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1、高三必记的英语知识点 高三的日子是苦的,有刚入高三时的迷茫和压抑,有成绩失意时的沉默不语,有晚上奋战到一两点的精神肉体双重压力,也有在清晨凛冽的寒风中上学的艰苦经历。在奋笔疾书中得到知识的快乐,也是一种在巨大压力下显得茫然无助的痛苦。 1. Since从句为非延续性动词的过去时或现在完成时,时间的起点应该从从句动作完成时刻算起。 例如: Things have changed a lot since I wrote to you last time. 自我上次给你写信之后,情况已发生了很大的变化。 She has lived with us since she has e here. 自从她来

2、到这里,就一直和我们住在一起。 2. Since从句为延续性动词的一般过去时,表示动作或状态的结束。其含义与动词的词义恰好相反,具有否定意味。 例如: All has changed since he was at home. 自从他离开家以后,这里的一切都变了。 I havent written to her since she lived in London. 自从离开伦敦以来,我还没有给她写过信。 He has never been to see me since I was ill. 自从我病愈以来,他一直没有来看我。 Two years have passed since I las

3、t smoked. 我戒烟已经两年了。 但如果since从句是延续性动词的现在完成时,则表示动作由开始延续至说话的时候,具有肯定意味。 例如: He has never been to see me since I have been ill. 自从我生病以来,他一直没有来看我。 She has talked little since she has stayed at home. 自从她呆在家里以后,就很少讲话。 Since we have owned a car, we have gone camping every year. 自从我们有了汽车后,年年都去野营。 3. 在现代英语中,si

4、nce从句是延续性动词的一般过去时,有时候也可以表示肯定意味。此时,多半用ever来加强since的语义。 例如: She has known me ever since she was a child. 她从小就认识我了。 I have live here ever since I was born. 我生下来就住在这里。 4. 在it is+时间+since从句结构中,since从句是非延续性动词的一般过去时,含有肯定意味。 例如: It is three years since her husband left her. 她丈夫离开她已经3年了。 It is over sixty yea

5、rs since the Peoples Republic of China was established. 中华人民 _已经成立60多年了。 5. 在it is+时间+since从句结构中,since从句是延续性动词的一般过去时,含有否定的意味。 例如: It is three years since she stayed here. 她离开这里已经3年了。 How long is it since you were a league member? 你*有多久了? 6. 在it is+时间+since从句结构中,since从句是现在完成时或过去完成时,均含有否定意味。 例如: It is

6、 five years since we have seen her. 我们已经5年没有见她了。 It was years since I had seen her. 在那之前,我已经有好久没有见到她了。 Its been a long time since Ive seen you. 我已经很久没有见到你了。 另 根据英语惯用法,since从句不可以否定形式出现。 例如: It is four years since I have smoked a cigarette. 我已经4年不抽烟了。 不可说:It is four years since I havent smoked a cigar

7、ette. 但由于下句中的since不作“自从”解,所以从句可以用否定形式。 例如: I havent been out anywhere since I dont know how long. 也不知多久了,我哪儿也没去过。 Since从句通常不与非延续性动词的现在完成时的肯定式连用。 例如: Her mother died when she was a child. 她小时候母亲就去世了。 不可说:Her mother has died since she was a child. Since前不可加表示时间的词语,但可以与ago连用。 例如: She has lived with us

8、since her mother died three years ago. 自从她母亲3年前去世,她就一直和我们住在一起。 不可说:She has lived with us three years since her mother died. 在It was five years ago since his father died. 一句中的since用错了,因为在含有ago的时间范畴里,已经有了从过去的一个时间点以来的时间,即已有了since的时间范畴,所以再用since是多余的。 改为: It was five years ago that his father died. 他父亲5年前去世了。 It is five years since his father died. 他父亲去世已经5年了。 模板,内容仅供参考


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