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1、 直接引语和间接引语的转化祈使句一.在第一单元中我们学习了陈述句和疑问句的直接引语变间接引语的用法,本期主要讲解祈使句的直接引语变间接引语的用法。先看两个句子: 1. “Could you spell that word?”the teacher said to him. The teacher asked him to spell that word.(请求语气) 2. The father said to his children,“Dont move!”The father told his children not to move. (命令语气) 由此看来,当我们把直接引语中的祈使句变

2、为间接引语时,通常要变成ask, invite,tell,order,suggest,advise,request,warm,beg,command,encourage等转述动词,再加上动词不定式(not)to do的形式。其中主要的三种常用结构为:1.表示(请求,邀请)某人做某事时用ask sb.(not) to do sth.注意:一般祈使句中有“please”,Would you.?,Can I.?She said to us, “Please have a rest.” She asked us to have a rest.He said,“would you like to go

3、shopping with me?”He asked me to go shopping with him.Jim said to his deskmate,“Can I borrow your ruler?”Jim asked his deskmate if he could borrow herhis ruler. 2.表示(命令,吩咐)某人做某事时用tell sb.(not) to do sth.注意:一般祈使句中有“Dont,或动词原形开头,没有please.The old man said, “Dont smoke in the hall.”The old man told me n

4、ot to smoke in the hall. Mother said to the boy,“Hurry up!”Mother told the boy to hurry up.“Go and wash your face, Tom,” Mother said.Mother told Tom to go and wash his face. 3.表示(建议)某人做某事时用suggest/advise that+主语+should+v advise sb to do sth注意:一般祈使句中有“Lets./Youd better.”“Lets hold a meeting tonight.”

5、he said to us.He suggested that we should hold a meeting that night.“Youd better start tomorrow.”Tom said to Alice.Tom advise Alice to start the next day.二注意:当祈使句的直接引语变为间接引语时: 1.因为祈使句表示“请求”、“命令”等口气,后面都是加(not)to do的形式,所以祈使句直接引语变为间接引语不存在动词的时态变化。 2.但是如果后面跟的如果不是(not)to do的形式,而是句子形式,就存在句子的时态变化。 3.人称、指示代词

6、、时间、地点状语等的变化还应根据第一单元中我们学习的陈述句和疑问句的直接引语变间接引语的方法进行相应的改变。 三习题练习1. “Stop talking!”the monitor said to the class. _ 2.“Lets break into small groups now.”she said to us. _3. “Would you buy some bread for me?” he said to Linda. _4. The teacher said,“Stand up and dont be afraid to say what you think.”_5. Th

7、e patient said,“Can I sit here,Lisa?”_ B)填空完成间接引语,每空一词。 6. “Dont forget to give the message to my wife,” he said to Li Ping. He _Li Ping _ _ forget to give the message to _wife. 7. “Mum, please help me find my shirt,” he said. He _ his mother _ help_find _ shirt. 8. “Use your knife to cut the leaves

8、.” the manager said to the guard. The officer _ the guard _ _ _knife to cut the leaves. 9. “Will you sleep and get up early next week, MeiMei?” Father said. Father _ _ _ and _ up early_ _ _.C)单项选择。 10. “Dont worry about me,” she _ her sister. A. said to B. referred to C. thanked to D. spoke 11. “ _ help me with my English?”she said. A. Shall we B. Do you C. Could you D. Might you 12. She told me _ a noise in the hall. A. dont make B. not to make C. make not to D. to make not 13. Martin _ his dog to lie down under the big tree. A. made B. had C. promised D. ordered


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