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1、高三一轮复习M1U11. live on the campus 居住在校园 campus life 校园生活2. be/ fell at ease 感到轻松,自在 stand at ease 稍息 ill at ease 拘谨3. experience 【U】经验;【C】经历 experienced (adj)in ones experience 依某人的经验看have experience in sth 在方面有经验experience difficulties/ problems 经历困难/面临难题4. be happy with/ about/ over 对感到满意be happy to

2、 do sth 高兴地做某事be happy in doing sth 幸运地做某事5. than usual/ as usual 比往常/像往常一样6. attend assembly 出席会议注意assembly前不加冠词at/ during assembly 在会议上go to assembly 去参加会议in the assembly hall在会议厅attend a meeting/ a party 出席会议/参加聚会attend school/ church 上学/做礼拜辨析attend/ join/ join in/ take part in attend强调以观众或听众的身份出

3、席;join通常表示加入某个组织或社团并且成为其中的一员;join in表示参加某种活动,通常以join sb in sth 的结构出现Take part in强调参加某种活动并起到一定的作用7. the best way to do sth/ of doing sth 做某事的最佳方法8. earn respect from 赢得的尊重 earn ones living 谋生(make a living)show/ have respect for sb 尊敬某人 gain/ win / earn respect 受到尊敬respect sb for sth 因而尊敬某人9. achieve

4、 high grades 获得高分 achieve ones goal/ ambition 实现目标/实现抱负achieve success/ a lot/ nothing 获得成功/获得很多/一无所获10. sound (look/ smell/ taste/ feel) like 听(看/闻/尝/摸)起来像11. on (an/ the)average 平均而言 above/ below (the) average 在平均水平之上/之下12. It is difficult for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事很难13. as heavy as 和一样重as tall as

5、his father 和他父亲一样高 as proud as a peacock 像孔雀一样骄傲14. used to do sth 过去常常做某事 be used to do sth 被用来做某事be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事15. a bit = a little = a little bit有点,后接adj,adva bit of 后接名词,一点 a bit of bread 一点面包not a bit = not at all一点也不 not a little = very很,非常16. a bit challenging 有点挑战性a challenging

6、job/ task 具有挑战性的工作/任务issue/ accept a challenge 发出/接受挑战challenge sb/ ones authority 挑战某人/某人的权威17. improve improvement improve ones English 提高某人的英语improve on/ upon sth 对加以提高,改进18. for free = free of charge 免费free the bird from the cage 将小鸟从笼子中释放 free from 19. spend some time (in) doing sth 花时间做某事20. W

7、hat fun it is to do sth ! 做某事真是太开心了!Its great fun to do sth 做某事是很大的乐事play a fun game 玩有趣的游戏 make fun of sb 取笑某人 Have fun! 玩得开心!21. learn how to do sth 学习如何做某事22. prepare sth 准备/prepare for sth 为做准备prepare lunch 做饭 prepare for lunch 为中饭做准备,即做饭之前的准备prepare to do sth 准备做某事prepare sb to do sth 使某人准备做某事m

8、ake preparations for为做准备in preparation for 做的准备be/ get (well) prepared for 为做好了准备23. at the end of在末,在结束时in the end 最后 by the end of 到末为止 from beginning to end 从头到尾come to an end 结束 bring sth to an end 使结束,中止24. hold a class party 举行班级聚会25. drop history/ the idea/ the habit 不学历史/放弃这个念头/放弃习惯drop out

9、of school 辍学,中途退学drop from the tree 从树上掉下来drop the box on ones foot 将盒子掉在某人的脚上drop to the ground 摔到地上(temperature)drop quickly 快速下降,降低drop in on sb 顺便拜访某人 drop in at sp 顺便走访某地rain drops 雨滴 a drop of water/ wine 一滴水/酒26. miss sb/ sth 想念;错过miss doing sth 想念以前做过的事情;错过做某事的机会27. on the school field 在学校操场

10、上28. introduce sb to 向介绍某人 introduce oneself to 向作自我介绍be introduced into 被引进到 introduce introduction 29. surf the Internet 上网30. e-mail address 电子邮箱地址address a letter to sb 在信封上写地址给某人a letter addressed to sb 一封被写了某人地址的信函address a meeting/ conference 在会议上发表演说address sb as sth 称呼某人为address a problem 处

11、理,解决问题address oneself to sth 处理,致力于31. make/ fix an appointment with sb 与某人约会keep/ break an appointment 守约/失约appoint sb sth 任命,委派某人为32. be available to sb/ for sth 某物对某人来说是可用的/某物可用于sb be available 某人有空的,可与之交谈的33. all year round 一年到头34. the only access to 到的唯一通道have access to 有得到某物或接近某人的机会或权利 accessi

12、ble (adj) 35. serve the people heart and soul 全心全意为人民服务serve sb sth 用招待某人at ones service 听侯某人的吩咐36. the former president 前总统the former/ the latter 前者/后者37. graduate from 毕业于 graduation (n)38. On/ Upon (doing) sth 一就On/ Upon my arrival in Beijing, ;On/ Upon arriving in Beijing, ;As soon as I arrived

13、in.39. develop an interest in 培养出对的兴趣40. donate sth to捐赠某物给 donation (n)41. display sth 展览某物 be on display 在展览display ones anger 显露某人的愤怒42. thank sb for sth/ doing sth 因感谢某人give/ express ones thanks to sb for sb 因为向某人表达感谢thanks to 多亏了43. make a speech 发表演讲44. miss the chance to do sth 错过做某事的机会45. on

14、 the first floor 在底楼46. instead of 代替,而不是47. pay attention to sth/ doing sth 注意48. regret to do(say/ tell/ inform)很遗憾地做某事 regret doing sth/ having done sth 后悔做某事 to ones regret令某人遗憾的是regret regretted regretted 49. inform sb of sth 通知某人某事 inform sb that-clause通知某人keep sb (well) informed of 使某人很好的了解拓展

15、:inform/ warn/ remind/ cure/ accuse/ convince 后都接sb of sth 的形式50. run a factory/ restaurant 经营一家工厂/餐馆 run a machine 操作机器 be well/ badly run 管理精良/管理不善拓展:run out of sth/ sth run out 用光,耗尽;run into撞上,撞见;run across跑过,巧遇;run after 追赶,追求;run away from 逃避,逃掉51. start a club 开设俱乐部start the car/ get the car started 发动汽车/把汽车发动起来52. allow doing sth/ allow sb to do sth 允许做某事/允许某人做某事53. during break time 在休息时间54. approve approva


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