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1、 新版PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册Unit4 At the farm A Lets talk教学设计 新版 P PEP 人教版 小学英语四年级下册 Unit4 At the farm A Lets talk 教学设计 教学 目标: : (1) 知识目标: 1、能听懂会说 What are these? Theyre Are these? Yes, they are. (2) 能力目标: 能听懂会说本课对话,发音准确,并能在实际情景中运用。 (3) 情感目标: 多吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜保持身体健康。 教学重 、难点: 教学重点: 能听懂会说 What are these? Theyre Are t

2、hese? Yes, they are. 教学难点: 单词tomato/carrot.以及复数形式tomatoes/carrots 教具: 课件,头饰,词卡,图卡,蔬菜实物等 Step 1 Warm-up : 1 、Free talk 2 、Divide groups This class I will divide you into 4 groups. Vegetable group, animal group, fruit group and happy group. If you answer one question you can get one card from the box.

3、 At last,you can use these cards to design your farm.OK? Take out your hands!(分组手叠放在一起)Year! 3 、Lets sing T: First,lets sing a songOld MacDonald. Step2 Presentation: 1 、 Whats this?What are these? (1)Whats this? T:Wow!There are some animals on his farm.Look!Whats this?(师问生答,男女互问答。 ) (2)What are thes

4、e? T;Old MacDonald has some fruits too.What are these? these:听跟读-分音节教读-开火车读 What are these?出示词卡教读-分组读-开火车读-板贴 依次出示 6 张图片(师问生答,小组问其余答,生问生答) 2 、 carrot(s)tomato(es) T: Old MacDonald has a farm.Look! I have a farm too. Do you want to know whats on my farm? Yes or no? (出示 cat 图片)Whats this?-板贴图片 (出示 app

5、les 图片)What are these?-板贴图片 (出示 carrot 图片)Whats this? 听音跟读-分音节教读-开火车 (出示 carrots 图片)What are these? 单复数对比教读-分组读-板贴词卡,图卡 德育渗透: Carrots are very nutritious,we should eat them more. tomato(es) 同上 (出示 tomato 图片)T: Look! Whats this ? Its a tomato. tomato 听音跟读-出示词卡教读开火车读 T: What are these? Theyre tomatoes

6、. (出示 tomatoes 图片)图片引出 tomatoes-出示词卡升降调教读-男女生读-板贴词卡,图卡 德育渗透: Tomatoes are delicious and contain many vitamins 3 、 Watch and answer Look!This farm is young MacDonald .He has a farm too. And there are many vegetables , Sarah and Mike are on his farm.Do you want to have a look?Lets go! T: Lets watch an

7、d answer:How many kinds of vegetables do they see? A or B ? 评: Good listener! 4 、Listen and choose( 一) (1)T: You know There are two kinds of vegetables on the farm Look!What are these? Lets listen! T: OK, who can answer?.A or B ? 评: Clever boy! (2) 机械操练 手指板书领读一遍-男女互问答 (3)T: Theyre tomatoes,but they

8、are yellow.Boys and girls,we seldom see yellow tomatoes. (出示黄色西红柿实物)Theyre yellow .Theyre good. 教师捏一颗给放嘴里: Yum! 听音跟读-教读 Yum-分组读.。 然后拿几颗给学生品尝并说: Try some. 听音跟读-教读 Try some.开火车读 给每组分一些并说 Try some! Are they yum? Yes or no? (4)意义操练 A: 引入 T:What are these? (教师出示图卡) Yes!Theyre tomatoes.But theyre black.-板

9、贴图卡 T:What are these? (教师出示图卡) Yes!Theyre carrots.But theyre purple.-板贴图卡 B:小组练习 Take out your paper,practise in pairs. C:展示 5 、Listen and choose ( 二) (1)T:(呈现课件)What are these?Are these carrots? ( ) Lets listen again. (只放第一幅图片的听力) T: OK, who can say?.A or B? T: Yes, you are right. We know theyre ca

10、rrots. And they are so big. (2)机械操练: T:Follow me please:出示词卡 Are these carrots?教读开火车板贴 教师手指板书,男女互问答操练。 (3)意义操练 I bring you some vegetables and fruits.(给每组纷发)Lets touch and guess! One close eyes and guess,the other answer. A:师与生 1 示范。 B: Now,touch and guess in groups. C:展示 Step3 Practice 1.Listen and

11、 repeat T: Now ,lets listen and repeat. T:First,just watch.播放课件第一遍学生只看 T: Then,look at your book.Lets repeat! 播放课件第二遍学生跟读 I like your voice,Now read in pairs. 2.Role-play T: Now, lets read in roles, Who want come here? You please! You are., YOU are . 学生小组分角色读 3. Challenge yourself Lets check!Look at

12、 here! 4.Lets chant Now,lets chant!Show me your hands!One word one time!Ready? Step4 Production 1 、Design your farm T: Old MacDonald has a farm.I have a farm.Young MacDonald has a farm too.Do you want to have your own farm?Use your cards and design in your group!Come on !学生分组设计自己的农场 2 、Introduce your farm. 每组选派一名学生上台介绍自己的农场,其余组的同学提问 A: Welcome to. farm. B: Thank you! Are these_? A: Yes,they are. / No, they arent. B: What are these? A: Theyre _. B: Oh,I like your farm. 3、德育渗透 通过了解每组农场里的果蔬让学生认识到要多食 green food,远离junk food。 Step5 Progress 1 、 summary What have we learned today? 2 、Homework



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