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1、第六册英语期中试题等级 一、 英汉互译。一定要认真书写!希望美味的带来破的, 坏的重的fielddifferentfireretired dictionary二、你会按要求写单词吗?一定要认真书写!1. heavy(反义词 ) _3.learn(过去式) 2. teach(过去式 )4. easy (反义词)5. give( 过 去 式 ) 6. dictionary(复数) 三、你能翻译下列短语吗?1.一个关于中国的节目2.许多年前3.学 习 英 语4.非 常 不 同5. takeittoChina dictionary 6. inthe7. bring back8. in two week

2、stime四、找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中。()1.A. starB. parkC. warm()2.A hereB. hairC. chair()3.A. teaB. headC.teacher()4.A. earB. pearC. hear()5.A. bookB. foodC. cook五、我有慧眼,我会选。()1.There weren t buses many years ago .A. someB. anyC.a()2. It ll be easy her.A. onB. atC. for()3. You can take ityour house.A. to

3、B. atC.in()4.you got a small T-shirt?A. DoB.HaveC.Will()5. It s got a monkey it.A. inB. onC.about()6. -is she wearing these clothes ?- Because she was a dancer .A. WhatB. WhyC.Where()7.Did she learn any foreign languages ?-.A. Yes , she didnt .B. Yes , she did.C. No, she did .()8. HeChinese five yea

4、s ago .A. teachesB. taughtC.teaching()9. I m good it.A. inB. onC.at()10. Please try this onewhite.A. inB. aboutC.on六、将合适的答语序号填在题前括号中。()1What s the book about ?A.Hes retired .He was a driver .()2. How do you go to school ? BThey re on Shelf A.()3.Haveyougotabiggerone ,please ?C. About animals .()4.Wh

5、atisyourgrandpa?DYes ,we have .()5.Wherearethebooks,please?E By bike .七我是小小翻译家。1. We didn t have enough food.2. You can take it to China.3. There are lots of buses and cars.4. She cooked on a fire .5. You can find out about Chinese books in this library.6.What did she have for lunch ?7.He studied ve

6、ry hard .8.Now he goes to school by school bus .9.It s a traditional English dinner .10. Where can you find out aboutsports ?八、我阅读,我快乐。Poor man (可怜的人)Look at this man . What is he doing ? Hes carrying a very big box . The box is full of (充满) big apples . He wants to put it on the back of his bike an

7、d take it home . Can he do that ? No , I dont think so .Why not ? Because the box is too full ( 满 ) and too heavy .Look! What s wrong ? He drops the box . Poor man !A 判断下列句子的正误,对的写T,错的写 F。()1. The box is not very big .()2. The box is full of apples.()3. He puts the apples in the bag .()4.He can carr

8、y the box home . B根据短文内容选择正确的答案。() 1.Whatisthemandoing?Heis.A . eating some applesBcarrying a box(C . riding a bike)2. What s in the box ?Dmaking a boxA. Some books .B.Some bikes .C .Some apples .D. Some boxes . () 3. Can he carrying thebox ?A. Yes , hecan .B. Yes ,he is .C. No, he cant .D No ,he is

9、nt .() 4. Is the box full ( 满的) or empty(空的) ? A Yes ,itis .B.No , itisnt .C .It sempty .D. It sfull .评价标准及答案一、每题 1 分,共 10 分。1. hope2.delicious3.bring4.broken5. heavy6.田地7不同的8炉火9退休的 10字典二、每题 1 分,共 6 分。1. light2.taught3.learnt4.hard/difficult 5.gave6. dictionaries三、每题 1 分,共 8 分。1. aprogrammeaboutChin

10、a2.many years ago3.learnEnglish(studyEnglish)4.verydifferent5.把它带到中国去6.在字典里7.带回来8.在两周时间内四、每题 2 分,共 10 分。1C2A3B4 B5B五、每题 2 分,共 20 分。1.B2.C3.A4.B5.B6.B7.B8. B9. C10. A六、每题 2 分,共 10 分。1. C2E3 D4 A5 B七、每题 2 分,共 20 分。1. 我们没有足够的食物。2. 你可以把它带到中国去。3. 有大量的公共汽车和小汽车。4. 她在炉火上做饭。5. 在这个图书馆里你能找到有关中国书籍的知识。6. 她午饭吃的什么?7. 他学习很努力。8. 现在他乘校车去学校。9. 那是一顿传统的英式晚餐。10. 你在哪里能找到有关运动的知识?八、每题 2 分,共 16 分。A 判断题。1. F2.T3. F4. FB、选择题。1、B2. C3.C4. D



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