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1、Point out the function of each nounin thefollowing sentences:subject1. The worldlovesobjectnature.subject2. Knowledeispredicativeower .sub ectappositionChinese arepredicativeoeace- His jobis important.What he does is important.This is his iob.This is what he does everdaI dont fiLe his job. I dont fi

2、ke what he does every day.I dont know about theman, Mr. White.I dont know about the fact that he is Mr.White. (NounClauses tit/iift ar# rour cAxs#a?His storv is interesting.What he said interesting.USSubjectclauseI heard his storv. I heardwhat he said.I listen to his storvObjectclauseI listen to wha

3、t he said.=U Object clause afterThis is his storv. This is what he said.a preposition PredictiveclauseAppositiveclausePractice time:1. At lunchtime, the radio weatherman reported that the mist wouldbecome a thickfogin the afternoon.Objectclause2. She wonderedif the buses wouldstill berunning.Objectc

4、lause3. The truth is that the fogis too thickfor thebus to run that faP.Predicativeclause4. When we will start is not clear, Subject clause5. I had no idea that you were her friend. thatwhetheras if(though); :whatwho/ whichwhosewhateverwhoeverwhomever whichever, wherewhenwhyhow whereverwhenevero .Th

5、ey are good doctors. He told us.He told us that they were good doctors. 2. He hadntsaid anythingat the meeting.The factsurprised us.-The fact that he hadntsaid anything at the meeting surprised us. 3. Does yoursister get up early? Do you know? -Do you know if/ whether your sister gets up early?4. Do

6、 animalshave the same senses as humans?I o0en wonder. I often wonder if/ whetheranimals have the same senses as humans. 5. When did he buy this new bike? Could youtellme?Could you tell me when he bought thisnew bike?6. My question is this: where will the lecturebe given?My questionis wherethe lectur

7、e will begiven. 1.What weneedismore time. 2.What weneedare moreEnglish dictionaries.Practice time.tl 7Q1a“1. That the earth turns around the sun are knowntoall.is2. When the meetingwill be held havent beenknown yet.hxsnta3.I didnt know that youixill come.4. He said that he iswritinwgouldstory.5. Cou

8、ld youtell me when v ill3ie arrive?he willdoes English have suchEnglish has ,that3 ,thatJE(k .Sbe ss$s (tkat) ebe woat &ke part in &e spor6.JimAought(Ant)AeAainwaslikeabig$lJ? jQiJe that thatJiJirJ)l(8$ ,thatf . )Q itJi$fIQ1f*p QQ1f*p(/ Everyone knew what happened and that shewas worried. The reason

9、 lies in that she works harder thanthe others do.Engfish alod. Ithink it necessary that you should read be)0 sorry,sure,afraid,gladQ QE$that QJ;1,1J;Q:QQJ;1,$iJIm sorryI dont know .Were sureour team will win .Im afraidhe wont pass the exam .2.i AiikJ:U:&Oi3 t? IFf . III iwhetherlf3I O ,ifJwhether& L

10、ily wantedto know if /whetherher grandmalikedthe handbag .Lets see if /whetherwe can find out someinformationabout that city .She askedme if /whethershe couldbormwthese bookswhether fJif $lJ(#,f$b. d. e.)QieS5iI5i?,(whether to do sth.).whetheror not ifPractice timeifwhether1. I asked her / Whethefsh

11、e had abike.3. Were worried abouthhfhe issafe.4. dont knowwhether /ifhe is wellor not.5.dont knowWhhor not he iswell.8.dont know whetherto go.3. Iwhat.who. whom. which. whoselwhenwherehowwh I , Do you knowwhat he said just now ?I dont rememberwhenwe arrived.I askedhim where I couldget so muchmoney. Please tefi me who (whom) we have to see .Do you kno,wat timethe plane leaves?a ga xoesasi


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