimi: Sure! Here you are.,bread,chicken,fish,candy,milk,juice,Coke,At an animal show Students: Wow! There are so many _! Boy: How funny! Theyre all in clothes. Girl: Whats that? Boy: Its a _. Girl: Whats that?,a

13、nimals,monkey,Boys: Its an _. Students: Look! Theyre all coming over here! Boy: This is a _, a_, and a _. Girl: And this is a_, a_ and a tiger. Students: Look! The animal show is beginning!,elephant,dog,cat,monkey,panda,bear,At the farm Teacher: Heres the farm, boys and girls! Students: Wow! There a

14、re a lot of _! Boy: Look here! What are these? Girl: These are _, _and _! Boy: Look there! What are those? Girl: Those are _, _and _! Students: Cool! What a big farm!,animals,ducks,dogs,pigs,horses,cows,sheep,6. What would you like? 你想要什么? would like:想要。would在口语中,与代词一起时,常缩写为“d”。 I would = Id you wou

15、ld = youd would like 后常接想要的事物。 例:我想要一些面条。 I would (Id) like some noodles.,Language points,此句为特殊疑问句,常用于用餐时征求对方的意愿,后面还可加上“for + 三餐名称”。 回答:Id like + 食物/饮料 (我想要) 例:你午餐想吃什么? 我想要一些汤和蔬菜。 What would you like for lunch? Id like some soup and vegetables.,7. Have some _, _, _and _, please. 请吃一些_、 _、 _和_。,这是请别人吃或喝东西时的招待用语: Have some + 食品. (吃/喝吧) 回答:Thank you.(谢谢


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