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1、【英语】初中英语试卷英语短语动词题分类汇编含解析一、短语动词1Tim won the first prize in the piano competition. His parents _him.A. take careB. look upC. take pride inD. wait for【答案】 C【解析】 分析:句意:提姆在 琴比 中 得一等 。他的父母 他 傲。take care当心,小心 ; 持到底 ;look up 向上看 ; 找 ; take pride in v. 以 傲 ; wait for 等待。所以 C。2If you want to know more about s

2、pace, please _ the bookA Brief History of Time .A. look throughB. look aroundC. look afterD. look down upon【答案】 A【解析】 【分析】句意:如果你想多了解太空, 史 本 。lookthrough ; look around 四周; look after 照 ; look down upon瞧不起。根据句意,故答案为 A。【点 】考 短 辨析。熟 短 ,理解句意,根据 境判断 。3 I would rather _ hiking than _ swimming.A. to go , to

3、 goB. going, goingC. go ,goD. go, going【答案】 C【解析】【分析】句意: 我宁愿去徒步旅行也不愿去游泳。本句中考 的句型是wouldrather do sth. than do sth. ,宁愿做 也不愿做 ,两部分中都用 的原形。故 C。【点 】考 。4 Do you think my classmates will laugh at me? Maybe. But I think you are right.A. go out withB. make friends withC. make jokes about【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意: 你

4、得我的同学 在嘲笑我 ? 也 是,但是我 得你是 的。 laugh at 嘲笑; go out with 和 出去;与 会; make friends with 与 交朋友; make jokes about 开 的玩笑。故 C。【点 】考 短 辨析。5 In fact, many countrieshave _ some effective(有效的) policies to controlthepopulation.A. carry outB. taken outC. carried outD. thought out【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意: 上, 多国家已 采取了有效政策控制人口

5、。施;施行。 take out 取出; think out 想出。根据have 可知用 去分 ,故 carry out C。实【点 】考 短 。6一 Can you guess when the story took place?一 In 1990, right?A. was writtenB. happenedC. ended【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意:你能猜猜 个故事 生在什么 候 ?在1990年, ? take place 生; was written 被写; happen 生; end 束。故 B。【点 】考 短 辨析。7Do you know who _ my umbrella

6、? I cant find it.Sorry. I went out just now.A. took awayB. took upC. took offD. took out【答案】 A【解析】 【分析】句意:-你知道 拿走了我的雨 ?我找不到了。- 不去,我 才出去了。 take away 拿走; take up 拿起;从事;take off 脱掉;起 ; take out 取出。根据句意,故答案 A。【点 】考 短 辨析,熟 take 构成的短 ,根据句意判断答案。8Students todaysociety.A. keep in touch with【答案】 Dhave to stud

7、y hardB. begin withto_ the quick developmentof the modernC. make peace withD. keep up with【解析】 【分析】句意:今天的学生必 努力学 才能跟上 代社会的快速 展。touch with 与 保持 系; begin with 以 开始; make peace with 与 和;keep keepinupwith跟上。根据句意,故答案 D。【点 】考 短 辨析,熟 短 ,理解句意,根据 境判断答案。9 _! Something is falling down from the tall building. D

8、ear me! Its dangerous.A. Look outB. Help yourselfC. What a pityD. Shut up.【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意: 留神!有 西从高楼上掉下来了. 哦, 的! 是危 的. look out 当心,留神,向外看,help yourself 自取 , what a pity 真可惜, shut up 安静, 嘴,根据后面一句 有 西从高楼上掉下来了 . 可知 里 提醒 方注意,故 : A.【点 】考 短 ,理解句子的意思及每个 的意思, 合 境 合适的答案.10 Its six oclock Its time to get up

9、Please A. wake up him B. wake him upC. heat up himD. heat him up【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意:6 点了, 起床了, 把他叫醒。wake up 叫醒; heat up 加 。“及物 +副 ”构成的 短 在跟代 作 是,注意代 放在 后副 前,故 B。【点 】考 短 11 I can find the meaning of new words by _ in a dictionary.A. look them upB. look up themC. looking them upD. looking up them【答案】C【解析

10、】 【分析】句意:通 典,我可以 到新 的意思。介 by后跟 用doing,代 作 短 的 放在两 之 ,故 C。【点 】此 考 短 和代 用法。注意代 作 的位置。12 We believe we can _ a way to solve the problem of pollution in the future.A. catch up withB. come up withC. put offD. set off【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意:我 相信我 将来能想出 法解决 染 。catch up with赶上; come up with 想出;提出; put off 推 ;延期; s

11、et off 出 ;引爆。故 B。【点 】考 短 辨析。13 When are you going tofor Shanghai?Tomorrow morning.A. get offB. turn offC. take offD. set off【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:你打算什么 候 身去上海?明天早上。getoff下 ;turn off关掉;take off脱下;set off出 ; 身。故 D。【点 】考 短 辨析。14 Ia stone in a dark street and hurt my knees.A. fell overB. fell offC. fell away【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意:我在黑暗中被一 石 ,弄 了我的膝盖。 A.被 倒; B. 从落下; C.离开,消瘦。故 A。【点 】考 短 辨析。15 Jenny, the teacher will _ your mobile phone if you use it in class.Sorry, I wont do that again.A. take outB. take awayC. take off【答案】B【解析】 【分析】A. take out取出,去掉,出 ,B. take away 走,拿走,取走,C.



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