2016秋仁爱版七年级上英语教学设计:Unit 4《Having Fun》Topic 2《Would you like to cook with us》Section B

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《2016秋仁爱版七年级上英语教学设计:Unit 4《Having Fun》Topic 2《Would you like to cook with us》Section B》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016秋仁爱版七年级上英语教学设计:Unit 4《Having Fun》Topic 2《Would you like to cook with us》Section B(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。i. Unit 4 Having Funii. Topic 2 Would you like to cook with us?iii. Section Biv. I. Material analysisv. 本课是话题二的第二课时,主要活动是1a和2a。通过Kangkang和小伙伴们参加户外野炊活动,进一步学习有关邀请和建议及其委婉回绝的表达,同时通过听音、选句填空的活动,进一步学习有关打电话的表达。此外,在本课中学生还将通过听对话,完成电话留言,检测学生对听力对话的理解并学习电话留言的格式。为了贴近真实生活,教

2、师应引导学生在学习接受邀请的同时,也正面的学习委婉回绝的表达,并在对话中进行操练。vi. II. Teaching aimsvii. 1. Knowledge aimsviii. 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中加以应用:ix. sing, song, fly, kite, time, way, on ones way homex. 能够恰当使用不同人称引导的一般现在时(肯定/否定)表达自己的想法和意见。如:I have to cook/get some water. He has to cook.xi. 能就打电话、表达建议和邀请、委婉回绝、电话留言等话题

3、进行交流与对话操练,如:xii. May I speak to.?xiii. Would you like to sing some songs with me, Kangkang?xiv. I am sorry I cant. I have to cook.xv. How about flying a kite with me?xvi. Id like that, but I am sorry I have no time.xvii. 2. Skill aimsxviii. 能听懂打电话、邀请及其肯定回答的简单用语;xix. 能从打电话的听力材料中迅速获取、加工所需信息;xx. 能运用所学表

4、达来打电话、邀请并作出恰当回答;xxi. 能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调,并进行角色扮演; xxii. 能正确朗读打电话的对话,注意语音语调;xxiii. 能运用所学知识编写简单的打电话对话;xxiv. 能够书写简单的电话留言条。xxv. 3. Emotional aims:xxvi. 能够积极与同学合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践;xxvii. 乐于接触并了解异国文化。xxviii. III. The key points and difficult pointsxxix. 1.能在情景中用打电话邀请、建议及其委婉回绝等表达法进行交流。xxx. 2.能学会完成电话留言,并了解其格式。xxxi. I

5、V. Learning strategiesxxxii. 1.能够清楚、大声地进行朗读,培养语感和自信心。xxxiii. 2.能够将所学的内容运用到实际的日常生活中。xxxiv. 3.能够自己制定预习和复习计划,监控和评价自己的学习。xxxv. V. Teaching aidsxxxvi. 录音机、教学挂图、多媒体和黑板。xxxvii. VI. Teaching proceduresxxxviii. Stepxxxix. Interaction patternxl. Student activityxli. Teacher activityxlii. Introduction xliii. (

6、5 minutes)xliv. 1.The whole class work.xlv. 2.Group work and individual work.xlvi.xlvii.xlviii.xlix.l.li.lii.liii.liv.lv.lvi.lvii.lviii.lix.lx.lxi.lxii.lxiii.lxiv.lxv.lxvi. 1.Focus their attention on the teacher.lxvii. 2.Do duty report. Some groups act out the conversations about calling sb. in Sect

7、ion A. Then the other students answer the teachers questions according to the conversations.lxviii. e.g.lxix. (1) A: Hello!lxx. B: Hello, A! This is B.lxxi. A: Hi, B.lxxii. B: Are you free thislxxiii. Saturday?lxxiv. A: Yes. Whats up? lxxv. B: Would you like to go to the Qingyuan Mountain with us?lx

8、xvi. A: Oh, Id love to. lxxvii. B: Please tell C about it.lxxviii. A:Sure. Ill calllxxix. her/him.lxxx. B: See you then!lxxxi. A: See you!lxxxii. (2) C: Hello!lxxxiii. A: Hello, C. This is A.lxxxiv. .lxxxv. (3) T: Where will they go this Saturday?lxxxvi. Ss: Qingyuan Mountain.lxxxvii. T: Is A free t

9、hislxxxviii. Saturday?lxxxix. Ss: Yes, she/he is.xc. T:Would she/he like to go to Qingyuanxci. Mountain with B?xcii. Ss: Yes, shed love to.xciii. .xciv. 1.Greet studentsxcv. ready for learning.xcvi. 2.Help the students to revise the words and expressions about calling sb. in Section A .xcvii.xcviii.

10、xcix.c.ci.cii.ciii.civ.cv.cvi.cvii. Presentation cviii. (15 minutes)cix. 1.The whole class work and individual work.cx.cxi.cxii.cxiii.cxiv.cxv.cxvi.cxvii.cxviii.cxix.cxx.cxxi.cxxii.cxxiii.cxxiv.cxxv.cxxvi.cxxvii.cxxviii.cxxix.cxxx.cxxxi.cxxxii.cxxxiii.cxxxiv.cxxxv.cxxxvi.cxxxvii.cxxxviii.cxxxix.cxl.

11、cxli.cxlii.cxliii.cxliv.cxlv.cxlvi.cxlvii. 2.Individual work, pair work and the whole class work.cxlviii.cxlix.cl.cli.clii.cliii.cliv.clv.clvi.clvii.clviii.clix.clx.clxi.clxii.clxiii.clxiv.clxv.clxvi.clxvii.clxviii. 1.Do 1a. Look at the picture in 1a. Answer the question, “What can the students do w

12、hen they go out for a picnic?” Learn some new words while answering the questions, such as, sing, song, fly, kite, cook.clxix. e.g.clxx. T: What is Jane doing?clxxi. S1: 唱歌。clxxii. T:Yes, she is singing songs. I like singing songs. Do you like singing songs?clxxiii. S1:Yes, I do. Would you like to s

13、ing with us, Ms. Huang?clxxiv. T: Id like that, but I am sorry I have no time now. I have to work now.clxxv. .clxxvi. T:What is Kangkang doing in the picture?clxxvii. S2: 做饭。clxxviii. T: Yes, he is cooking. Can you cook? Do you help your mother cook at home?clxxix. S2: Yes, I can. Iclxxx. sometimes

14、help my mother cook.clxxxi. T: Would you like toclxxxii. cook with me now?clxxxiii. S2: Im sorry I cant. I have to study now.clxxxiv. .clxxxv. 2.Look at the picture in 1a again. Guess the following statements True or False.clxxxvi. (1)Kangkang wants to sing some songs with Jane.clxxxvii. (2)Wang Jun

15、feng would like to cook with Maria.clxxxviii. (3)Michael doesnt want to fly a kite with Steve.clxxxix. (4)Michael has to get some water.cxc. (Keys: F T F T)cxci. Then listen to the tape and write what the children do in 1b. Check the answers with your partner. Then the whole class check the answers together.cxcii. Listen to 1a again and underline the expressions of givin


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