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1、有关购买食物的英语情景口语 我们学英语目的就是能与人沟通,所以学好英语口语很重要,下面今天就给大家分享一下英语的情景口语对话,欢迎大家学习 AAre these all yours? 这些全都是你要买的东西吗? BYes, they are. 是的,它们是。 ACash or credit card? 现金支付还是用 _? BI want to use these coupons. Have they expired? 我想要用这些优惠券。它们过期了吗? ANot yet. Oh, Madam, this item is no longer on sale, and this goes on

2、sale tomorrow. Will you take them? 还没。噢,女士,这种商品已不再减价了,而这个明天才减价。你还要买它们吗? BYes, could you use plastic bags? 是的,你们是用塑料袋装的吗? ASure, it is 80 yuan in all and you have to give me another coupon. 当然,总共是80元,你还要再给我一张优惠券。 BCould you charge it to my credit card? 你能把它记到我的 _账户上吗? ACertainly. 当然可以。 BHere you are.

3、 给你。 AOkay. Input your pin number, please. Sign here. 行了。请输入你的密码。在这里签名。 BSure. 好的。 AHeres your receipt. 这是你的收据。 BThank you. 谢谢。 ACan I help you, sir? 先生,我可以为您服务吗? BYes, I want to buy some grapes. 是的,我想买一些葡萄。 AWhat kind of grapes do you want? 您要哪种葡萄? BPeople say grapes from XinJiang are much sweeter

4、than other kinds. Please give me a kilo of that. 人们说的葡萄比其它品种甜得多。请给我一公斤葡萄。 AOk, wait a moment please. 好的,请稍等。 BMake sure they are fresh. 要确保是新鲜的。 ATrust me. 相信我。 AWow! Your fruit looks really fresh! How much are these apples? 哇!你的水果看起来真新鲜!这些苹果多少钱? BThe apples are 30NT each. How many would you like? 这

5、些苹果一个三十元。你要几个? ALets see, 30NT is about.almost a dollar US. What?! How about these pineapples? 我算算,三十元等于快一美元。拜托?!那这些菠萝呢? BTheyre 250NT each, but theyre not edible. Theyre only used for worship. 一个两百五十。不过不能吃。这只是用来拜拜的。 AHmm, 250NT is.8 dollars?! And you cant even eat them? Youre crazy! 呣,两百五十是八美元?!还不能

6、吃?妳秀逗了. BWait! Dont go just yet. These bananas are pretty cheap-only 35NT for this bunch. 等等!先别走。这些香蕉很便宜-这一串只要三十五。 ANow thats more like it! Bananas have lots of potassium, too! 这才象话嘛!香蕉里也有很多钾! BTheyre also good for your digestion! Would you like some kiwis, too? 它们也能帮助消化!你也要买些奇异果吗? AAre they from Taiwan? 它们是台湾产的吗? BTheyre imported from New Zealand. Four for 50NT. Nine for a hundred. 它们是从纽西兰进口的。四个五十。九个一百。 AOK. Ill take four kiwis. 好,那我买四个奇异果。 有关购买食物的英语情景口语相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 模板,内容仅供参考



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