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1、题 目:肥皂盒盖注塑模具设计 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化班 级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 论文提交日期:2013 年 6 月 22 日论文答辩日期:2013 年 6 月 23 日摘要肥皂盒在我们的生活中非常的普遍,几乎每家都要用到。市场上也有各种各样的肥皂盒,形状各异,有些是把肥皂盒做成水果造型,有些是动植物造型,来吸引顾客的目光,以引发人们的购买欲。此次设计的肥皂盒的结构较简单,但在设计时考虑其应用,还相应的做了些曲面,所以曲面结构较多,计算也就较多.在生活中,我们把肥皂放在盒上的时候,常常会因肥皂盒内积水而使肥皂软化掉,这样就会降低肥皂的使用寿命。也有些肥皂盒在下盖底部打孔,使水容易流


3、在表面上留有印痕;4、在设计推出机构时要注意推杆放置的位置,放在下表面,不能影响上表面的表面精度;5、在开模时需保证塑件留在型腔上,用推杆顶出。设计中,辅以下盖的装配图。关键词:复位机构,脱模机构,浇口,AbstractSoapbox in our lives is very common, almost every home to be used. On the market, there are a variety of soap box, shapes, some of the soap box made of fruit shape, some of the shapes of ani

4、mals and plants, to attract customers attention to trigger peoples desire to purchase. Relatively simple structure of the design of the soap box, but in consideration when designing their applications, but also do some surface, the surface structure more to calculate it more in life, we put the soap

5、 on the box time, often due to soapbox stagnant water leaving the soap to soften out, this will reduce the life of the soap. Also some soap box next to cover the bottom of the punch to make the water easy to outflow, but the drawback of this type of soapbox is leaking due to the following room neigh

6、borhood wet. Between the design of the soap box is covered in the drilling, soap placed on the cover so that the water flow down along the Taper cover, water plot next Gehry, the upper and lower cover a certain distance to ensure a certain time will not be full of water atop the soap, water can be d

7、rained manually, which is to ensure the soap utilization, while ensuring the cleanliness of the room. The advantages are: simple structure, and improve the life of the soap; disadvantages are: plot the next cover of the water need to manually poured. The design is more than cover the main, supplemen

8、ted by under cover. In the design of the superstructure is mainly to solve the following problems: a soap placed on the cover to the point contact, design six oval prominent support soap, to the point contact between the soap and boxes; Close the also a slot open, so that the water can cover along t

9、he surface inflow; 3, the design gate to cover the surface of the accuracy, prints can not be left on the surface;, design and market institutions attention to the push rod placed on the lower surface, can not affect the upper surface of the surface accuracy; need to ensure, in the mold plastic part

10、s remain in the cavity and top out with his putter. Design, the following auxiliary cover assembly drawing.Keywords: Reset institutions, stripping agencies, the gate,目 录第 1 章 概论11.1 塑料模具的成型特点与发展趋势 11.2 注塑模设计的要求与程序 3第 2 章 塑件的工艺分析 72.1 材料的工艺分析 72.2 塑件的结构分析 92.3 塑件的工艺分析 9第 3 章 初步确定行腔数目10第 4 章 注射机的选择114

11、.1 塑件体积的计算114.2 准确确定行腔数目114.3 初算浇注系统体积的11第 5 章 浇注系统的设计135.1 主流道的设计135.2 分流道的设计145.3 分型面的选择原则145.4 浇口的设计155.5 冷料穴的设计165.6 排气系统的设计16 5.7 模架的选择16第 6 章 成型部件的设计176.1 行腔、型芯工作尺寸计算176.2 导向机构的设计196.3 推出机构的设计20第 7 章 加热、冷却系统设计 227.1 塑件释放热量计算227.2 冷却水体积流量计算22第 8 章 校核238.1 型腔壁厚度计算238.2 型腔壁板厚度计算238.3 注射机参数校核248.4

12、 模板厚度与注射机高度24结论26致谢27参考文献280第一章 绪论1.1 塑料模具的特点与发展趋势1.1.1 塑料模具的重要性 模具在现代生产中,是生产各种工业产品的重要工艺装备,它以其特定的形状通过一定的方式使原材料成型。塑料模是指用于成型塑料制品的模具,它是型腔模的一种类型,其地位与重要性正日益被人们所认识。随着塑料工业的飞速发展,以及通用塑料与工程塑料在强度和精度方面的不断提高,塑料制品的应用范围也在不断地扩大,如:家用电器、仪器仪表、建筑器材、汽车工业、日用五金等众多领域,塑料制品所占的比例正迅猛增加。由于在工业产品中,一个设计合理的塑件往往能代替多个传统金属结构件,加上利用工程塑料

13、特有的性质,可以一次成型非常复杂的形状,并且还能设计成卡装结构,成倍地减少整个产品中的各种紧固件,大大地降低了金属材料消耗量和加工及装配工时,因此,近年来工业产品塑料化的趋势不断上升。注塑成型是塑料加工中最普遍采用的方法。该方法适用于全部热塑性塑料和部分热固性塑料,制得的塑料制品数量之大是其它成型方法望尘莫及的。由于注塑成型加工不仅产量多,而且适用于多种原料,能够成批、连续地生产,并且具有固定的尺寸,可以实现生产自动化、高速化,因此具有极高的经济效益。随着工业生产的迅速发展,塑料模具工业在国民经济发展过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。1.1.2 塑料模具的特点热塑性塑料注射模的特点是由塑料原材料的特性所决定的,最主要的有两点:一是注射时塑料熔体的充模流动特性,二是模腔内塑料冷却固化时的收缩行为,这两点决定了注射模的特殊性和设计难度。由于塑料熔体属于粘弹体,熔体流动过程粘度随剪切应力、剪切速率而变化,流动过程中大分子沿流动方向产生定向;冷却固化过程中塑料的收缩非常复杂,模腔内各部位、各方向收缩率不同,不同种类、牌号的塑料收缩率有很大差异。基于上述特点,设计注塑模首先要充分了解所加工的塑料原材料的特性,使设计的模具合理适用,并可在设计中有效利用塑料特性,1如点浇口模具用于塑料铰链制品。塑料注射成型模具主要用于成型热塑性塑料制件,近年来在热固性塑料的成型中也得到了日趋广泛的应用


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