四年级上册英语试题-unit1like dogs 译林版无答案

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1、四年级上册Unit1 周末课时回家作业一、选出下列不同类的单词。(8分)( ) 1. Are these cakes? A. thoseB. thatC. this( ) 2. How old are you? Im five.A. fineB. fourC. nice( ) 3. They are tigers.A. pearB. cherriesC. pigs( ) 4. Look at my green T-shirt.A. greatB. goodC. red( )5. Whos that boy?A. bagB. manC. bird( ) 6. Dont drink here.A.

2、 shoutB. treeC. in( ) 7. Shes my mother.A. father B. brotherC. aunt( ) 8. Welcome to my classroom.A. libraryB. dinnerC. baby二、填入适当的词(12分)1.these(对应词)_ 2.boy(对应词)_ 3.cute(同义词)_ 4.mango(复数) _ 5.一些香蕉 6. 两匹白色的马 7.那些老虎们 8. 两匹马 9.紫色的葡萄_ 10.六只长颈鹿一些香蕉 三、单项选择(10分)( )1. Whats that? Its _elephant. A. a B. an C

3、. /( )2. _ are you? Eight.A. Where B. How old C. What time( )3. Look at those dogs. _cute. A. Theyre B. Its C. They( )4.These _ are very lovely. A. dog B. dogs C. doges( )5.- Who is _ Chinese teacher?- Mr. Wu does.A. they B. them C .your ( ) 6.Can you help _ English, please?A. I B. me C. he ( )7.We

4、have pineapple and orange.A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an()8. Look at animals, boys and girls.A. us B.weC.our( )9.Is that your cap? No, _.A. it isnt B. he isnt C. she isnt( )10. Your skirt is nice,Yang Ling. .A. Thank you. B. No, its not nice. C. Im sorry.四、词汇运用 (25分)1. I have_ _ _(一只小猴子). 2. These_ (be

5、) cats. 3. _ _ (这些猪)are very big and fat. 4.Where is my cat? Its _ _ _ (在树上). 5. Whats that? Its_ (a)egg. 6.Look at (this) pandas.五、 图文匹配(用线连接相关联的图片和英语)。(5分)Make a wish.Dont shout.Were twins.Wake up.Sit down.六、连词成句(14分)1.to;welcome; my; Mike; farm (, . ) 2. this; is; your; dog (.) 3.it; my; book; is

6、; English (.) 4.is; box; your; where; lunch (?) 5.door; is; now; behind; it; the (.) 6.in; and; sit; come; down (.) 7.please; juice; dont; drink; my (.) 七、从栏中找出与栏中句子匹配的正确选项,将其序号写在题前括号内。(16分) I II( ) 1. This is my friend. A. Oranges. ( ) 2. What are these? B. Nice to meet you.( ) 3. Welcome to my hom

7、e.C. Yes, it is.( ) 4. Dont talk in class. D. Thank you.( ) 5. How old are you?E. Its five oclock. ( ) 6. What colour is your crayon? F. Im seven.( ) 7. Is that a brown pencil?G. Im sorry.( ) 8. Whats the time?H. Its orange.八、阅读理解 (10分)一Lisa: Look at these animals, May. Are these tigers? May: No, th

8、ey arent. Theyre monkeys. Theyre brown. Lisa: Wow! Theyre so cute. Do you like them? May: No, I dont. Lisa: What do you like? May: I like elephants. Look at the elephants over there. Theyre fat. Lisa: I like them too. 阅读对话, 判断正(T)误(F)。( )1. Lisa and May are in the library. ( )2. They see some monkey

9、s in the zoo. ( )3. The monkeys are brown. ( )4. May likes monkeys. ( )5. The elephants are fat. 二MissLi: Goodmorning, boysandgirls. B&G: Goodmorning, MissLi. MissLi: Lookatthesetoyanimals. Doyouliketigers, SuHai? SuHai: Yes, Ido. Ilikepandastoo. Theyrecute. MissLi: Whataboutyou, Mike? Doyouliketigers? Mike: No, Idont. Ilikemonkeys. Doyoulikemonkeys, MissLi? MissLi: No, Idont. Ilikecatsandhorses. ( )1. SuHailikestigersandpandas. ( )2. Mikelikeshorses. ( )3. MissLilikesmonkeysandcats. ( )4. Thepandasarecute.


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